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Copies the current SQL folder including all queries and pastes it into a destination folder. The destination folder is specified by the ID, which can be found on the destination folder by right clicking > Property > Internal ID
The list settings are not copied. If you also want to apply them, use the Copy List Settings script.
Version | description | Scripting |
6.6 | Script in Python. Also copies the list controller name. | |
#---Description: Copy SQL folder # Classes: Entry # ObjectScript: No # ContainerScript: Yes # EventType: None #---The script copies the current folder as a subfolder # of another folder. # The new pairing folder must be specified via the ID. # The ID can be found in the folder with the right mouse button > Property. #---11.11.2011, cp: created. #---27.09.2016, sr: msgbox by vertec.msgbox and inputbox # replaced by vertec.inputbox. #---15.06.2018, sth: Script translated into Python. Prerequisite: Vertec 6.2 #---19.10.2023, sth: Also copies the field list controller from Vertec 6.6 def main(folder): parentord = None if not ordner.eval('oclisKindOf(Sqlfolder)'): vtcapp.msgbox('You can only execute this script on a SQL folder.') else: # Determine New parent folder parentid = vtcapp.inputbox('Vertec’,'Specify the ID of the new parent folder.','') if parentid: try: parentord = vtcapp.getobjectbyid(parentid) except: vtcapp.msgbox('No folder with this ID was found. The copy operation was aborted.') else: try: newordner = vtcapp.createobject(“SqlFolder”) newordner.parentordner = parentord # copy all members newordner.allowShowAll = ordner.allowShowAll newordner.orderClause = ordner.orderClause newordner.showDialog = folder.showDialog newordner.whereClause = ordner.whereClause newordner.classname = ordner.classname newordner.creatorTypes = ordner.creatorTypes newordner.dialogParamsInitialized = folder.dialogParamsInitialized newordner.expression = ordner.expression newordner.searchConfiguration = ordner.searchConfiguration = newordner.tabsProClass = folder.tabsProClass newordner.idx = ordner.idx newordner.persistentIcon = folder.persistentIcon newordner.remarking = ordner.remarking newordner.controllerclassname = ordner.controllerclassname except Exception as e: vtcapp.msgbox('There was a problem creating the new folder. The copy operation was aborted.\nThe error is: %s’ % str(e)) main(argobject)