Frequently asked questions about standard hours and vacations
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Carry over vacation and overtime balances
Vertec will be commissioned during the year
The standard hours for the regular employees are entered on the user group. In the following example, we enter a standard weekly hours of 42.5 hours for all employees:
On the default user group, on the settings tab, a row is entered. The date is selected so far in the past that all cases are covered, in our example 01.01.1900.
Now we enter the standard weekly hours.
No by date should be entered here. This setting is valid until revoked. It is therefore not necessary to enter a new setting every year.
The target time settings for the users have already been entered. They are considered to be 100% settings for all users.
For part-time employees, weekly target hours are entered on the individual employee. This overrides the information on the user group (the employee can still be assigned to the standard user group). Vertec then automatically calculates vacation credits, overtime, etc.
Always make sure that the date from which a default applies is set to the correct time or to a much earlier time (e.g. 01.01.1900) to cover all cases.
On the individual user, on the settings tab, a new row is entered. In the field Weekly standard hours, via the button with the three dots, you can edit the weekly standard hours. If you enter here as employment level 80, the standard hours are spread evenly over all days.
In this case, use the button with the three dots to enter the standard hours on the corresponding days of the week in the field Weekly standard hours:
The following applies: A holiday that falls on a Friday will not be credited as working time, since there is no standard time.
Hourly wage employees have no standard hours and no vacation entitlement. However, if they are to appear on attendance lists and in resource planning, a standard hour must still be entered. In this case, all working time entered in the Vertec service entry is considered overtime. If this is troublesome, the calculation of vacation and overtime balances on individual users can be turned off. This is done via the following checkboxes:
If these options are set to No, the balances for this user are always 0. By default, the options are set to Yes.
Another variant is to set the weekly standard time to zero. This also automatically expires the holiday entitlement. However, such employees do not have a planable time in the resource planning and do not appear in attendance or attendance time evaluations.
When you open the target time window, each field is blank. However, a blank field does not mean 0! So you must explicitly set each day to 0.
Upon entry, the employee must set the entry date. The standard hours and holiday credit will be calculated by Vertec based on the employee’s entry date.
In this context, the question arises again and again as to why Vertec does not receive exactly three quarters of the annual holiday credit for an employee who enters via 1.4 for example. The reason is that Vertec distributes the holiday credit over the individual calendar days (see the following article on holiday calculation in Vertec).
Upon exit, the exit date must be set on the employee. The vacation and overtime entitlement at the time of exit are automatically calculated by Vertec. This is the same for full-time and part-time employees.
When an employee re-joins, they are usually still in the system but inactive. Now, if you simply delete the exit date, Vertec will include standard hours, vacation credits, etc. for the entire time the employee left. This is undesirable. To work around this, do the following:
For the payment of overtime, an overtime deferral is made on the user for the date on which the overtime was repaid. Alternatively, it is possible to record negative services.
For a detailed description, see Compensation for overtime.
An employee reduced on April 1 from 100% to 80%. Proceed as follows:
Enter a new row in the settings and set the weekly standard hour to 80% (description see above). It is important that you set the date April 1st and not a until date. This means that the new standard hour applies from April 1st.
Vertec then correctly calculates holiday credits and overtime according to this information.
Vertec calculates in hours, not in days. Until the date, in the example April 1, the employee is charged the percentage of the holiday credit for 100%, from the date from which he reduced, for 80%. The holiday credit, which the employee is entitled to from the 100% of the time, is not reduced to 80%, but remains. This also applies to a possible forward. This continues to be regarded as an absolute number, even if the employee later reduces his workload.
See also the separate article about the vacation / vacation calculation in Vertec.
There are always questions about how to set up an annual working time model in Vertec. Basically, Vertec’s working time calculation is based on weekly working time and holidays. It is possible to set up an annual working time, but this must be done manually. We recommend using Vertec’s normal working time model whenever possible.
The following procedure leads to the desired result:
In our example, the User Group has a standard weekly time of 42 h.
On the user under settings on the button Werte für Periode berechnen...
click and select the period 01.01. – 31.12. of the year in the dialog box. Under the standard time setting, the annual standard time calculated by Vertec is shown:
If you now have a different prescribed annual time, the weekly standard time can be calculated as follows:
up to date weekly standard time * desired annual standard time / up to date annual standard time
42 * 2100 / 2184 = 40:23
If the system setting to show minutes is not set to hours.Decimal but to hours:minutes, the result must be converted to hours and minutes.
The weekly standard time calculated in this way must now either be entered in the settings of the individual user (ATTENTION: for part-time employees, the value must first be scaled manually and then the scaled value must be entered):
Or, if the annual working time applies to all editors, it can be entered directly on the user group:
If the annual working time is entered on the user group, part-time employees are also automatically scaled based on their workload.
If some of the staff are on annual working time and others are not, two user groups can be created for this purpose. The settings are then not defined in the standard user group, but on these separate user groups, and the editors are assigned to them accordingly.
Short-time work can be mapped using an internal project. The default time settings for each user remain unchanged in Vertec. Instead, users record their time not worked due to short-time work on the project.
All information and procedures can be found in our blog post “Mapping short-time work in vertec”. Also read the Interview with dr. daniel gubler about the implementation of the fully automatic billing of short-time work in Vertec.
Vertec automatically calculates the credit based on the date of entry or exit, the holiday specification of the user group and the level of employment, you do not have to calculate anything manually.
If you still want to set a manual value, the procedure under An employee who joins or leaves during the year has described a special holiday credit.
First, you need to define how a longer absence affects the user’s vacation entitlement. If the user is treated as if he or she were not employed for the duration of the absence, and then simply returns to the same place of work, you can insert a row for it and mark it with a date and a To date. The default then applies only to this time period. For unpaid vacation, both the standard hours and the wage entitlement are set to zero:
In this example, the employee takes unpaid vacation in July. This employee’s vacation credit is automatically reduced accordingly.
If a user needs to use up his vacation and overtime for his sabbatical and then receives unpaid leave for the rest of the absence, then this must be entered in Vertec exactly as follows:
There are longer absences that are not charged against other holiday entitlements, such as maternity leave, which is regulated by law. From Vertec’s point of view, this is a series of personal days off, such as the statutory days off for family matters such as marriage, death, etc.
The simplest implementation is a separate type of absence with the absence type “Free” (and not vacation). The employee then enters such a vacation as normal absence. The entitlement to vacation and overtime is left unchanged.
If such a vacation is to be entered as vacation (instead of as a day off), then the vacation entitlement for this user must also be increased accordingly. This is a special vacation credit, which is entered as a vacation carryover on the vacation deadline date on the user (as described below in the section An employee has a special vacation credit in one year (e.g. seniority gift)).
Subsequently, the vacation on the user is entered as normal Vacation.
For the deviation (which can also be negative if the employee has less vacation than usual until the end of the year), a vacation carryover is entered at the beginning of the year. The surcharge or deduction is thus added to or deducted from the normal vacation credit, which Vertec automatically calculates.
It is important that the vacation carry-over is entered on the holiday cut-off date, which in practically all cases is the beginning of the year. This is important because each vacation entry is scaled within a year, e.g. on entry and exit dates. The value is therefore always viewed as an annual value.
A vacation carryover reported below the year overwrites the vacation credit shown in “Vacation” and is therefore considered a vacation balance until the next reporting date.
In this case, the employee is credited with the corresponding credit manually for the rest of the year. In the example, the starting date is 01.10.2011, the employee is credited with 50 hours until the end of the year:
It is possible that forwarding in the middle of the year brings problems with the evaluations that customers use for holiday billing. Some of these reports cannot handle forwarding in the middle of the year. In this case, the example above could be represented as follows:
Here the date is now set to 01.01. of the year and scheduled to 31.12. (To date). Vacations absolute are set to 0 and then the vacation carryover is entered accordingly.
The values in the summary below are calculated as follows:
Vacation balance: This is the effective vacation balance of the user as of the reporting date.
Vacation entitlement: The vacation entitlement of the user from the start of the vacation period (holiday cut-off date) up to and including yesterday.
Holiday credit: The holiday credit is the calculated value based on the user group with employment level, starting date etc.
Vacation carryover:
Special case Start date within the year:
Vertec Versions before
In case of any ambiguities regarding the display, the following applies: The vacation balance is always correct and shows that the figures are calculated correctly by the system in all cases shown.
For example, the employees of a company receive the Friday after the drive-in as a gift. If all employees were 100% employed, this day could simply be entered as an absence of the type Free. However, the gift is also intended to benefit part-time employees who work less or no work at all on that day. In other words, the employee receives more hours as a gift than his standard time. How can this be represented?
In this case, an appropriate overtime carry forward must be entered for each employee with the up-to-date overtime balance plus the time donated.
The up-to-date overtime balance of this employee amounts to 12 hours. Now he should be given 8 hours. So one enters a target line with a forward date of 20 hours:
Holidays and Fridays can be entered in the Absence List. After entering absences, the target time is automatically reduced by the corresponding days or hours. Even for part-time employees, the entire week from Monday to Friday can be entered. Vertec automatically calculates vacation pay only for those days and hours on which the employee also works according to the settings. Public holidays and company holidays that apply to everyone are entered in the absence list on the standard user group.
For more information, see Managing absences.
Example: Mr. Meier, like most others in the company, has four weeks of vacation to credit from 1 January to 30 June of a year. On the standard user group, the vacation credit is noted accordingly. On 1 July, he turns 50 years old and thus permanently receives one week more vacation.
It is best to make a new setting directly on the editor per 1.7.12 and enter the five weeks in the field Vacation 100%. This setting overrides the value of four weeks on the user group. If Mr. Meier changes his workload later or has another workload, Vertec calculates the correct value for the vacation credit pro rata.
Important: For reasons of clarity, the reason for the adjustment should be stated in the remarks box.
Some customers have mapped vacation user groups, that is, they have a user group for employees with four weeks of vacation, a group for employees with five weeks of vacation, etc. Now, if an employee’s vacation entitlement changes, that employee must change the group as well. But this creates the problem that the values of the past are also changed. In this case, it is best to set the value of the old user group directly on the editor with a setting: In the field Vacation 100%, enter the old credit, in the field To date, the date until which the old value is valid. The date of this setting (in the first column) can be set to the employee’s entry date or – if he has already changed the vacation group – the date of the previous change.
Important: For reasons of clarity, the reason for the adjustment should be stated in the remarks box.
There are cases where employees who work part-time are credited too much time for holidays that do not last the whole day.
The problem occurs with hourly holidays such as 1h before Good Friday or 4h before Sechseläuten. If you want to partially credit a part-time employee for Friday due to his workload, you can enter the Friday directly on the editor and enter the desired value in the column Hours. This holiday entered in this way overrides the default setting on the user group. If there are many corresponding users, manual entry can be cumbersome, in which case you can solve the request via user groups. More information can be found in the separate article Fridays for part-time employees.
Vacation and overtime balances do not have to be carried over, but are also calculated by the system beyond the annual limit.
Vacation and overtime balances are transferred manually in the following cases:
Balances can be carried over on an individual user or on a user group (for all users). For a detailed description of how to carry over balances, see the article Carrying balances.
There is always the case that customers who start up Vertec before the year have problems saving the settings when the users are entered in Vertec with the effective entry date.
The following approach has proved successful: