
Collection of available renderers

Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 21.05.2003
Machine translated
Updated: 13.02.2024 | dbmTim.StringFirstrowOnlyRenderer removed

Renderers control the displays in lists if they do not show the same as was input. For example, entered time is saved in minutes but shown as hours:minutes. For this to work, a renderer is required. This article explains all the renderers provided.

Starting with version, it is possible to create custom renderers yourself. For more information, see the article Custom renderer.

In the list settings, you can enter a renderer that formats the values in the fields as described below.


Functionality: If the value is a Yes/No value (Boolean), a checkbox can be displayed in the list with the renderer rndBoolean:


Functionality: Required in combination with the cmbCustomFieldItem control for displaying selection custom field items, so that the text in the selection field is shown instead of the order in the value list (0, 1, 2).


Functionality: Formats a float or currency with 2 decimal places

Use: All float and currency values


Functionality: Formats a minute value (integer) for the time format entered in the system settings (e.g. hours.decimal)

Use: All integer values


Functionality: Formats a minute value like the dbmTim.MinuteRenderer. But does not pay attention to the system settings, instead, it always formats hours.decimal.


Functionality: Bypasses the rounding to a certain number of minutes, which can be defined in System settings >  Project tab > Round minutes to. Rounding to a certain number of minutes was introduced to make services look consistent on an invoice. However, this is not desirable for other minutes, such as standard hours or absences. Example: An 80% workload of 40 hours is 32 hours per week, that is 6:24 hours per day. With rounded 6:25 hours per week, this would not work).

Use: Weekly standard hours, vacation, overtime carryover, vacation carryover, standard hours in the list of defaults. Hours in lists with absences.


Functionality: This renderer displays a minute value as hours, minutes and decimal fractions of minutes (e.g. 6:43.20). The standard time system internally calculates fractions of minutes for days. Example: An 80% workload of 42 hours is 33:36 hours per week. That is 6:43.20 hours per day, i.e. six hours, 43 minutes and 12 seconds.

Use: In the Defaults dialog for the days of the week. You can enter numbers per day in the format 6.43.20.


Functionality: This renderer allows you to enter budget changes on phases in the list. In order for the historicalization to be entered correctly in the background, this renderer must be used on the list field.

Use: On the members PlanWertExt PlanWertInt, PlanKostenLeistung, PlanSpesen Wert, PlanKostenSpesen, PlanAuslagenWert and PlanKostenAuslagen on phase lists.


Functionality: This renderer allows you to enter budget changes on phases in the list. In order for the historicalization to be entered correctly in the background, this renderer must be used on the list field.

Use: On the member PlanMinutenInt in phase lists.


Functionality: Allows you to enter the fee for expenses and services.

Use: On services, expenses and outlays for the expressions wertext and xWertExt as well as wertInt and xWertInt.


Functionality: Displays a text with automatic line break in multiple lines.

Use: For multi-line row height (see list settings) for all text fields in which multi-line text can be entered (standard street address, remarks, descriptions, etc.)


Functionality: Setting values calls up SetMinutenExt. This sets xMinutenext. Causes the external values to be fixed. Display is the same as for MinuteRenderer.

Use: On services with the expression minutenext.


Functionality: Formats a minute value like dbmTim.MinuteRenderer. But does not pay attention to the system settings, instead, it always formats as HH:MM. Negative values are not displayed.

Use: On services with the expressions minutenintVon and minutenintBis.

There are two different types of date values in Vertec: Date type and DateTime type, which also have a time part. The date values of both types are shown as a date in Vertec by default.

The following renderers are available for values with DateTime type:


Shows the DateTime value as a date with time part.

Use: Anywhere a date value of type DateTime is shown. These are:

  • creationDateTime, modifiedDateTime on all entries
  • dokErstellt, dokGeandert, kalendarVon on Activities
  • freigabeDateTime on outlays and expenses
  • datum on BudgetChange objects
  • freigabeSelbstDatum and freigabeAndererDatum on approvals


Represents only the time part of a DateTime value.


Functionality: Renderer for so-called cascaded attributes, i.e. values that can be entered both cascaded and fixed. The renderer named here shows the calculated value, but writes the underlying persistent attribute in the background. That the persistent attribute has been set is evident from the fact that the value shown on the interface is green.

Use: On outlays and expenses with the expressions wertIntFW, wertExt und wertKosten. On phases with the expression planWertExt.


Functionality: Like CascCurrencyRenderer, only for minutes display

Use: On projects with the expression planMinutenInt.


Functionality: Like CascCurrencyRenderer, but for text only.

Use: letter name on user, personal account on project, downpayment account on downpayment, active on phase


Functionality: Like CascStringRenderer, additionally translates the displayed string value into the currently selected interface language. This renderer is no longer needed as of Vertec because the translation into the current interface language has been moved to the business logic.


Functionality: Like CascCurrencyRenderer, but for date displays only.

