Downpayment Repayment

Repayment of advance as a credit note

Product line




Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 28.12.2009
Machine translated
Updated: 23.03.2018 | New screenshots.

As soon as an invoice is created on a project, any downpayments already invoiced are deducted from this invoice as downpayments made.

If the amount of the downpayment is greater than the invoice amount, the invoice amount will normally be deducted from the downpayment. For the next invoice, the balance of the downpayment will be applied.

However, if you now want to refund the remaining amount to the customer, the option Settle must be set on the corresponding downpayment:

If this option is set, the downpayment will be fully reconciled on the invoice; in this case, a negative invoice amount will appear:

In this case, the posting document looks like this: