Errors that can occur in Vertec and what they mean
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An access violation is a memory access violation. Simply put, something is being accessed that does not exist at all.
If you see the Access violation error message, you can use Details anzeigen
to see more information about where the error occurred.
It is usually recommended to restart Vertec, but the error will usually not occur again. If it persists, please contact your Vertec support.
This error occurs when a script or macro (via COM) is not authorized to write a specific value. Vertec takes into account the permissions of the logged-in user. Check the permissions or log in to Vertec with a user with more rights.
Again, as with Access Violation (see above), something that does not exist is accessed simply because it is an entry in a list (as opposed to Access Violation, which points to a single entry).
If the error message is displayed, you can use Details anzeigen
to see more information about where the error occurred.
It is usually a good idea to restart Vertec and see if the error still occurs. If it still occurs, please contact your Vertec support.
When calling external programs (Word, Excel, accounting programs) from Vertec, the following error message may occur:
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147221005, 'Ung\xfcltige Klassenzeichenfolge', None, None)
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147221005, 'Ungültige Klassenzeichenfolge', None, None)
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147221005, 'Invalid class string', None, None)
This error message always occurs when a COM server is not available, e.g. when you want to call Word but Word is not installed on this workstation. It can also occur when you want to start a SQL server convert and DTS
is selected but DTS is not installed.
Make sure that the program you want to run is actually installed on this computer.
The error message “Call rejected by called party” means that a COM application (e.g. Vertec or Excel) rejects a call because it is already busy.
There are several reasons for this: For example, a dialog is open in the rejecting application that blocks the application, or an application was unexpectedly completed during an access.
It is now necessary to find out where the “block” is located. If it is fixed, e.g. by closing the blocking dialog, the process can then be carried out as normal. If it is not possible to see where the problem is, a restart of the affected applications usually helps.
OLE Error 800A175D may appear when you try to open a template with Office that has been downloaded from a browser.
To remedy this, right-click on the template in your filesystem and select Eigenschaften...
If you are sure this is a secure template, click here on Zulassen
. After that, the template will work normally.
When printing a Word report from Vertec, the error message appears:
RPC-Server ist nicht verfügbar
Problem is a conditional band inserted inside a table cell.
Within cells, only Ocl expressions should be used, not conditional bands. The use of conditional bands in cells is particularly problematic if it is not the first or only cell in the row.
Remove the conditional tape from the cell.
Some users may experience the error message “This file was not found” when running Word Reports because is disabled (see the article on Word Reports).
Word treats the as an add-in. To solve the problem, you can show all deactivated addins and activate again. Follow these steps:
In Word, open the dialog File > Options > Add-ins. At the bottom of Manage, select Disabled items from the list and press the Go to... button. In the window that appears, select and activate it.
The error message “Vertec Outlook add-in has caused an error” or “Vertec Outlook add-in has caused an error” may occur if the add-in is disabled in Outlook.
To solve the problem, you can show all deactivated add-ins and activate Vertec Outlook add-in again. Follow these steps:
In Word, open the dialog File > Options > Add-ins. At the bottom of Manage, select Disabled items from the list and press the Go to... button. In the window that appears, select and activate the Vertec Outlook add-in.
This message may appear in reports or lists when a report or column expression is performing calculations that work with a division. If the divisor is 0, this error message appears.
In this case, check how the divisor 0 came about – for example, it is divided by the total quantity of services, and the user did not enter any services – and fix it.
At the end of the Firebird database, DB Convert makes a backup / restore of the database. This leads to problems with the error message “Cannot attach to service manager” on certain terminal server environments.
The problem is known in Firebird (see and has to do with inter-process communication via shared memory.
If this problem occurs, the IpcName parameter should be set in the firebird.conf File (in the Firebird program directory).
The corresponding row is usually commented out:
#IpcName = FIREBIRD ändern zu IpcName = Global\FIREBIRD
The Firebird Setup, which is included with version 5.5. (from version 2.0.5) already does this automatically correctly. However, if an older Firebird installation is available, the above adjustment might be necessary.
When viewing an entry, the error message appears:
OCL Expression: ->size Error: 0:SSYacc0105e: SyncError failed, no vaild token occured wher displaying component.ctaContainerTabs.TBoldCursorElementAsFollowerListController
This is because this entry has a WrapperLinkType that was set up incorrectly.
In the Settings > LinkTypes folder, locate all link types associated with the entry that caused the error. One of these link types is most likely to have the following combination:
If you don’t need a backlink (in this example, the editor page), it is possible to omit the expression, but if you forget to disable the 'show containers’ option in this case, the above error occurs.
