Structure of the XML for Vertec Config Sets
Operating mode
Cloud Suite
Services & CRM
Budget & Phases
Resource Planning
Business Intelligence
The config set definition consists of the following elements:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configset name="Spezial" author="Vertec AG"> <comment> Das ist ein Kommentar, der das Configset noch näher beschreibt. </comment> <requirements/> <references> <entryid-reference class="OrdnerOeffentlich" alias="OrdnerOeffentlich0" entryid="FolderPublicFolders" /> </references> <objects> <object class="Ordner" alias="Ordner_Spezialauswertungen0"> <member name="Bezeichnung">Spezialauswertungen</member> <member name="Parentordner"> <reference-object alias="OrdnerOeffentlich0" /> </member> </object> <object class="ExpressionOrdner" alias="ExpressionOrdner_Projektegross1"> <member name="Bezeichnung">Projekte gross</member> <member name="Parentordner"> <reference-object alias="Ordner_Spezialauswertungen0" /> </member> <member name="Expression">Projekt.allInstances->select(offeneLeistungen.wertExt->sum > 10000)</member> </object> </objects> <settings /> </configset>
The configset element is the main element of a config set. It contains the following attributes:
<configset name="Spezial" author="Vertec AG"> ... </configset>
The configset element contains the following subelements:
The comment element is a sub-element of configset and contains any comment.
<comment>Das ist ein Kommentar, der das Configset noch näher beschreibt.</comment>
The requirements element is a sub-element of configset. It can contain ocl-requirements as sub-elements.
Requirements can be used to define preconditions that must be met in order for the config set to be loaded. This can be any OCL expression. The requirements are entered in the Elemente
field in the Config Set Builder.
If no requirements are specified, the element is specified as follows:
<requirements />
The ocl-requirement is a sub-element of requirements. It contains any OCL expression that must return True in order for the config set to be imported. It can be used to query preconditions that must be met for the import of the config set, e.g. ensuring that a certain additional class is not yet occupied.
<requirements> <ocl-requirement>ClassSettings.allInstances->select(klasse='ZusatzKlasse0')->size = 0</ocl-requirement> </requirements>
Starting with Vertec version 6.6, the optional Message argument can be used to send a meaningful message to the user if a requirement is not met. No translation of the text takes place. The message is output as it is stored.
<ocl-requirement message="ZusatzKlasse26 ist bereits in Verwendung."> ClassSettings.allInstances->select(klasse='ZusatzKlasse26'->size = 0 </ocl-requirement>
The version-requirement exists from 6.4 and allows you to specify the minimum Vertec version required to use the config set. The syntax is as follows:
<requirements> <version-requirement></version-requirement> </requirements>
The following shall apply:
The references element is a sub-element of configset and can itself contain the sub-elements entryid-reference and ocl-reference.
This is a list of references that are used within the config set. Each reference is given a unique name within the config set.
If no references are specified, the element is specified as follows:
<references />
The entryid-reference element is a sub-element of references. It references an object based on its class and its entry ID. This way, objects that already exist in the target system are identified. It contains the following attributes:
<entryid-reference class="OrdnerOeffentlich" alias="Alias_Parentordner" entryid="FolderPublicFolders" />
entryid-references are entered automatically when creating the config set via the config set builder.
The ocl-reference element is a sub-element of references. It references an object by specifying an OCL expression. The OCL expression is evaluated globally. Thus, an object present in the target system can be identified and worked with in the config set. It contains the following attributes:
<ocl-reference expression="TimSession.allInstances->first.login" alias="aktBearb" />
ocl-references are entered in the Elemente
field in the config set builder.
The objects element is a sub-element of configset. Contains the objects to be created by the configset.
The objects including all sub-elements are automatically entered when the config set is created via the config set builder.
It contains the following sub-elements:
The object element is a sub-element of objects. Represents an object to be created by the Configset. Contains a collection of member elements. Attributes:
The member element is a sub-element of object. Represents a property of an object. Attributes:
name: Name of the member (property)
The content of a member element is one of the following:
The reference-object element is a sub-element of member. Represents an object that is already included elsewhere in the configset. Attributes:
<objects> <object class="Ordner" alias="Ordner_Spezialauswertungen0"> <member name="Bezeichnung">Spezialauswertungen</member> <member name="Parentordner"> <reference-object alias="OrdnerOeffentlich0" /> </member> </object> <object class="ExpressionOrdner" alias="ExpressionOrdner_Projektegross1"> <member name="Bezeichnung">Projekte gross</member> <member name="Parentordner"> <reference-object alias="Ordner_Spezialauswertungen0" /> </member> <member name="Expression">Projekt.allInstances->select(offeneLeistungen.wertExt->sum > 10000)</member> </object> </objects>
The settings element is a sub-element of configset. It contains system-setting elements, which represent the system settings to be set by the configset.
settings Elements are entered in the Elemente
field in the config set builder.
The system-setting element is a sub-element of settings. It can be used to set an existing system setting. Attributes:
<system-setting name="GlobalDokPfad">C:\Dokumente</system-setting>
As of Vertec it is also possible to create new system settings.
as described above and specify the corresponding rows in the config set builder interface.System settings do not have an entry ID and are therefore identified by their name (PropertyName
). The system settings are inserted directly as objects. Example:
<objects> <object class="StringProperty" alias="StringProperty_0"> <member name="PropertyName">GlobalLogopath</member> <member name="PropertyValue">D:\Bilder\Logos</member> <member name="PropertyCaption">Ablagepfad für Logos</member> <member name="Gruppe">0</member> <member name="AuswahlTyp">Path</member> <member name="Scope">Global</member> <member name="Masked">false</member> </object> </objects>
Which members exist and how to set them is described in the article Creating Vertec system settings.
If an imported config set is exported again, the system configuration object remains as an object in the XML file, so manual entry only needs to be done once.
The update element is a sub-element of configset and can itself contain the sub-elements before-import and after-import. This allows Python code to be executed immediately before or after the actual import of the config set.
The Python code is entered directly in the respective element (plain python code).
The Python code provided in the before-import is automatically executed,
and the references
and settings
<update> <before-import> print "Plug-in wird importiert durch {}".format(vtcapp.currentlogin()) </before-import> </update>
The Python code provided in the after-import is automatically executed,
and settings
<update> <after-import> ord = vtcapp.getobjectbyentryid('Ordner', "ObjFolder") neword = vtcapp.getobjectbyentryid('Ordner', "NewObjFolder") neword.ordeintraege.extend(ord.ordeintraege) ord.delete() </after-import> </update>