User groups in Vertec
Operating mode
Cloud Suite
Services & CRM
Budget & Phases
Resource Planning
Business Intelligence
User groups can be used to group different users. This makes it possible to set permissions, holidays/vacations and target times over the entire group.
By default, each newly created user is assigned to the user group Standard Users. It is recommended that you leave it that way. However, if you need more advanced permissions, you can define another user group and assign the respective users to that group. The permissions of different groups are cumulated.
A directory of default user rights and user groups can be found here.
You can create new user groups in the Settings > User Groups folder.
In addition to the name of the user group, you can also set the holiday due date here. This is usually done on the default user group. See the holiday due date section in the editor settings article.
In the subfolder Users you can see which users are already assigned to this user group. This folder only appears if users have already been assigned. The assignment is done via the individual user. There is a page User Groups:
Here you can mark the corresponding groups on the left and move them to the right with the arrow >>. In the right field all groups to which the current user is assigned are listed.
You can also remove a user from a group by selecting the group on the right and pressing the << arrow.
Please note that all users should be assigned to the default user group. This group is usually used to set basic permissions, work and target time.
The absences subfolder allows you to control the holidays and vacations of the entire user group. See the article about absences.
In the Preferences subfolder, you can set the working and target time settings for this group. Please refer to the article on user settings.
The rights of the entire user group can be set in the Permissions subfolder. See the article Permissions.
The user group also determines which root folders the users see in Vertec. Root folders are the parent folders in Vertec (root data, public folders, settings, etc.).
To assign or remove a root folder of a user group to a view, you must run a script in Vertec. See Script: Attach a folder of a user group to a view.
If you want to know which folders are enabled for which user group, create a column in the list of the user group using the list settings with the Expression:
persRootEintraege->listtostring(' / ')
On the list it will look like this: