Customer Portal

How to use the Customer Portal

Product line




Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 01.02.2022
Machine translated
Updated: 26.06.2024 | Explained administrator rights

The Customer Portal is the direct interface between Vertec customers and Vertec. It offers potential customers the opportunity to test Vertec for free. And existing customers can order licenses and services, and manage modules and users at any time.

You can access the Customer Portal from the Vertec website via Customer Area > Customer Portal on the top right of the screen, or the direct link here. If your company does not have an account yet, register as described below. One account is created per company: The user who registers the company has administrator rights and can then assign further logins to the Customer Portal for other employees.

Click on any of the direct links below to see the information that interests you:

Register your company

Note: You only need to register your company if it does not have an account yet. If your company is already registered in the Customer Portal, please contact the people in your company who are Customer Portal administrators so that they can add you as a new user.

To register for the Customer Portal, open the following link, select Register company and fill in the fields below. The country is pre-filled according to the browser language, but can also be adjusted manually. The choice of the country determines the server location.

The following confirmation is shown in the browser:

Afterwards, an email is sent to the email address provided, in which you can confirm your details and complete the registration process. Once you click the Confirm details button, the following window appears:

Next, you receive an email with the login details (link to login, username and password). Open the Customer Portal login link, enter the username and password and select Login.


After the first login, the following homepage appears:

Via the editor icon, you can change the language and password or you can log out of the Customer Portal.

We recommend that you change your password immediately. To do so, click on the editor icon in the top right corner and select Change password.

Click on the Vertec logo at the top left to return to the homepage. Under Your Vertec, you can find the following options:


If you are an administrator, you can grant new logins to your employees via Your Customer Portal, which is found on the left side of the tree.

Note: An active user in the Customer Portal is a prerequisite for a Login to the Vertec Forum . In the Forum, you will be forwarded to the login page of the Customer Portal by clicking on the top right Login > Login for Vertec customers > Login now. After entering your Customer Portal login data, you are logged into the Vertec Forum. If you have already opened the Customer Portal in the same browser, the login works without being redirected to the login page.

To add more users, under Customer Portal logins, click on the Add login button. This enbles you to fill in the information below and to use the checkbox to decide whether the new user should have administrator rights or not:

An administrator is authorized to:

  • Trigger orders
  • Add additional users
  • Cancel Cloud Suite
  • Restart the Cloud Suite instance
  • Request a Cloud Suite backup

The new user then receives an email in which they can activate the account via a link and must set a new password.


Click on Vertec Forum, Academy and courses to open the respective pages in your browser.

  • Open the Vertec Forum  for communication between Vertec customers, the Vertec group and Vertec sales partners.
  • Under Academy, you can access the Academy videos directly to learn about Vertec through on-demand video courses or to optimize your Vertec expertise.
  • Find out more at Courses about Vertec training options.

Start 30-day test

  1. Log into the Customer Portal. Or, if your company does not have an account yet, register as described above.
  2. Go to Your Vertec > Test 30 days for free and click the Test for free button. The following window opens:
  1. Once you have filled in the fields, you can start the 30-day test. You then receive by email the login details for your Vertec test account. Click on the Login Vertec link in the email to be taken directly to the Vertec App Portal, from where the Cloud App or Web App can be launched.

In the Customer Portal, the main window now looks like this:

1 The test license scope is displayed. In this example, 10 possible users and all modules are provided for the test account of the Expert product line. The expiration date (30 days from registration) is shown, unless an order is placed first.
2 The duration of your test period is shown.

During and after test phase

You receive via email a link to the tutorial videos of the Vertec Academy, which will support you optimally during the 30-day test.

Already during the test phase, you have the opportunity to buy Cloud Suite. Your test database can be transferred directly. Select under Your Vertec > Buy Vertec Cloud Suite. However, if you decide to buy an On-Premises license, you will have to wait until the test period has expired. After it has expired, you are shown again all three options on the homepage.

Cloud Suite

Buy Cloud Suite

  1. Log into the Customer Portal. Or register as described above if your company does not have an account yet.
  2. Select under Your Vertec > Buy Vertec Cloud Suite.
  3. Select your company headquarters and continue with the button Next.
  4. Next select the product line, the number of users and the modules you want. By default, the modules you have already selected during self-signup are pre-selected. However, you can add more modules here.
  5. Complete your company details.
  6. Accept the country-specific contract documents and select Order now.

After placing your order, you receive an email with the accepted terms and conditions (and, if applicable, the additional agreement on order data processing) as well as the link to the Vertec Forum, where you can log in with your Customer Portal login.

Manage Cloud Suite

On the start page, the following information or functions are available:

  • From the link on the top right, you can go directly to the App Portal of your productive Cloud Suite.
  • Under Your Vertec, you can edit or cancel Cloud Suite, and view the order history and the Cloud Suite periods, incl. status.
  • Under Maintenance, you can access the options Request backup and Restart Vertec.
  • Direct links to the Vertec Forum, the Academy or the Vertec courses.