Basically, if no expression exists, no container can be shown.
There are two ways to fix the error. If you don’t need the backlink, turn off the 'Show containers’ option. If you want to use the backlink, enter the corresponding expression in the 'Expression’ field.
When accessing a Python-based extension or a Python script, in some cases the error message is received:
Import Error: couldn't find the real 'site' module.
The reason for this is a faulty Python Library ( To remedy this, replace the entire Python folder of your Vertec installation. This Python folder is included in the of your version. You can get it via the following link:
The link must contain the root version of your installation (here in bold for version 6.6.0). Please adjust the link accordingly.
If Vertec.Desktop.exe is started from a network share and then temporarily disconnects the network connection, you will no longer be able to navigate in Vertec. The following error occurs:
External Exception C0000006
After that, the Vertec.Desktop.exe process has to be completed manually (via Task Manager).
The error code means EXCEPTION_IN_PAGE_ERROR. The error originates from Windows and only occurs when the Vertec desktop app is started from the network share.
The Vertec desktop app should never be launched from a network share. Instead, use the Vertec cloud app or the Vertec desktop app. If it is unavoidable to use the desktop app on a client, create a client installation. See Install vertec on-premises for more information.
If the error occurs on a terminal server, creating the following registry key may help:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MRxSmb\Parameters Type: REG_DWORD Entry: MultiUserEnabled Value: 1
The error TWeurrency.ConvertTo: Courses do not have the same key currency occurs when several courses are defined for different key currencies on the same date:
This can happen when changing the key currency. See the section Changing the key currency in the article on currencies.
When setting up the Outlook Address Export interface, the error message
<class 'pywintypes.com_error'>: (-2147352567, 'Ausnahmefehler aufgetreten.', (4096, u'Microsoft Outlook', u'Der versuchte Vorgang konnte nicht ausgeführt werden. Ein Objekt wurde nicht gefunden.', None, 0, -2147221233), None)
if you want to confirm the selected Outlook Contacts folder in system settings Addresses > Outlook Export Contacts folder.
This error occurs with Outlook profiles that are only used locally (i.e. there are no public folders).
Starting with version 155 of the Outlook interface (, this option is no longer considered in local profiles. Such a version of the Outlook interface is available from Vertec or your Vertec sales partner.
If more than 250 addresses are matched during the address export, the following error may occur:
<class 'pywintypes.com_error'>: (-2147352567, 'Ausnahmefehler aufgetreten.', (4096, u'Microsoft Outlook', u'Die Anzahl der Elemente, die gleichzeitig geöffnet werden können, wurde vom Serveradministrator begrenzt. Schliessen Sie zunächst geöffnete Nachrichten, oder entfernen Sie Anhänge und Bilder von ungesendeten Nachrichten, die Sie gerade verfassen.', None, 0, -2147220731), None).
This can be fixed by a registry customization on the Exchange server by setting the value for objtMessage in the registry accordingly. Without this registry key, a limit of 250 is set.
For more information, visit
When importing Outlook addresses or exporting Outlook addresses, the error message may
occur. This occurs in the following constellation:
This error does not occur after version 156 of the Outlook interface ( You can obtain such a version of the Outlook interface from Vertec or your Vertec sales partner.
The error message The Python runtime files could not be found occurs when a Vertec is started without a Python folder and then attempts to load a Python script (or automatically an extension).
Workaround: Install the Python folder from your Vertec Setup into the Vertec installation directory.
The error message python runtime could not be initialized occurs if the python folder in the Vertec installation is missing or incomplete.
Workaround: Install the Python folder from your Vertec Setup in the Vertec installation directory.
Error messages of the type TBAInteger Member already under modification arise as follows:
Then the error appears. The problem is that in the first window the focus is still on the edited value and therefore still “blocks” this value. Switching to another window does not apply the edited value, as would be the case when switching to another field in the same window.
When trying to start the Vertec service I get the message: “Vertec Service” service on “Local Computer” could not be started. Error 193: 0xc1.
This occurs in the following constellation:
Remedy: rename or delete the File program.
There are several reasons for this error message. Often, the Vertec service is not running or has been started twice. In most cases, restarting the service will help.
It may happen that a web application (Phone App, Web App) is interrupted with the error message
These interruptions are usage-independent, that is, they can occur even when the application is not being used at all. The reason for this is the Reload interval parameter in the Vertec.ini file, in the [Webserver] and/or [WebserverMobile] section. This parameter is obsolete and should be deleted. After that, the interruptions will no longer occur.
