Operating mode
Cloud Suite
Services & CRM
Budget & Phases
Resource Planning
Business Intelligence
Column of a DataGrid
Name | Type | Description | Default | Min | Max |
BackgroundColor | String | Converts a hex (A)RGB string (e.g. #99FFEE00) to the representative background color | #00FFFFFF | - | - |
BindingControllerType | BindingControllerType | BindingControllerType property | None | - | - |
ContentAlignment | Alignment | Specifies alignment of content | Left | - | - |
Converter | ConverterType | Converter to format the value | None | - | - |
DisplayType | DataGridColumnDisplayType | Sets the editor type | Label | - | - |
EditControlName | String | Name of the edit control | null | - | - |
EditControlNameXml | String | XML definition of a edit control | null | - | - |
Expression | String | Results of this OCL expression evaluation will be set as items source | null | - | - |
GroupHeader | String | Text above normal header. If two or more columns with the same GroupHeader get next to one another, the cells will be merged | null | - | - |
Header | String | Column header which will be displayed at the very top | "" | - | - |
IsCascaded | Boolean | If cascading is used for the value binding | False | - | - |
IsFixed | Boolean | If true, the column does not scroll with the other columns but stays fixed to the left | False | - | - |
IsReadOnly | Boolean | Whether this column is read-only on all cells | False | - | - |
IsSummed | Boolean | If column is summable | False | - | - |
IsTabStop | Boolean | Indicates whether or not the control is included in tab navigation | True | - | - |
MaxLength | Integer | The maximum number of characters | 0 | - | - |
TextColor | String | Converts a hex (A)RGB string (e.g. #99FFEE00) to the representative text color | #FF000000 | - | - |
Width | Double | Sets the width of the element | 75 | - | - |