Full-service agency
«The discussions with the Vertec experts led us to study our processes intensively and to adapt them where necessary.»
Bernhard Herzig, CDO, Partner, CBOD Maxomedia
Full-service agency for integrated communication projects in the field of corporate and marketing communication
Found: 1996
51 employees
Location: Bern (Headquarters), Zurich
Vertec Services & CRM incl. all apps,
Budget & Phases, Business Intelligence, Purchases
Unconventional ideas are part of everyday professional life for the communication professionals at the cross-media agency Maxomedia. However, when it comes to planning, entering and charging its own services, the agency relies on the proven solutions of Vertec.
«Vertec software is fully compatible with the technologies we use.»
Cross-media communication has a tradition at Maxomedia. For over 15 years, the company has been designing and implementing projects that systematically use and link different communication channels. The agency’s fields of expertise range from consulting, conception and project management to graphics, screen design and content creation to web development and web publishing.
The performance software, with which Maxomedia plans, records and finally charges the services provided, must not only do justice to the diverse areas of activity, but also to the employees of the company. “On the one hand, we employ graphic designers who are very creative and whose work processes On the other hand, we have programmers who think and act in a very structured way,” says Bernhard Herzig, CDO, Partner, CBOD of Maxomedia. “For the individual project managers and project leaders and the management, business software also requires Management Team to feature completely different functions.”
Plus, since Maxomedia works with both PC and Mac, its performance software must work seamlessly on both systems.
Maxomedia chose Vertec after the agency had also evaluated other systems, some of which were specifically designed for the advertising industry. “We came to the conclusion that Vertec best meets our needs,” says Bernhard Herzig. “Vertec brings together the creative, organisational and technical aspects of our projects without any problems.” Work with Vertec also motivated Maxomedia to rethink its own business structures and processes. “The support we received from Vertec was extremely helpful for us,” says Herzig. For the crossmedia agency, the switch to the new system was much more than just the implementation of a new IT tool.
«The execution of a poster campaign places completely different demands on a performance software than, for example, the realization of a website.»