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Business Intelligence
Vertec version 6.6 introduced API tokens to increase the logon security of Web API accesses. The API tokens increase the logon security of Web API accesses. Vertec XML Interface and the BI API Extension.
Note: For reasons of backward compatibility, the old system (authentication via username and password) was still supported, with Vertec version 6.7 but switched off .
API tokens can be generated on the More Info page of an user:
With a click on the button Generieren…
the API token is generated and shown in the corresponding field:
This must be copied immediately, as it will not be shown the next time you visit the page. Instead of the token, the following text will be shown and the token can only be deleted:
If the token is deleted, it can no longer be used, and instead of Löschen…
Buttons is the button again Generieren…
Users with administrator rights can view the generated API tokens of all users in the Settings menu using the option Alle API Tokens löschen...
delete at once:
At first, a warning query appears, which asks again whether all API tokens should be deleted.
The API Token section of the user’s More Info page is only shown if the logged-in user Administrative rights
has or has the right to write Projektbarbeiter.ApiToken
is granted.