License changes

So-called mixed orders (additional orders and reductions in the same order) can be processed.

Additional orders (more users, change from Standard product line to Expert, more modules) are effective immediately and are charged immediately.

On the other hand, reductions (fewer users, change from Expert to Standard product line, fewer modules) only take effect on the 1st of the following quarter if canceled in good time by the customer. Therefore, reductions are only be taken into account in the quarterly invoicing (see section below).

Additional orders

Please select Edit license  and make the license changes in the overview. With each change, the new price is calculated directly and shown.

Note: If you have already booked reductions that will only take effect on a future date, they are shown accordingly further down.

When you accept the general terms and conditions (GTC) or all contract-relevant documents, the order is approved and you will notice that the Order now button is active. The additional users and modules will be available to you in a few minutes and are shown under license changes.

The license scope adapts to the order. All features that are effective immediately are visible in the product scope. In this example, the number of users has been increased in the additional order and the Resource Planning module has been added. You also receive an email with the order confirmation.


As specified in the GTC, the scope for the following quarter may be reduced as follows:

  • Reductions are taken into account for the following quarter if notified no later than 20 days before the beginning of the following quarter.
  • The reduction is taken into account for the quarter after next if it is communicated within 20 days before the beginning of the next quarter.
  • The reduction scheduled for the following quarter can be canceled again before the start of the 20-day period before the end of the quarter.

By accepting the GTC or all contract-relevant documents, the reduction can be triggered with the Order now button. The additional users and modules will be available to you in a few minutes and will be shown under Orders.

The display of the license scope information in the Customer Portal is not adjusted for reductions until the validity date has been reached. In addition, the list of license changes shows directly when the reduction will be effective.

If the reduction is canceled, the order line in the order history is completely deleted.

Reductions noted

If you click again on Edit license or make subsequent orders, reserved reductions are visible because the number of users cannot be adjusted and reduced modules cannot be activated.

Note: It may happen that certain changes can no longer be made due to reductions already made but not yet effective. In this case, you may have to cancel the reductions or wait until they come into force.


Cancellations can be made under Your Vertec > Cloud Suite periods with the Cancel Vertec Cloud Suite button:

If a cancellation is triggered, action buttons are no longer available in the header. In addition, the Cancelled on… date is entered.

The cancellation will be confirmed via email and you will be informed that you can download a backup of the Cloud Suite database.

Request backup

Via Maintenance > Cloud Suite backups, you can automatically request a backup of your Vertec database. For example, this database can be used in a test environment for large-scale development before it is used in your productive system.

Select the buttons Request backup > Confirm. You will be notified by email as soon as the backup is available for download.

Restart Vertec

If you make certain system settings, for example, they will not become active until you restart the Cloud Server. You can trigger this restart (only users with administrator rights) by clicking on the  Restart Vertec button, which ends all sessions and logs out all users. Such a restart takes about five minutes and you will be notified via email once it is complete and your Vertec instance is ready to be used again.


To register your Vertec license in Your Vertec after the purchase process, you need a Vertec installation. The latest version can be downloaded from our Knowledge Base.

Buy license

  1. Log into the Customer Portal. Or register as described above if your company does not have an account yet.
  2. On the homepage, select Buy software.
  3. Select your company headquarters and click on Next:
  4. Select the desired modules, the number of users and the product line. Below, you can select the required services. Click on Next:
  5. Fill in your company details:
  6. You now receive a summary of the entries made. If you want to change anything, use the Back button to return to a previous section and make adjustments. Once you are satisfied with the summary, confirm you agreement with the GTC and the additional data processing agreement, which you can view in advance. To complete the purchase, click on Order now.
  7. You receive a confirmation with a button where you can get your license code:

Get license code

After completing the initial license purchase, the license code section appears under Vertec license.

In one of your Vertec installations, go to the Settings menu and click on the option Modify license... and select in the dialog Full license. Enter the DB code from the Vertec license dialog in the Customer Portal and make sure that the licensee matches:

In the Customer Portal, click on Get license code. Your code appears in the license code field, which you can now enter in the Vertec license dialog:

In the Vertec license dialog, click on Next>> until the license is entered in Vertec. This completes the Vertec license purchase.

Additional orders

In the Customer Portal, you can expand your license scope at any time:

  1. Select from License scope > Edit license.
  2. In the next step, you can select additional modules and increase the number of users:
  1. The following overview shows the new license scope and the license changes made. Once you accept the general terms and conditions and the regulation on order data processing, the order is triggered.
  1. The header adjusts according to the purchase order. In this example, the number of users has been increased in the additional purchase order and the Business Intelligence module has been added.

Upon completion of the order, the new license code is issued immediately. You can import it into your Vertec so that the extended license options are immediately available to you.

Encrypt database password

Under Maintenance > Database password, the DB password can be encrypted:

  1. Enter your password in the Unencrypted password* field and click on Encrypt.
  2. An encrypted database password is generated in the field below:
  3. Copy the encrypted DB password and enter it in the Vertec.ini file in the Section [Database] under Password.