Plug-in: Opportunities

This plug-in creates link types and folders to use opportunities.

Product line




Operating mode





Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 09.08.2021
Updated: 26.04.2023

In Vertec, Opportunities entered, managed and evaluated. With this plug-in, the required link types are activated and folders are created to work with opportunities.

Opportunities make it possible to present a lightweight sales process in Vertec. You get an overview of your currently open sales opportunities, can search for opportunities and determine which closed opportunities have resulted in a project. In an analysis, you can also see the expected revenue per Salesperson over the course of the year.

Download and install

Download the plug-in with the following download link and install it in your Vertec. The exact procedure is in the article   Things worth knowing about the plug-ins described.

Version description Download

Includes features from version 6.6.



  • The Expert product line is a prerequisite for this plug-in.


The plug-in – if not already available – removes the root folder sale and the associated User group created as well as the Opportunities folder on the user, which all Opportunities captured contains.

The root folder sale will have the following subfolders:

Service sector settings
Sales Pipeline

The folder shows an overview of the current status of open opportunities:

It is possible to filter by customer and Salesperson and the probability of the project entering is graphically displayed.

The weighted amount shall be determined by the formula:

Weighted Amount = Amount x Probability

and thus provides an order of magnitude for the expected average turnover.

Opportunities Search

In this folder, you can filter by date, Salesperson, status and probability, or search for specific customers.

Completed Opportunities

In this folder are all inactive opportunities. They can be filtered by date, Salesperson and status. The list shows from which opportunity a project was created.


This folder contains an annual overview of the planned closures of the opportunities grouped by Salesperson.

Each month, the sum of the amounts of the Salesperson’s opportunities whose planned completion in the corresponding month. Opportunities for which no planned closing is recorded are not taken into account.

When the checkbox Gewichteter Betrag is activated, the sum of the weighted amounts is shown instead of the sum of the weighted amounts. The weighted amounts are calculated by multiplying the amount and the probability. The value of the Probability used, which is specified on the opportunity.

Technical information

Importing the plug-in creates the following objects:

  • Root folder sale with the following subfolders:
    • Sales Pipeline
    • Opportunities Search
    • Completed Opportunities
    • Evaluations
  • folder Opportunity on the user
  • folder Opportunity Status under Settings > CRM
User groups

Users must be assigned to the Folder Access Sales user group assigned become.

Link types
  • Activities – Opportunity
  • Contact – Opportunities
  • Project – Opportunity
  • Salesperson – Opportunities
Class Settings

Class settings and page customizations  for the activity class.

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