System settings - Addresses

Explanation of the system settings in the Address tab

Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 04.06.2003
Updated: 27.09.2023 | System settings “Select report address in tree view as default” deleted with version 6.7.

Duplicate check for address

Duplicate checking can be carried out when entering addresses. To activate this, this system setting must be set to Yes.

When entering addresses, it is then checked whether an address with the same name already exists in the system.

PropertyName: DuplicateCheck. BooleanProperty. Default: yes.

Standard gender

From Vertec version 6.6. Choose the default gender when creating contacts and people.

PropertyName: DefaultGender. SelectionProperty. Default: male.

String representation of accounts contains city

The string representation of the account, i.e. the standard display of a company, can also be shown with the city.

PropertyName: AccountStringRepCity. BooleanProperty. Default: no.

Template folder for address search

Here, you can assign the SQL folder that was created as a search folder for address references. For selection, all the SQL folders appear there that have address as class.

If no folder is selected, the built-in search options and list settings are used. If the template folder has no list settings, the default list for addresses is used.

PropertyName: AddressSearchFolder. ObjectProperty.

Additional genders

Available from Vertec version 6.6. In this field, you can enter additional genders separated by commas, which can be selected as the default gender when creating contacts and persons. The additional genders entered are saved as a native term and, if necessary, automatically translated into other languages. All additional genders output the neutral salutation “To whom it may concern” / Hi ???. As an example, the gender “diverse” is included.

Note: The configuration applies from version 6.6. and relates to any new contacts and people created. If the gender of existing entries (created before version 6.6) is changed, the form of address and the salutation must be adjusted manually via the template editor. For more information, refer to address layouts.

PropertyName: AdditionalGenders. StringProperty. Default: diverse.