Cloud Abo
Leistung & CRM
Budget & Teilprojekt
Business Intelligence
A control for tabular representation of objects. For more information about its columns see ColumnDefinition
Name | Type | Description | Default | Min | Max |
AllowResizeColumns | Boolean | Whether or not columns are resizable | False | - | - |
AllowSearch | Boolean | Whether or not column search is enabled | False | - | - |
AllowSelection | Boolean | Whether or not multiple rows can be selected | True | - | - |
AllowSort | Boolean | Whether or not sort is enabled | False | - | - |
Appearance | String | Can be set to change visual styling. Possible values will be shown in the Appearances section if available | null | - | - |
ColumnDefinitions | ColumnDefinition[] | Defines how each column should look and behave | null | - | - |
FillLastColumn | Boolean | Fills the width of the last column to match the DataGrid | False | - | - |
FlexWidth | Integer | How flexible the control's width can be made in relation to the other controls of the same parent | 1 | 0 | 100 |
HasGhostRow | Boolean | Specifies whether or not the DataGrid has a ghost row | False | - | - |
HeaderSize | HeaderSize | Sets the dimension of the header cell | Normal | - | - |
HorizontalAlignment | HorizontalAlignment | Determines how the control is horizontally sized and positioned relative to its containing controls | Stretch | - | - |
InfoText | String | Text displayed over the control | "" | - | - |
IsInactiveExpression | String | IsInactiveExpression property | null | - | - |
IsInvalidExpression | String | IsInvalidExpression property | null | - | - |
IsInvalidHintExpression | String | IsInvalidHintExpression property | null | - | - |
ListExpression | String | Expression used for value providing | null | - | - |
RowCount | Integer | Number of visible rows | 10 | - | - |
ScrollToGhostRow | Boolean | Specifies whether or not the ghost row initialy should be selected | True | - | - |
ShowHorizontalScrollbar | Boolean | Whether or not a horizontal scrollbar should be shown | True | - | - |
VerticalAlignment | VerticalAlignment | Determines how the control is vertically sized and positioned relative to its containing control | Stretch | - | - |
Visible | Boolean | Whether the control is visible or not | True | - | - |
VisibleExpression | String | Expression used for the Visible property | null | - | - |
Width | Double | Fixed width of the control | NaN | - | - |
WidthFraction | Double | The control width in relation to his layout width. | 1 | 0 | 1 |