System settings Resource planning before 6.6

System settings, Resource planning section

Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 02.05.2006
Machine translated
Updated: 21.01.2021 | Removed system settings prior to version 5.7.

Planning level for new projects

Starting with version 5.7. Scheduled data can be entered either for projects or for project phases. Here you can specify whether planning is by default on projects or on phases. At project level, this value can still be overridden.

PropertyName: ResourcePlanLevel. SelectProperty. Default: Project.

Planning interval for resource planning

Starting with version 5.7. You can set the planning interval for your resource planning. Possible values are day, week, or month.

The scheduling interval can be dynamically changed at any time on any resource list. All data remains the same. The scheduling interval set here is used as the default setting.

PropertyName: Planning interval. SelectProperty. Default: Month.

Show resource plan for detail line

Starting with version 5.7. Resource planning has a master detail view. When selecting a project line (or phase or worker line) in the upper area, a table is shown below with all the resources planned for this project (or for this phase or this employee).

PropertyName: ShowResourceSubDetail. BooleanProperty. Default: Yes.