System settings - Project/Job

Explanation of the system settings in the Project/Job tab

Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 04.06.2003
Updated: 04.02.2025 | Added info about project search in the Outlook App.

Load active projects on application startup

  • Yes: If this option is activated, the active projects are loaded into the memory when Vertec is started. The start takes longer, access is quick afterwards.
  • No: If this option is deactivated, no projects are loaded when Vertec is started. For large amounts of data, this can speed up the start of Vertec. If you access the active projects later (e.g. click on the 'Active projects’ folder), the projects are loaded first, and intial access takes a bit longer.

PropertyName: PreloadProjekteAktiv. BooleanProperty. Default setting: Yes.

Track budget value changes on phase

From version 5.3, changes to all budget values can be tracked to phase with a date. For this, this system setting must be set to Yes.

PropertyName: LogBudgetChanges. BooleanProperty. Default setting: No.

Show information regarding project/job linkages (conflict search)

Only available up to version or for pre-existing installations. If this option is activated, the information for linkages/conflict search is visible on projects.

Starting from Vertec, the config set: conflict check exists.

PropertyName: ShowVerflechtungen . BooleanProperty. Default setting: Jargon jobs: Yes, Jargon projects: No.

Display minutes

  • Minutes: The hours in Vertec are minute values. When entering, the user specifies the quantity of minutes.
  • Hours:Minutes: The hours in Vertec are entered in the format Hours:Minutes. For example, the user enters 1.30 for one and a half hours. The colon does not have to be used as a separator.
  • Hours.Decimal: The hours in Vertec are entered as decimal values (industrial minutes). The user enters, for example, 1.50 for one and a half hours.

PropertyName: AnzeigeMinuten. AuswahlProperty. Default setting: Hours:Minutes.

Purchases must be released

If Yes, this has the following consequences:

  • Only released purchases can appear on an invoice. Unreleased purchases cannot be assigned.
  • When assigning purchases to creditors, the creditor reports a problem (in problem report) if unreleased purchases are assigned. Although the purchase appear on the creditor, the creditor cannot be posted until the problem is resolved.

PropertyName: FreigabeAuslagen. BooleanProperty. Default setting: No.

Compulsory assignment of purchase types to phases

Here, you can define whether the purchase types, for which services can be entered in a specific phase, must be assigned to this phase by means of an purchase type phase link. The value defined here is a default value and can be overridden on the individual phase.

PropertyName: UseAuslageTypenLinkForPhase. BooleanProperty. Default setting: No.

Use outlay positions

Available from Vertec If Yes, it can be used for outlays with outlay positions After activating this system setting, Vertec must be restarted.

PropertyName: UseOutlayPositions. BooleanProperty. Default setting: No.

Selection of suppliers only with creditor code

If Yes, only creditor addresses that have a creditor code (personal account number) can be assigned to a creditor (third-party invoice). Otherwise, all addresses can be selected.

PropertyName: FilterLieferantOnKrediCode. BooleanProperty. Default setting: No.

Fees for services visible to users

If you do not want your employees to be able to see the fees charged for their work, switch to No. The relevant figures are then hidden when entering.

PropertyName: UsersCanViewLeistWert. BooleanProperty. Default setting: Yes.

Users must be assigned to a project

If Yes, only certain users can enter services, expenses, downpayments or purchases on the projects for which they have been assigned. The assignments are made for each project individually or on a superordinate basis on the project type.

This setting also applies to the Outlook App. If it is activated, only projects that have been assigned to the relevant user appear in the Outlook App selection field.

PropertyName: UseBearbeiterLinkForSecurity. BooleanProperty. Default setting: No.

User assignment to phases is mandatory (on new phases)

Here, you can define whether all users that are to enter services for a specific phase must be allocated to it via a user link allocation. The value defined here is a default value and can be overridden on the individual project phase.

PropertyName: UseBearbeiterLinkForPhase. BooleanProperty. Default setting: No.

Check block date when date is changed

Invalid objects in Vertec are deleted after querying when the application is exited.This ensures that no new entries can be entered during this time for the blocking date and the blocking period. However, there is still a possibility to make entries during this time. If an entry was already valid when exiting the program and becomes invalid only later due to a change, it is no longer deleted when exiting the program. In order to close this gap during the time, this setting allows a project entry to be automatically deleted again after the date has been changed.

PropertyName: CheckSperreAfterDatumChanged. BooleanProperty. Default setting: Yes.

Round-up time registered by timer

If Yes, the time entered by the timer is rounded up to the quantity of minutes specified in the system settings under Round minutes to (also in the project tab, see above). This applies to the currently logged-in user.

PropertyName: TimerRoundUp. BooleanProperty. Default setting: Yes.

Use rounding rules

  • Yes: the commercial rounding rules (round-to-nearest) are used. The commercial rounding or round-to-nearest always rounds up the 5, i.e. .425 -> .43 and .435 -> .44.
  • No: the round-to-even method is used. This means that for example .425 is rounded to .42 but .435 is rounded up to .44.

This setting only affects monetary amounts. For display-only rounding or time-specific rounding, mathematical rounding is always used.

This topic is described in more detail in the article about rounding in Vertec.

PropertyName: CurrencyRoundToNearest. BooleanProperty. Default setting: No.

Show punch in/punch out for time tracker

Shows or hides the punch in/punch out button.

PropertyName: ShowPunchInButton. BooleanProperty. Default setting: Yes.

Display attendance time list for service records

Shows the attendance time list for the current user.

PropertyName: ShowPraesenzList. BooleanProperty. User-specific. Default setting: Yes.

Automatically set project description

If Yes, the customer is automatically applied as the project description. If No, the project description has to be entered manually.

PropertyName: AutoSetProjektBeschrieb. BooleanProperty. Default setting: Yes.

Project manager may change services

If this option is activated, the project manager may change services, expenses and outlays on projects for which they are identified as a project manager.

PropertyName: ProjektleiterMayModify. BooleanProperty. Default setting: Yes.

Lock project associations of booked purchases and expenses

Available from version The creditors extension provides the possibility to obtain creditor client information from the projects of purchases or expenses. In this case, it should no longer be possible to change the project for such a purchase or expense. By default, this system setting is set to No.

PropertyName: ProjektSperreKreditorGebucht. BooleanProperty. Default setting: No.

Round off minutes to

Specifies how many minutes should be rounded to. For example, if the value is 5, the values are rounded to 5 minutes. For example, if a service of 3 hours 2 minutes is entered, Vertec rounds it to 3 hours.

PropertyName: RundenMinuten. IntegerProperty. Default setting: 1.

Show weekly overview on services entry screen

The day's standard hours can now be shown similar to the timer, attendance time and weekly overview. If this system setting is set to Yes, a bar with the standard hours appears above the list for the service entry.

PropertyName: ShowSollzeit. BooleanProperty. User-specific. Default setting: Yes.

Frozen date

In certain situations, you may not want it to be possible to change old services, expenses, outlays, and absences. You can prevent changes by specifying a date under the blocking date. For services, expenses, outlays, and absences older than this date, certain information can no longer be changed.

Later, you can also adjust external values and service types (or expense types and outlay types). Furthermore, a service can still be hidden or the external value can be fixed.

New services, expenses, outlays and absences that have been created (during the current run time of the application) and whose date is during this time are automatically invalid.

PropertyName: Sperrdatum. DateTimeProperty.

Recalculate the frozen date basis

No services will be updated before the blocking date specified here. This setting refers to the automatic recalculation rate (change of phase, service type, project, etc. of a service). The explicit recalculate hourly rate setting in the context menu is not affected by this.

PropertyName: SperrdatumUpdateSatz. DateTimeProperty.

Approvals are blocking

If Yes, the entering of new services, expenses, outlays, and absences that are in the period of approval are blocked as soon as the user activates the checkmark blocking by approvals. The type of block by user approvals is the same as for the other blocks (block date, blocks also apply to projects and phases, etc.).

PropertyName: SperreFreigaben. BooleanProperty. Default setting: No.

Undo blocks for supervisor

If Yes, users who belong to the project supervisors user group can also adjust services, expenses, and outlays that are subject to a block (see blocking date, blocking period, above).

This right also applies to teamleaders: If a user has teamleader rights and  the setting Undo blocks for supervisor is active, they get write access to their own blocked services, expenses and outlays, and those of their team members.

PropertyName: SupervisorBrichtSperren. BooleanProperty. Default setting: No.

Blocks apply also to purchases

Purchases can be excluded from the normal blocks (blocking period, blocking date). To turn off the blocks for purchases, set this system setting to No.

PropertyName: SperreAuslagen. BooleanProperty. Default setting: Yes.

Blocks apply also to project- and phase attributions

The system setting blocking date (see above) does not affect project and phase allocations. This means that services, expenses, and outlays can be transferred to another project or phase outside the blocking date. If you want to prevent this, set this system setting to Yes.

PropertyName: SperrePhaseProjekt. BooleanProperty. Default setting: No.

Blocks apply also to expenses

If this system setting is set to Yes, the blocking date and blocking period apply to expenses. If this system setting is set to No, the blocks have no effect on expenses.

PropertyName: SperreSpesen. BooleanProperty. Default setting: Yes.

Blocking period

In certain situations, you may not want it to be possible to change old services, expenses, outlays, and absences. In the blocking period field/Under blocking period, you can specify a number of days. Services, expenses, outlays, and absences which are older than this number of days from today cannot be changed or created again.

PropertyName: Sperrperiode. IntegerProperty.

Expenses must be released

If Yes, this has the following implications:

  • Only released expenses can appear on an invoice. Unreleased expenses cannot be assigned.
  • When assigning expenses to creditors, the creditor reports a problem (in problem report) if unreleased expenses are assigned. The expenses appear on the creditor, but the creditor cannot be posted until the problem is resolved.

PropertyName: FreigabeSpesen. BooleanProperty. Default setting: No.

Expenses and outlays round

  • Yes: For each individual expense and outlay, the amounts (and VAT) are rounded to the rounding step indicated by the currency. As a result, for an entire list of expenses / outlays, the VAT of the total amount may show something different from the total VAT of all expenses / outlays. Commercial rounding rules are taken into account.
  • No: In a list of expenses/outlays, the amounts (and VAT) are only rounded to the total amount. For example, the individual expenses/outlays may have decimal places smaller than the rounding step indicated on the currency. Commercial rounding rules are not taken into account.

This topic is described in more detail in the article about rounding in Vertec.

PropertyName: SpesenMWSTRunden. BooleanProperty. Default setting: No.

Expense types must forcibly be assigned to phases

Here, you can define whether the expense types, for which services can be entered in a specific phase, must be assigned to this via an expense type link/assignment. The value defined here is a default value and can be overridden at the individual project phase.

PropertyName: UseSpesenTypenLinkForPhase. BooleanProperty. Default setting: No.

Assign standard phase

If Yes, the default phase of the selected project is automatically assigned when a service, expense or outlay is entered. The first phase of a project is always the default phase. This can be changed on the Phases tab of the project.

PropertyName: StandardPhase. BooleanProperty. Default setting: Yes.

Status for new project phases

Here, you can set whether the status for new phases should be set to offer or directly to granted.

PropertyName: PhasenStatus. AuswahlProperty. Default setting: Accepted.

Don't round rates (when using as gross rates)

If the setting is set to Yes, then the rate table and all other fields for hourly rates allow rates to be entered with up to 4 decimal places, and the amounts are not rounded. If you work with gross hourly rates, i.e. have agreed hourly rates including VAT with your customer, this setting allows you to use exactly recalculated net hourly rates. This is the only way to ensure that the rates including VAT are displayed on the customer invoices as agreed. This topic is discussed in more detail in the article Rounding in Vertec.

PropertyName: AnsaetzeNichtRunden. BooleanProperty. Default setting: No.

Display sum totals

With this setting you can define whether the budget values should be shown by default on projects and phases. This setting can be overridden on an individual project and phase by activating the checkbox Show values?. However, in order to show budget figures, Vertec must take into account the services, expenses and outlays of the respective phase. Therefore, configuring such a display may be accompanied by a slowdown.

PropertyName: DispPhasenSummen. BooleanProperty. Default setting: Yes.

Service type for vacation (legacy)

Available only up to Vertec version 6.6.

If you want to entered vacation via services entry (see article entering vacation), instead of via absences, select one of the saved service types for which all vacation services are entered. Using the information saved here, Vertec can then calculate the vacation balance.

PropertyName: FerienTaetigkeit. ObjectProperty.

Service type to phases associations mandatory (for new phases)

Here, you can define whether the service types for which you enter services in a specific phase must be assigned to it via an activity assignment. The value defined here is a default value and can be overridden at the individual project phase.

PropertyName: UseTaetigkeitenLinkForPhase. BooleanProperty. Default setting: No.

Show Punch in/Punch out for time tracker

Displays the timer for the current user.

PropertyName: ShowTimer. BooleanProperty. Default setting: Yes.

Display charged services and expenses

If this option is set to Yes, the charged services, expenses, and outlays are shown in separate tabs on the project. However, this can slow down the display speed of the project when there are many charged entries. Therefore, this setting is set to No by default.

PropertyName: ShowVerrechneteProjektEintraegeContainer. BooleanProperty. User-specific. Default setting: No.

Purchases charging type for new projects

On the Settings page of each project, you can specify whether the charging type of outlays is charged or forwarded. With this system setting, you can set the default value for new projects. See also the article about creditors.

PropertyName: DefaultVerrechnungsartAuslagenProjekt. AuswahlProperty. Default setting: Not specified.

Show weekly overview on services entry screen

Displays the weekly overview table in the Services entry screen.

PropertyName: ShowWochenUebersicht. BooleanProperty. Custom. Default setting: Yes.