Plug-in: Resource Planning with Editor Assignments

Allow Resource Planning based on assigning users to phases (worker-phase links).

Product line




Operating mode





Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 02.11.2022
Updated: 21.11.2024 | First publication

Download and install

Download the plug-in with the following download link and install it in your Vertec. The exact procedure is in the article     Things worth knowing about the plug-ins described.

Version description Download

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  • The Expert product line is a prerequisite for this plug-in.
  • The modules Resource Planning and Budget & Phase Project are prerequisites for this plug-in.

Plan for Editor-Phase Assignments

As an alternative to normal Resource Planning, the assignment of users to the phases (so-called Editor phase links ) are planned.

This plug-in created in the system settings under Resource Planning, the Resource Planning type property with conversion from Standard on Bearbeiter-Phasen-Zuordnung .

Resource Planning is then based on the assignment of users to phases:

  • The assignment of users to phases have new attributes StartDatum and EndDatum .
  • The calculated (derived) attributes StartDatum and EndDatum on project phases take into account the information of all operator assignments, analogous to the activity assignments.
  • The StartDatum and EndDatum on the phase can be overwritten by individual information on the editor-phase link. However, a start and end date must be specified.

An effort budget is set on the assignment of an user to a phase. In this example, Lars Sorenson is scheduled for 120 hours for the concept phase from 01.11.2022 – 22.03.2023 and Judith Feller is scheduled for 100 hours in the individual period from 09.01. – 10.02.2023.

In the Resource Planning view, you can see the distribution on the phase:

The following rules apply:

  • Scheduling is always done in the editor-phase assignments. In the Time and pivot tables No plan data can be entered in the Resource Planning. In this case, these are read-only.
  • The workload of an employee assigned by an operator phase assignment is calculated from the budget of the operator phase assignment. The distribution of the workload over time is determined by a distribution over the duration of the operator phase assignment (start-end date).
  • The Utilization graphs represent numbers from operator assignments to phases, if the Utilization dimensions correctly configured for operator-phase assignments.
  • The distribution to the individual planning intervals (day, week, month) is calculated via resource time. For each interval, the resource time is calculated and thus the percentage of the interval in the total phase run time is determined.
  • Processor phase assignments without budget are invoiced with 0 minutes. Phase budgets are not allocated to users.
  • Processor phase assignments without start and end dates are not considered.
  • For the display of planned values from worker-phase assignments in the resource planning views, the objects that are relevant for the displayed period on the basis of their start and end data are taken into account.
  • There may be no Planning Editor be assigned. The planning is carried out exclusively on project users.

Technical information

Importing the plug-in creates the following objects:

System settings Resource Planning

Selection of the type of Resource Planning:

  • Standard ( ResourcePlanEbene )
  • Processor-Phase Assignment ( ResourcePlanningKind )
  • Script: cr_ressource_planning_userphaselink
Link types
  • Phase – user
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