Use: On phases with the expressions startDatum and endDatum.


Functionality: Shows an hourly rate with two or four digits, depending on the system setting hourly rates are not rounded. Available from version 6.0: If this setting is not activated, four digits are shown if more than two decimal places are present, otherwise, two digits are shown.

Use: For services with the values ansatzInt und ansatzExt.


This renderer is no longer needed as of Vertec because the translation to the current interface language has been moved to the business logic.

In later versions, if a translate renderer is present in the list settings, this can lead to confused sorting of the list, as it then sorts in the source language.

Translate renderers have not been removed from existing customer installations with the update to If they interfere in any way, they can be removed from the List settings manually. This has no effect on the translation of the list titles. This is done as before via the MLString function.

Functionality in Vertec versions prior to Translates the content of a field into the current interface language. Content is usually not translated, but shown as entered. However, if you want such a value to be translated anyway (e.g. so that employees with other languages understand what it is), you can define this renderer.


Only up to Vertec version 6.6

Functionality: Allows the display and writing of planned values in resource lists.

Use: All ...planMinuten values in resource lists.


Only up to Vertec version 6.6

Functionality: Like rndPlanMinuten, for percentage values.

Use: All ...planProzent values in resource lists.


Only up to Vertec version 6.6

Functionality: Shows minute values in resource lists according to the system settings.

In addition, it optimizes the evaluation as follows:

For a clearer display, if you want to gray out days with resource time = 0, i.e. weekends and vacations, you can do this with the following color expression on the interval column:
if spalten->at(1).rsrcMinuten=0 then 'clBtnFace’ else 'clWindow’ endif

For resource lists on employees (which show project or phases as detail rows), the available resource time (rsrcMinuten) in each row is the same. There, the value per column can be calculated once for the first row, which saves time. This is exactly what the rndMinuten renderer does.

The rndPlanMinuten renderer, which is used for planned values, does the same with the color expression.

Use: All minute values in resource columns.


Functionality: allows you to set a phase by typing code, without a pop-up menu and without entering a project first. Includes all phases that are directly subordinated to a project (no subphases; in this case, see rndSubPhaseLookup further below).

The renderer searches for the entered phase code and checks whether the found phase belongs to an active project that is allowed by the current user. If so, the phase is set.

This renderer is mainly used when working with unique phase codes. In this case, the renderer makes it easier to type in the phase code and Vertec does the rest automatically.

This column should be placed at the top of the list and the column with the project either removed or placed behind it, without a tab stop, to make it easier to make entries with the keyboard.

Use: Member phase on lists of services, expenses and outlays as well as in the weekly services table. Available from version 5.7.


This renderer does the same as the rndMainPhaseLookup renderer described above, but takes into account the subphases instead of the main phases. Available from version 5.7.


Functionality: For vacations from absences, a separate, non-writable row is shown in the weekly table. This renderer is needed in order for the vacation row to be recognizable as such. This is stored by default in the project column and shows vacation as text in the vacation row. It takes translations into account.


Functionality: Shows the minute values in the weekly table as per the system settings.

Use: All minute values in the weekly table.


Functionality: Like rndTabMinuten, for displaying fee values, for example for totals.

Use: All fee values in the weekly table.


Available from Vertec version

  • Functionality: Shows a checkbox to assign objects directly to a keyword or regular folder.
  • Expression: The expression is indicated as the Internal ID (integer) or the Entry ID (string, in single quotation marks) of a keyword subfolder or a simple folder. These can be determined in the Folder properties.

The list column then displays a checkbox showing the row object’s affiliation to this folder. Clicking on the checkbox removes the object from the folder or adds it.


  • The list view must not be read-only.
  • The (parent) folder must not be defined as an IX folder (see ExclusiveKeywordFolder )
  • If an Internal ID or Entry ID is inserted as an expression, which does not match any folder or is not of type folder, then the checkbox is grayed out.
  • If the user does not have write permission for the ordner member on the context object, the checkbox becomes read-only.
  • If the user does not have the right to read the ordner member on the context object, the checkbox is grayed out.


Available from Vertec

This renderer allows you to select IX keyword folders via ComboBox in lists.

In addition to the renderer, the following must be entered in the list settings (structure is basically the same as in rndKeywordFolder , see screenshot above):

  • The expression is either the Internal ID (Integer) or the Entry ID (String, in single quotation marks) of the keyword folder. These can be determined in the folder properties.
  • As control element will be cmbExclusiveKeywordFolder indicated.

The cell displays the name of the currently assigned subfolder in the folder hierarchy. Change the ComboBox moves the row entry to the selected folder.


Functionality: This renderer displays icons in a list column.

 As the column expression, you can define either an icon index or an icon name (as a string with quotes).


From Vertec 6.6.

Functionality: Controls the asterix rows of resource planning tables.

Used together with ComboBoxes for resource planning tables and prevents the ComboBox from being shown in a row other than the asterix row.