How to assign third-party services using outlays
Product line
Operating mode
Cloud Suite
Services & CRM
Budget & Phases
Resource Planning
Business Intelligence
You can assign partial amounts from a creditor to individual customer projects in Vertec by entering outlays. Outlays have many similarities with expenses and the input screen is largely similar to that of expenses.
Type | Expenses | Outlays |
Value int/ext |
Yes |
Yes |
Gross/net entry |
Yes |
Yes |
Budget by type |
Yes |
Yes |
Planning/Order |
No |
Yes |
Supplier invoice |
No |
Yes |
Forward invoice |
No |
Yes |
The fields Quantity/Amount, Gross, Price/Margin and the various directly writable amounts exactly match the values on an expense. The system Margin or Price is explained below.
The charging type can be used to define on outlays how to deal with the relevant third-party invoice (creditor):
The value for the charging type on the outlay is determined as follows:
You can enter outlays before a third-party invoice (creditor) is received. This enables you to concretely plan third-party services for projects. Outlays have a Status property which helps planning. This outlay status can take the following values:
: The outlay represents a budget value.Ordered
: An order has already been accepted with the supplier for the relevant services. Planned and ordered outlays are not applied to a customer invoice. If an outlay is set to ordered, the current user is saved as the ordering party (visible on the Further information page).Received
: The outlay has been invoiced and can be passed on (or forwarded) to the customer.You can see an example of how to apply the outlay status in the list of outlay types on phases (see outlay types article). You can also use this list for comprehensive budget planning.
The approval checkbox indicates whether the outlay may be forwarded, i.e. whether the entry should appear on an invoice to a customer.
Whether the approval for expenses or outlays is taken into account can be controlled via the system settings project / case > Outlays must be approved. By default, this setting is set to No, i.e. the approval checkbox has no effect.
There are two price calculation variants: price or margin. On the individual outlay, you can switch between price and margin via the drop-down selection.
This calculation works according to the system 5 pieces (quantity) at 15 francs (sale price) = 75 francs. For example, the purchase price is CHF 10.00 and the sale price is CHF 15.00. The amounts are calculated on the basis of these prices.
Because the purchase value is explicitly stated, there is a problem with the calculation of the selling price if the amounts are gross and the purchase VAT is not equal to the sales VAT. In this case, the selling price is calculated on the basis of the gross purchase price, because it is a gross expenditure. However, it would be correct to calculate on the basis of the net price.
The price calculation with a margin works according to the system: 50 francs (purchase price), margin 1.5 = 75 francs.
Here you simply enter the actual purchase value. The amounts are calculated on the basis of the margin. For example, the purchase price is CHF 50.00 and the margin is 1.5. The amounts are calculated based on these prices.
The purchase value can be entered net or gross. The margin is a factor that is always applied to the net value. Thus, gross purchases are also possible with different VAT rates for purchase and sale.
The margin in Vertec is defined as a factor. For example, if you want to achieve a 5% margin on a price, set a margin of 1.05.
You can predefine margins on outlay types. If one is set, any outlays entered on these types are calculated using the margin system.
When assigning outlay types to phases, margins can be overwritten. These margins then apply to the outlays entered on these phases.
The margin is preset in Vertec. If there is no amount in the unit price (external) field for the outlay type, the system margin is automatically applied.
Therefore, if you want to work according to the quantity and price system, you need to make sure that you have set a unit price (external) for the outlay type:
Different addresses can be specified for one outlay.
> Selection of suppliers only with creditor personal account
.The address information on a outlay is primarily used to assist with ordering. A Word report template for orders is supplied by Vertec as standard (see Reports for outlays ).
If the system setting Use outlay positions is activated, individual outlay positions can also be entered on outlays. These enable you to more finely structure the outlay. You can enter the individual positions in the Outlay detail items subfolder:
An outlay can include any number of positions. As soon as there are positions, the value of the outlay is calculated on the basis of the positions.
The margin is specified by the outlay. In this example, a outlay of the hardware type is entered. This has predefined a purchase price of CHF 1.00 and a sales price of CHF 1.15. The items entered on this outlay are therefore automatically charged at 1.15 per unit. If this value needs to be corrected on a position, the corresponding item can be double-clicked and the value on the detail view can be overwritten accordingly.
If you do not want to charge one or more items in a first step (partial delivery), you can assign them to another outlay using drag & drop.