
A derivation of Group . Lists all keywords of a specific object with a CheckBox in front.

Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 21.12.2015
Updated: 16.07.2019 | FolderEntryID hinzugefügt.

A derivation of Group . Lists all keywords of a specific object with a CheckBox in front.


NoSpacingRemoves all horizontal and vertical spacing between controls


Name Type Description Default Min Max
Appearance String Can be set to change visual styling. Possible values will be shown in the Appearances section if available null - -
ChildrenPath String Binds its children items to a property in ViewModel null - -
FlexWidth Integer How flexible the control's width can be made in relation to the other controls of the same parent 1 0 100
FolderEntryId String From Version Entry-ID of the keyword-folder to display in this KeywordGroup "" - -
FolderId Integer Object-ID of the keyword-folder to display in this KeywordGroup null - -
Header String The header displayed atop this group. "" - -
HorizontalAlignment HorizontalAlignment Determines how the control is horizontally sized and positioned relative to its containing controls Stretch - -
Label String The text to display in the label portion of this control null - -
LabelAlignment LabelAlignment How flexible the control's width can be made in relation to the other controls of the same parent Left - -
LabelWidth Double The width of the label part of this control or its subcontrols (if they don't override this value) in device-indepentent pixels 0 - -
Orientation Orientation The direction along which to lay out the children Horizontal - -
Separator GroupSeparatorMode The separator line displayed atop this group. null - -
ShowLabel Boolean Whether or not space for the label should be reserved when displaying this control False - -
VerticalAlignment VerticalAlignment Determines how the control is vertically sized and positioned relative to its containing control Stretch - -
Visible Boolean Whether the control is visible or not True - -
VisibleExpression String Expression used for the Visible property null - -
Width Double Fixed width of the control NaN - -
WidthFraction Double The control width in relation to his layout width. 1 0 1