DATEV receivable interface

DATEV receivable interface

Operating mode

Cloud Suite




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Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 02.04.2019
Machine translated
Updated: 09.10.2023 | Payment file specified

The DATEV receivables interface allows you to transfer receivable master data and receivable postings from Vertec to DATEV.

The data exchange takes place via text files. The files that Vertec exports are in DATEV format.

The extension is cloud-ready and implements list-based posting. Since a file is created directly for each posting process, postings can be performed directly on entire lists instead of for all objects individually.

Installing the extension

To install the interface, open the DATEV receivables interface in the folder Settings > Extensions and click on Installieren.

Setting up vertec

In order for the extension to work, various system settings have to be made in Vertec. The system settings can be found in the settings folder. Some system settings are installed for all receivables. These are listed in the article System settings Accounting. Of these, the system settings Overwrite receivable address when posting (no address data is written) and receivable collective account (no collective postings are made) have no effect, but the receivable collective account must not be empty.

The DATEV receivable interface requires the following additional settings:

Consultant number, client number: The consultant number and client number must be separated by commas.

PropertyName: DatenbankFibu. StringProperty.

Posting files Save path: This setting is optional. If set, the ZIP files are saved under this path when using the cloud or desktop app. Each ZIP file consists of one accounting file and one master data file per client. These files are ready for import into DATEV.

PropertyName: AccountingFilePath. StringProperty.

Date Marketing year Start: The start of the marketing year. The date must be 1 January of a year.

PropertyName: WirtschaftsJahrBeginn. DateTimeProperty.

Date End of marketing year: The end of the marketing year. The date must be 31 December of the same year as the date of the beginning of the marketing year.

PropertyName: WirtschaftsJahrEnde. DateTimeProperty.

In principle, the marketing year must run from 1 January to 31 December of a year. The only exceptions are so-called short marketing years, which are shorter than one year, in the case of company formation, winding-up, etc. However, short marketing years may not exceed the calendar year change.

However, if a cross-calendar marketing year is entered, the following error will be thrown earlier or later when importing the posting batch: The date entered is after the end of the marketing year. Please correct the entry.

Next debtor number: Next account number assigned to a newly created debtor. The length of this number must be the length G/L account length+1 according to DATEV convention.

This value is initialized by Vertec to 20000. This leaves the first 10000 numbers free for manual entry in DATEV. However, you can also enter another number here. Vertec then counts up from this number. The value is continuously adjusted.

PropertyName: Debitornummer. IntegerProperty.

Gathering: DATEV offers two different options for dividing invoices: gathering or clearing account. The DATEV receivables interface only supports the Gathering option.

Here you have to select whether the income accounts are automatic accounts or whether they have to be posted with a tax code. DATEV specifies the account framework fixed. From these fixed predefined accounts, the desired ones can be posted. Which accounts are “with tax code” or “automatic accounts” is also fixed by DATEV. For example, the revenue accounts 8000-8099 are “with tax code” and the accounts 8400-8409 are “automatic accounts”.

Since Vertec only knows one global setting Gathering with tax code/automatic accounts, all accounts stored in Vertec must be of the same tax calculation type.

PropertyName: Raffung. SelectProperty.

G/L account length (4-8): The G/L account length set in DATEV must be entered here. The value must be in a range of 4 – 8. The default value is 4.

PropertyName: Sachkontenlaenge. IntegerProperty.

Blocking date Accounting: A date can be specified here, which prevents posting to a date BEFORE the blocking date.

PropertyName: SperrdatumBuchhaltung. DateTimeProperty.

Use Document field2: From Vertec 6.3 onward, you can set whether the document field2 should be described with a Zahlungsvorschlag or the Fälligkeitsdatum.

  • Payment suggestion: A 4-digit number will be passed, composed as follows:
    • The first 2 digits are the first 2 digits of the field Code on the payment type. In DATEV transactions, this corresponds to the client bank. The corresponding bank code must be present in DATEV. Since DATEV does not supply the bank code but the account during the payment import, each payment type should have its own account in DATEV, and this must be entered in the Vertec payment type.

    • The second 2 digits is the code of the payment term. This must correspond to the payment term stored in DATEV.
  • Due date: Passes the due date of the invoice in the format TTMMJJ.

PropertyName: Belegfeld2. SelectProperty.

Vat (value added tax)

The VAT types must be created manually in Vertec. The code must match the VAT types stored in DATEV.

If invoices have already been charged in Vertec before this adjustment has been made, the charging must be reversed and then charged again so that the new VAT codes take effect and no error message appears when posting.

If you post to an automatic account (see system setting Gathering) and the VAT rate used in Vertec does not match the VAT rate of the automatic account, the VAT rate used in Vertec is ignored and the VAT rate of the automatic account is used.

Operation of the DATEV receivable interface

Post / cancel invoices

Posting / cancelling invoices is done either on a single invoice on the Accounting page, or on a list of invoices by right-clicking > Buchen or Stornieren.

In order to be bookable, the invoice must have a debtor number (personal account number). The determination of the debtor number for an invoice to be posted takes account of debtor numbers on customer, project, invoice address of the project and invoice address of the invoice.

If no debtor number is defined, a new number is entered on the customer address and the invoice is thus bookable.

For each posting/cancellation process, a ZIP file is created with one accounting file and one master data file per client.

  • Desktop App: The ZIP file is stored in the path specified under Posting files storage path. It contains all data relevant for the import.
  • Cloud App: The ZIP file is stored in the path specified under Posting files save path (versions before ZIP file is saved in Temp directory). It contains all data relevant for the import.
  • Web App: After each posting, an archive is offered for download. It contains all data relevant for the import.
    ATTENTION: If the download is aborted, all data will be lost. We recommend turning on the automatic download in the browser. Then the file will be saved securely on the client.

Import procedure in datev

In order to import the files generated by Vertec into DATEV, the import variant Batch processing must be selected in DATEV.

The ZIP file is unpacked and the files are imported individually into DATEV. The root data of all clients are saved as separate files when posting. These should also be imported for each invoice import to keep the root data of Vertec and DATEV synchronized.

Eu country and eu tax id

The DATEV user only needs a VAT ID for legal persons within the EU. Natural persons within the EU and all natural and legal persons outside the EU do not need a VAT ID. Since Vertec cannot know which country is an EU country, the VAT ID can only be entered for root data within the EU (VAT number field on the address). Otherwise, the import into DATEV will throw errors.

Advance Payments / Downpayments

Amounts of downpayments paid are posted with correction key 2 (inverted) and reverse side.


Cancellations are posted with correction key 2 (general reversal) and reverse side.

Input of payment data

From Vertec version

Call under the Menü Einstellungen the Zahlungsabgleich A file selection dialog appears in which a payment data file can be selected (normal posting batch from DATEV in CSV format). A payment may not be imported twice.

Note: If you are using an earlier DATEV interface: The existing feature DATEV Zahlungsimport must be removed manually by running the script DATEV Zahlungsimport is deleted.