Tempowerk Hamburg

IT services

«With the use of Vertec, we create the basic structure for highly efficient management of our diverse data flows. We will achieve our goal of creating a 'central location of data truth’ with Vertec.»

Mark Behr, Innovation Manager, TEMPOWERK Hamburg


Field of activity: Management of a technology park, operation of its own data centre, organization of events, strategic enhancement of the technology centre, billing of various services
Location: Hamburg


  • Replacing several business solutions and unifying them in a new overall solution
  • Connection of external systems through extensions


  • Automation of monthly invoicing
  • Increased efficiency of business processes
  • Automated creation of check-in and check-out task lists

Vertec Services & CRM incl. all apps,
Budget & Phases, Purchase

1-20 Vertec User

Vertec creates uniform software structures in a technology center

TEMPOWERK Hamburg, a brand of hit-Technopark GmbH & Co. KG, uses Vertec for the commercial management of its technology center in the south of Hamburg.

The location in Hamburg-Harburg is steeped in tradition. In the 1930s, three-wheel speed cars, i.e. small trucks on three wheels, were manufactured there, but today it is a milestone in modern industry: a technology and conference centre, where around 800 people work in more than 100 technology-oriented small and medium-sized enterprises. At its core, TEMPOWERK combines the history of the place and location with the ideas of the future.

Challenges of a Technology Center

Managing a complete technology center does not only impose high demands on IT. There are also other major challenges, such as managing leases and spaces, carrying out repairs and maintenance, sometimes making structural changes to rental units, and reading sensors for utility billing. There are also tenant changes, hosting events, or strategically enhancement of the technology center.

Historically grown, Tempowerk initially relied on a variety of small, isolated solutions that did not form a complete solution. This slowed down the flow of data while offering potential for optimization. When TEMPOWERK built its own data center using Nutanix in 2020, it was obvious to look for a new software solution. Since then, server resources have been offered as a service to its own tenants. The billing of this service should be automated, but it could not be integrated into existing systems.

Abolition of stand-alone solutions with Vertec

The CRM and ERP software Vertec proved to be the ideal solution platform to eliminate the existing isolate solutions and media breaks and to implement a unified overall solution.

The management of Tempowerk chose the expertise of the German Vertec sales partner appGenerics GmbH based in Röthenbach a.d. Pegnitz near Nuremberg. Together with appGenerics, a prototype was developed that demonstrated the benefits of the Vertec business solution.

«The decisive factor in the decision for vertec’s crm and erp system was the high adaptability of the software, which made it possible to replace the various existing structures with an integrated solution from vertec.»

Frank hauptlorenz, managing director at appgenerics

Implementation in several steps

The implementation took place in phases. In the first step, the billing of services to tenants was automated. This involved migrating data from existing software structures based on Lexware and the ALCO Immobilien Software and connecting it to Vertec via extensions.

The team around Mark Behr, Innovation Manager at TEMPOWERK, offers a wide range of additional services. These include, for example, the receipt and processing of mail, IT and web services, occupational safety, collaborations, event management and conferences, which also requires the integration of various third-party systems.

All of these services and processes generate information and data, which flow into Vertec’s CRM and ERP solution and are billed there on a monthly basis. For example, if a tenant uses the in-house data center, its technical usage data (work memory, CPU cores, storage space on the server) are also fed into the Vertec customer file on a daily basis. These values are then reflected in the monthly customer invoice.

It uses the Vertec add-on VertecMailMonkey, developed by appGenerics, which allows all tenants to receive their monthly invoices fully automated.

«By using vertec, we are creating the foundation for highly efficient management of our diverse data flows. with vertec, we will achieve our goal of creating a 'central location of data truth’.»

Mark behr, innovation manager at tempowerk

Further potential

When a tenant changes, Mark Behr and his team are supported by automated check-in and check-out lists, which the TEMPOWERK team can expand on their own. Another advantage of Vertec is that not every type of change or enhancement requires the support of a Vertec project manager. Vertec can also be customized on its own.

TEMPOWERK also relies on the use of the Vertec Phone App. For example, Vertec can also be used to work mobile when employees are on the move, for example, on the premises of the Technology Centre.

However, TEMPOWERK’s wishes are not yet exhausted. And Vertec offers even more scope for enhancement. Work is up to date underway to connect sensor values from electricity and cooling/heat meters from buildings and combined heat and power plants to Vertec, so that the utility bills can also be created by Vertec.

Success Story Logo
Mark Behr
Mark Behr
Innovation Manager

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