Query system settings via OCL
Operating mode
Cloud Suite
Services & CRM
Budget & Phases
Resource Planning
Business Intelligence
You can also evaluate the values in the system settings via OCL. A value in the system settings is called a property.
The property can be read by the name (propertyName). Each property is of a specific type (see list below). The value of the property (propertyValue) must be queried on the corresponding type. The relevant Propertyname and type can be found in the description of the respective system setting.
The following expression returns the property type:
property->select(propertyName='Name of property’)->first.oclType.asstring
To query the value of a property, you have to proceed according to the property type. Below, you can see the complete list to query properties by type.
StringPropertyA string property is a property where an alphanumeric text or path is entered. For example, it can be a field where the value is typed manually: ![]() Or also via a browser (in the file system or in an external program such as accounting): ![]() Query examplestringproperty->select(propertyName='VESRKndnNr’)->first.propertyvalue returns a string with the value as it is in the field. |
BooleanPropertyYes/No values. Displays a checkbox. ![]() Query examplebooleanproperty->select(propertyName='AutoSaveSessionSettings’)->first.propertyvalue returns True or False. |
SelectionPropertySelects value from a list using combobox. ![]() Query exampleselectionproperty->select(propertyName='Jargon’)->first.asstring returns a string (written in the same way as in the selection list itself). Using the query: selectionproperty->select(propertyName='Jargon’)->first.propertyvalue you get the index of the selection (in the example, 0 for projects and 1 for cases) as an integer. |
DatetimePropertyDate values. Shows a date picker. ![]() Query exampledatetimeproperty->select(propertyName='Sperrdatum’)->first.propertyvalue returns a date value (date) in the appropriate formatting (e.g. 30.11.2016). |
IntegerPropertyInteger value (such as the length of the invoice number). ![]() Query exampleintegerproperty->select(propertyName='LengthInvoice Number’)->first.propertyvalue returns the relevant number. |
MinutesPropertyWorks internally the same as the IntegerProperty (see above). In other words, the entered value is saved as an integer minute value. The display is controlled by the System Settings Project > Show Minutes. ![]() Query exampleminutesproperty->select(propertyName='name_property’)->first.propertyvalue yields a minute value as a result, in example 2400. |
CurrencyPropertyContains a fixed-point number, such as a Swiss franc amount. ![]() Query examplecurrencyproperty->select(propertyName='name_property’)->first.propertyvalue returns a fixed point number. |
ObjectPropertyContains a Vertec object. You can select a list of entries from Vertec. ![]() Query exampleobjectproperty->select(propertyName='ActivityTypeDocument’)->first.propertyvalue returns an ObjectReference, i.e. the relevant object. If it is to be used again, it must be cast to the respective type. |
BlobPropertyA value that is stored in a blob field in the database. For example, used for very long reference numbers, for which a normal string field (255 characters) is not sufficient. Query exampleblobproperty->select(propertyName='PropOutlookFolder’)->first.propertyvalue returns the relevant reference number. |