Topal Solutions Accounts Payable extension

Topal Solutions Accounts Payable extension

Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 19.07.2012
Machine translated
Updated: 15.03.2024 | Cloud-ready from Vertec


For the operation of the Vertec Topal interface a 32bit Topal client is required.

As of version 6.4, Vertec is shipped as a 64-bit application. In order for the Topal extension to work with it, Topal has to be switched to 64-bit. For this purpose, Topal has a menu item Tools > Switch to x64:

Cloud Capability

The Vertec Topal extension is cloud-ready from Vertec version onwards. In order to be able to use it in the cloud app, a Vertec version from onwards is required.


To install the interface, open the Topal Solutions accounts payable interface in Vertec in the Settings > Extensions folder and press the Installieren button.

System settings in vertec

Some system settings are installed for all accounts payable. See Accounting system settings for details.

The special system settings for the Topal Solutions accounts payable interface are:

Topal Server: Server name of the Topal server. For Topal single-user installations this value can be left blank, the extension then uses localhost as the server name.

Exception: For Topal network versions, localhost does not work, even if the extension is used locally on the server, the hostname of the server must always be entered.

PropertyName: TopalServer. StringProperty.

Topal Login via SSL: As of Vertec 6.1 you can set whether the connection to Topal should be made via SSL.

Further information on Topal SSL connection can be found at

PropertyName: TopalUseSSL. BooleanProperty.

FAR Login: The login name for the login to the Topal server.

PropertyName: LoginFibu. StringProperty.

FAR password: The password for the login to the Topal server.

Note: A particular login can only be logged in to the Topal server once at the same time. If the Topal client program is to be used at the same time as the Vertec extension, it is recommended to use a separate login for the extension.

PropertyName: PasswordFibu. StringProperty.

FAR client: The client number (code) of the Topal client.

PropertyName: FARConnection. StringProperty.

Posting period: The posting year of the Topal client to be used for new postings.

PropertyName: PeriodFibu. StringProperty.

Number range Creditor postings: The code of the number range is stored with this code. For each posting, a number range with this code is searched and used if found. If no number range with the stored code is found in a client, no number range is simply passed on.

Since number ranges in Topal are client-specific, it is possible that a number range can be found in one client with the stored code, but not in the other client. If you want to post several clients in Topal, all clients in which you want to use a number range must have a number range with the same code.

PropertyName: CreditNumber Range. StringProperty.

Cancellation method: You can choose from the following options:

  • Delete invoice: Default setting. The invoice is deleted in Topal when canceling in Vertec.
  • reconcile with credit note: Topal performs the cancellation as follows:

    1. A credit note will be created for the invoice amount.
    2. In addition, a so-called zero-sum posting is created, which posts the corresponding invoice amount each in debit and credit. The period selection for cancellation is based on the posting year.

PropertyName: Cancellation method. SelectionProperty.

Client Password

If you have entered client passwords in Topal (password protection activated), the check mark for Require password when logging in by another application must be removed in the client properties under security in order for the extension between Vertec and Topal to work properly.