If an error message of the type Unallowed Link or Assertion Failure occurs when creating an entry, it may be because the entry is created on a link type on which no link member is specified.
See the Linkmember section in the article on wrapper link types.
When printing a Wordreport from Vertec, Vertec may throw the error Command failed and the report is not created. For Excel reports, this error is The SaveAs method of the workbook object could not be executed.
For the error to occur, the report registration must have the following properties:
To resolve the error, remove the autosave path or specify a document name, or display the dialog so that the user can select a document name when running the report.
This error message is an OCL error. The OCL expression you entered contains an invalid symbol. In most cases, it is double quotation marks instead of single quotation marks (in OCL, quotation marks are always single and 'even’).
Error messages of this kind, e.g. Invalid OCL-cast, tried to cast a OpenService to a Project, are invalid OCL Cast. This means that the expression assumes that it is a project, but in reality the object on which the expression is evaluated is an open service. You can simply try this by inserting a column with the expression self->oclAsType(Projekt).code
in the service list.
This error message is an OCL error. For the corresponding OCL expression, the parenthesis replacement is not valid, that is, the number of parentheses opened and closed is not equal.
To correct this, it is best to copy the expression into an editor that has syntax highlighting to see which parentheses belong together.
When you run a Vertec-generated Word report, you receive an error message like:
Fehler beim Erstellen des Berichts. Invalid empty field with comment '...'
The reason for this is a comment that does not contain any text. This can happen, for example, if a comment is to be “deleted” and instead only the text is deleted, but the comment remains:
In the report template, locate and delete the comment specified in the error message (right-click > Delete comment).
When you run an Office report, you receive an error message like this:
Error on parsing bookmark 'bndName'. Could not traverse range from Syncfusion.DocIO.DLS.WTableRow to Syncfusion.DocIO.DLS.WTableRow
The error occurs when the beginning and end of a bookmark are not on the same level, for example, it starts in a table but ends outside the table. See the section on Band Definitions in the Office Reports article.
When you run a Vertec-generated Word report, you receive an error message like:
Die Sequenz enthält keine Elemente
The reason for this is an empty band, which contains nothing other than its expression (conditional expression).
Check why the tape is empty and, if necessary, insert the required fields or delete the unneeded tape.
When you create a Vertec-generated or extended report, you receive the following error message:
Fehler beim Erstellen des Berichts. Error on processing field expression 'pauschal': Can't format value of type boolean.
This error occurs only in Vertec The reason is that in this version the representation of Boolean values in the report is not supported.
As a remedy, use a Vertec version from
When you create a Vertec-generated or extended report, you receive the following error message:
Fehler beim Erstellen des Berichts. Cannot remove an object of type TextBody from the Section.
The error message appears when the second page is not printed, e.g. for lump sum invoices. This error only occurs in Vertec
As a remedy, use a Vertec version from
When saving files to Vertec, the Explorer add-in (VertecShell.dll) may return the following error message:
System Error. Code 1235. Die Anforderung wurde abgebrochen.
The error occurs only on certain systems and is not always reproducible there either.
With the Explorer add-in shipped from Vertec, the error no longer occurs. The add-in is automatically replaced by Vertec Update. If you want to replace it manually, please refer to the Update Explorer add-in section.
When using the topal interface, the following errors may occur:
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147221164, 'Klasse nicht registriert', None, None)
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147221164, 'Class not registered', None, None)
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147024894, 'Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden', None, None)
The reason is that the Topal COM interface is registered in the Windows Registry in 64bit mode. This is the normal case when Topal is installed on a 64bit Windows. Vertec expects a 32bit interface.
In order for the connection to work, the Topal Server Agent must be switched to x86. The Topal Server Agent is usually already started and can be found as an icon in the notification area. The option Wechseln nach x86
can be found in the context menu of this icon. Alternatively, the Topal Server Agent can be started as an application (with window), where the corresponding option can be found under Instance Standard.
On individual clients, it is possible to switch to x86 in the Tools > Switch to x86 menu.
With Windows 10 updates, it is possible that the Topal Registry entries are deleted. This problem can be solved as follows (replaces the repair/reinstallation of the Topal client):
C:\Program Files (x86)\Topal\TOPAL Utility.exe -r
If a new Abacus client is created with an Abacus version from 2017, the following error message appears when creating a new receivable:
Abacus meldet Fehler: Error, Code 3075, Dem externen Sprachcode 'D' wurde in den Applikationseinstellungen kein ISO-Sprachcode zugewiesen.
