Convisa AG

Business, tax and legal advice

«Vertec can be easily adapted to different cases.»

Reto Büeler, certified trustee expert, CONVISA AG


Field of activity: Management, tax and legal consultancy, auditing and auditing
Location: Schwyz (headquarters), Altdorf, Pfäffikon SZ
Founded: 1960


  • Mandate management for different business areas
  • Location- and mandate-related evaluations
  • Multiple locations


  • Detailed evaluations for case managers
  • Simple invoicing
  • Simple mandate management, tailored to the needs of CONVISA AG

Vertec Services & CRM incl. all apps,
Budget & Phases, Business Intelligence

50-100 Vertec User

The right software for a trusted consultant

Fiduciaries like CONVISA AG therefore know more about their customers than they know about themselves. Trust and customer proximity are therefore highly valued in their industry. For its part, the trust office has entrusted itself to Vertec with its in-house knowledge management.

Proximity and experience are the outstanding strengths of CONVISA AG. CONVISA AG, a management, tax and legal consultancy firm, and CONVISA Revisions AG, headquartered in Schwyz, mainly support private individuals and regionally based companies with long-term, long-term mandates. “Our customers often rely on our experience and recommendations when making important decisions,” says Reto Büeler, certified trustee expert and partner at CONVISA: “Your trust is the capital of our company.”

«Vertec fits in with our company because it reflects our values.»

Reto büeler, certified trustee expert, convisa ag

The office’s services cover a wide range of fields. The company employs experts from a variety of fields: its 50-strong staff includes 15 qualified tax and fiduciary experts, auditors and lawyers. The cases that the company applies vary accordingly: “Our service types range from bookkeeping or payroll accounting for a small business to legal issues to complex tax advice in restructuring,” says Büeler.

«Vertec makes it easy to manage audit, tax and accounting appointments.»

Reto büeler, certified trustee expert, convisa ag

Vertec, as a business Software for fiduciaries , meets precisely this variety of requirements. “With Vertec, we have found a solution that exactly meets our needs,” says Büeler: “The software is so versatile that it allows us to manage simple consulting assignments as well as complex assignmentscases “We can manage and present all assignments differently in case on our needs. That way, we can be sure that we never lose track of everything.” For example, deadlines and dates can be stored in Vertec in such a way that the responsible employees are reminded of them in employees.

«Vertec can be easily adapted to different cases.»

Reto büeler, certified trustee expert, convisa ag

Vertec is also a human fit for CONVISA AG. “Vertec AG is – like us – an innovative Swiss Company that maintains direct contact with its customers and convinces them with suitable solutions,” says Büeler. Trustee Software  went smoothly and the support in the implementation and operation of the software was impeccable. The consultant is therefore confident that his company is in good hands with Vertec.

Success Story Logo
Reto Büeler
Reto Büeler
dipl. Fiduciary expert
Convisa AG

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