
Tabular layouting of Vertec-Controls.

Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 21.12.2015
Updated: 26.04.2018

Tabular layouting of Vertec-Controls


AppearanceStringCan be set to change visual styling. Possible values will be shown in the Appearances section if availablenull--
ColumnSpacingDoubleSpacing between the columns5--
FillLastColumnBooleanFill the last columnFalse--
FlexWidthIntegerHow flexible the control's width can be made in relation to the other controls of the same parent10100
HorizontalAlignmentHorizontalAlignment Determines how the control is horizontally sized and positioned relative to its containing controlsStretch--
RowHeightDoubleThe row heightNaN--
ShowHeaderBooleanShow or hide the table headerTrue--
VerticalAlignmentVerticalAlignment Determines how the control is vertically sized and positioned relative to its containing controlStretch--
VisibleBooleanWhether the control is visible or notTrue--
VisibleExpressionStringExpression used for the Visible propertynull--
WidthDoubleFixed width of the controlNaN--
WidthFractionDoubleThe control width in relation to his layout width.101