The reason for this is an adaptation of Abacus, which also affects the extensions:
”With the Abacus 2017 version, a cross-application change has taken place regarding the language codes. A major goal was to unify the language codes (based on ISO 639) and thus standardize them in all Abacus applications. This change also has an impact on the extensions (AbaConnect). Existing AbaConnect definitions can remain with the old language code as before. These are converted during import and saved with the ISO language codes. This mapping is done in the program 621 “Application Settings” for the language codes. Interface definitions of version 2017 are imported without this mapping, so only the new ISO language codes can be accepted.”
As a remedy, the old mapping tables can be imported manually.
In program 621 you can switch to the language update under Abacus Toolkit > Languages by clicking on the globe icon:
A mapping list can now be entered in the Abaccus via Options > Enter assignment:
By clicking on the button Standard
the usual language codes are translated.
The error can occur as of Vertec 6.2 when a Boolean query compares a list to a single value, as in the following example:
auslagen.typ->reject(code->sqllike('ÜBRIGE AUSLAGEN%'))->asSet = 1
This expression simply returned False
in versions prior to 6.2. Since Vertec 6.2 it is (correctly) criticized as incorrect. The correct expression in this case is:
auslagen.typ->reject(code->sqllike('ÜBRIGE AUSLAGEN%'))->asSet->size = 1
Der Index lag ausserhalb des Bereichs. Er darf nicht negativ und kleiner als die Sammlung sein. Parametername: index
This can be caused by page references in the comments. This can happen, for example, when a field is “moved” with Copy & Paste.
When the template is open, it looks like this:
By clicking on ALT-F9
the fields become visible:
And they are also visible in the comment details:
If you remove these references, the report will work again.
The problem occurs when customizing XML adds a <
symbol to an expression. This symbol has a special meaning in the XML syntax and is therefore misinterpreted. See also: escapen special characters.
Instead, you must use the following terms:
<TextBox VisibleExpression="(total < 0)" />
<TextBox VisibleExpression="(total > 0)" />
This error can occur if the certificate has been automatically renewed by the LDAP server.
In this case, the LDAPS certificate fingerprint must be re-entered in Vertec. The exact procedure is described in the article Authentication via LDAP Server.
If the SharePoint Online DMS extension sends an error message of the type
[Extension DmsSharePoint.DmsSharePointExtension] Error: method 'fetchDrives', 'Fehler beim Holen der Drives der Domain und der Site . Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Konfiguration.', http status '404', error code 'itemNotFound', error message 'The provided path does not exist, or does not represent a site'
reports, then it may have the following cause:
The registered Vertec app belongs to a user (owner), and rights are granted (see the corresponding section in the Sharepoint extension article). However, these rights apply only to sites that the owner is allowed to see.
Therefore, it must be ensured that the owner of the Vertec app has access to all sites that Vertec addresses, and in particular can find them via the search function (the site must be found, not the content or documents).
If this is not the case, the error message above will appear. In this case, the user rights on the sites must be assigned accordingly.
This error message appears if the main_frame variable is not set for advanced Office reports. This must always be set, see the article Python code for advanced office reports.
This error message can appear when sorting lists that contain the same objects more than once. The solution is to append a ->asSet to the list expression so that each object appears only once in the list.
This error message can occur when running scheduled tasks (TaskRunner). It is a problem with the database connection and occurs when the password contains special characters. As a workaround, use a database password without special characters.
This error message can occur when two types of the same Extension are installed, e.g. the receivable and the creditor interface at the same time.
After restarting Vertec, however, everything is in place and working properly, so just restart Vertec once you have installed the extensions.
This error message appears if the Additional Feature Procurement wants to be imported, but the external costs module is not licensed.
This error message appears if the CefSharp directory is missing. Check the Vertec installation directory under C:\Users\YourUsers\AppData\Local\Vertec Cloud App to see if the directory exists.
With Vertec version, the Database section and thus the AccountingDatabase, AccountingLogin, and AccountingPassword fields have been removed Version the project. If these fields are referenced in your customizing, the error will appear. For more information, see version
In general, the following applies:
If you receive an error message like missig override target: fieldname, it means that you are accessing a field in your original page configuration that does not exist or no longer exists.
In this case, determine the correct name of the field name and adjust the name in your customizing.
<TextBox Override="OriginalFeldname" Label="Beschriftung" />
If you want to insert a field that does not exist in the original, use “Name” instead of override:
<TextBox Name="Feldname" Label="Beschriftung" ValueExpression="member" ... />