Custom link type

Custom Links

Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 03.05.2011
Machine translated
Updated: 20.02.2025 | Checkbox “Expandable” from version

Custom link types define new link types that are not included in the Vertec model, nor can they be “calculated” from the model. To access the custom links, there are a number of OCL operators and link methods.

To create a new custom link type, right-click the Link Types folder.

Below is an example of a CustomLink between a project user on the one hand and an additional class on the other.

In a link type, the behavior of the two sides (roles) of the link must always be defined, so the window essentially consists of the two parts From and To, which define the two sides of the link type.

Field Significance

The designation entered here will be shown on the interface for this role (container in the tree).


Name of the entry type (class) of this role. Can be selected using the three dots or entered directly. (Note: first letter must be capital).


Here you can specify the sort in the tree. Vertec sorts the link containers in ascending order. If nothing is specified, the containers are sorted alphabetically.


Here you can specify which Icon to show (-1 shows the folder icon).


In contrast to the wrapperLinkTypes, the link member is not used for CustomLinkTypes, because there is no link to an existing member.

Container class

Container class: Instead of the default LinkContainer, special container classes can be specified depending on the class. A list of the container classes can be found here.

list controller

A List Controller is a Python class that can be defined to influence the behavior of a list view.

'New’ Menu

If this option is selected, the option to create a new entry of the opposite side and to link it immediately appears in the New Menu (right mouse button or via Menu Entry).

Show containers

If this option is checked, a container will be displayed as soon as a link is available.

Always show containers

If this option is selected in addition to Show Containers, the corresponding folder will be shown not only if it has links, but also if it is empty. This is better for performance because the entry does not have to check if links are already present when it is displayed.


Vertec If this checkbox is deactivated, the folder in the tree cannot be opened.

Single Link

Here you can specify whether this page allows several objects.
If not, then when a new object is assigned, the previous one will be removed.

Deletion forwarding

If delete forwarding is enabled, the target objects are also deleted when the source object is deleted. No delete permissions are checked
on the target object. If the user has the right to delete the source object, the target object is also deleted.

The deletion forwarding is only useful if the other side is a single link, because only then is a clear “owner” given. Therefore, the deletion forwarding can only be set for the single link.

If delete forwarding is configured, then the link cannot be resolved “by hand” (e.g. with the unlink method). The resolution of a link is then only possible by deleting one of the link partner objects.


The link type is active and is therefore displayed on the interface.

Allow links

This link type can be used to create new links between entries via Drag & Drop.

Access via ocl

There are a number of OCL operators for accessing links. For a description, see OCL operators and methods for links.

User rights to create shortcuts

In order for users to be able to create such shortcuts, appropriate user rights must be set. These are as follows (for the example above):

  • Law: All
  • Class: Project user
  • Field name: archive entries (designation of the role vis-à-vis on the CustomLink).
  • If the users are only allowed to create such links for themselves, varlogin = self must be entered as an expression on the user’s right.

Since in the above example an archive entry (an entry of the additional class0) is created via the customlink, the following user right must be set:

  • Law: All
  • Class: additional class0

Example activities divided into subfolders

Activities are by default on each entry under Activities. Custom links allow you to create your own structures and show the individual activities in a filtered manner. In the following example, subfolders such as offers, contracts or documents are displayed: