TAPI telephony extension

TAPI telephony extension

Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 31.03.2017
Machine translated
Updated: 12.03.2019 | Added note on desktop app and extensions in the settings folder

The TAPI interface can only be operated on-premises and with the desktop app.

A TAPI driver version 3.x or higher is required, and TAPI support for your phone or PBX must be configured. Check with the phone manufacturer for configuration information.

Please note that TAPI is a protocol that, due to its architecture, can cause problems for programs that are connected via TAPI, such as Vertec. Vertec cannot guarantee that the TAPI interface will function correctly, as the TAPI implementation itself cannot be customized by Vertec.

Installing the extension

In Vertec, in the Settings > Interfaces folder, open the extensions. Open the TAPI telephony interface and click Installieren.

If incoming calls are to be supported, it must be ensured that when  Auto Load a check mark is placed.

Define settings

In the system settings > Telephony, save the information for your TAPI operation.

Normalize phone numbers

In order to detect incoming calls, the phone numbers must be saved in a normalized form. Therefore, the numbers should be normalized before using the telephony interface for the first time. See Normalize phone numbers in the article on the telephony connection.

The Telephony Journal

If you have installed a telephony interface, a telephone journal will appear on your screen, listing all incoming and outgoing calls via the telephone line connected to Vertec. The telephony journal will be displayed as soon as the first (incoming or outgoing) call is made and will remain displayed until Vertec is closed. It will be deleted each time Vertec is restarted, so it is valid only for the current Vertec usage date.

If an incoming or outgoing number is found in Vertec, the number is displayed as entered in the incoming or outgoing number. If no incoming or outgoing number is found, the default display is with or without a country code:

  • Without country code, if it corresponds to the country code in the system settings, otherwise
  • with country code, with + prefix and separated from detail by spaces.

The position and size of the telephony log is saved for the user. It is repositioned in a corner of the screen (closest to the previous position) each time it is opened.

A journal entry shows:

  • The type of call (incoming, outgoing) is shown with different icons:
Incoming call
Outgoing call
Call while ringing
Ongoing call
  • Telephone number
  • If a Vertec entry with this number is found, the corresponding entry will be displayed in blue font. If you hover over the blue font showing the Vertec address, the complete address will be shown as a hint, as shown on the left.

Based on a journal entry, the following can be done:

  1. Open address entry. Opens the corresponding address entry in the details window.
  2. Call the number.
  3. Enter Activity. The address entry is pre-selected. You can optionally select a project using the arrow next to the button.
  4. Enter service: A service with from, to = duration of the call is created. The type of Type of service for telephone calls defined in the system settings > Telephony for telephone calls is used as the service type, if available. A project can be optionally selected via the arrow next to the button.