Select and edit address layouts
Operating mode
Cloud Suite
Services & CRM
Budget & Phases
Resource Planning
Business Intelligence
For each address, a special layout can be selected in Vertec. This is used to define how the corresponding address should look in the print. On each address, the print view is visible on the right:
If an address is newly created, the default template of this address type (person, company, etc.) is automatically selected. If a different layout is desired, this can be done in two ways:
so that they are recognizable as variables. You can also enter additional text manually, which will then be shown 1:1.
to select an appropriate layout.
Layout templates can only be edited by the administrator.
Click the New button in the Templates window, or select an existing template and click Edit. This will take you to the Template Editor.
Give the template a designation. We recommend that you select it in such a way that it is clear for which address type (simple address, person, company, contact and couple) this template can be selected (e.g. contact). Each template can be defined whether it should be used as the default for an address type. Only one standard can be defined per address type.
Ocl expressions can be used to customize the address layout. These should be enclosed with %% sign to make them recognizable as variables.
On the left, the available fields appear. Select the desired field and click on the >> button. The field is entered as a variable at the curson position in the address layout field on the right. You can enter additional text manually, or insert additional fields from the address entry. Use the appropriate OCL terms and enclose them with %%, or insert text manually (without % symbol), which will then be shown 1:1.
You can also enter OCL expressions in the Salutation and Salutation fields. These will then be applied for each new address of this type.
Address Layout | %name% %zusatz% %adresse% %plz% %ort% %land% |
form of address | For companies, the form of address remains blank. |
salutation | %if sprache.asstring='DE' then 'Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren' else if sprache.asstring='FR' then 'Madame, Monsieur' else if sprache.asstring='IT' then 'Spettabile Ditta' else 'Dear Sir or Madam' endif endif endif% |
Address Layout | Since it is possible by the system to enter the contact person as a shortcut or as text, the contact address layout must respond correctly to both variants of person information: %if person->notempty then person.vorname+' ' else vorname+' '+name endif% %zusatz% %adresse% %plz% %ort% %land% |
form of address | From Vertec version 6.6: %if sprache.asstring='DE' then if gender = 'male' then 'Herr' else if gender = 'female' then 'Frau' else if person.notNull then person.vorname else vorname endif endif endif else if sprache.asstring='FR' then if gender = 'male' then 'Monsieur' else if gender = 'female' then 'Madame' else if person.notNull then person.vorname else vorname endif endif endif else if sprache.asstring='IT' then if gender = 'male' then 'Signore' else if gender = 'female' then 'Signora' else if person.notNull then person.vorname else vorname endif endif endif else if gender = 'male' then 'Mr' else if gender = 'female' then 'Ms' else if person.notNull then person.vorname else vorname endif endif endif endif endif endif% |
Before Vertec version 6.6: %if sprache.asstring='DE' then if ismale then 'Herr' else 'Frau' endif else if sprache.asstring='FR' then if ismale then 'Monsieur' else 'Madame' endif else if sprache.asstring='IT' then if ismale then 'Signore' else 'Signora' endif else if ismale then 'Mr' else 'Ms' endif endif endif endif% |
salutation | From Vertec version 6.6: %if sprache.asstring='DE' then if gender = 'male' then 'Sehr geehrter' else if gender = 'female' then 'Sehr geehrte' else 'Guten Tag' endif endif else if sprache.asstring='FR' then if gender = 'male' then 'Cher' else if gender = 'female' then 'Chère' else 'Bonjour' endif endif else if sprache.asstring='IT' then if gender = 'male' then 'Egregio' else if gender = 'female' then 'Egregia' else 'Buon giorno' endif endif else 'Dear' endif endif endif% %anrede% %if person.notNull then else name endif% |
Before Vertec version 6.6: %if sprache.asstring='DE' then if ismale then 'Sehr geehrter' else 'Sehr geehrte' endif else if sprache.asstring='EN' then 'Dear' else ''endif endif% %anrede% %name% |
Additional variables for contacts:
Address Layout | %vorname% %name% %zusatz% %adresse% %plz% %ort% %land% |
form of address | From Vertec version 6.6: %if sprache.asstring='DE' then if gender = 'male' then 'Herr' else if gender = 'female' then 'Frau' else vorname endif endif else if sprache.asstring='FR' then if gender = 'male' then 'Monsieur' else if gender = 'female' then 'Madame' else vorname endif endif else if sprache.asstring='IT' then if gender = 'male' then 'Signore' else if gender = 'female' then 'Signora' else vorname endif endif else if gender = 'male' then 'Mr' else if gender = 'female' then 'Ms' else vorname endif endif endif endif endif% |
Before Vertec Verison 6.6: %if sprache.asstring='DE' then if ismale then 'Herr' else 'Frau' endif else if sprache.asstring='FR' then if ismale then 'Monsieur' else 'Madame' endif else if sprache.asstring='IT' then if ismale then 'Signore' else 'Signora' endif else if ismale then 'Mr' else 'Ms' endif endif endif endif% |
salutation | From Vertec version 6.6: %if sprache.asstring='DE' then if gender = 'male' then 'Sehr geehrter' else if gender = 'female' then 'Sehr geehrte' else 'Guten Tag' endif endif else if sprache.asstring='FR' then if gender = 'male' then 'Cher' else if gender = 'female' then 'Chère' else 'Bonjour' endif endif else if sprache.asstring='IT' then if gender = 'male' then 'Egregio' else if gender = 'female' then 'Egregia' else 'Buon giorno' endif endif else 'Dear' endif endif endif% %anrede% %name% |
Before Vertec Verison 6.6: %if sprache.asstring='DE' then if ismale then 'Sehr geehrter' else 'Sehr geehrte' endif else if sprache.asstring='EN' then 'Dear' else ''endif endif% %anrede% %name% |
If the persons are assigned as an object, the form-of-address and salutation of the respective person can be used. PersonA is considered to be the more relevant and is therefore mentioned first, regardless of gender or status. Since directly entered names in couples have no gender, it is not possible to create a correct form-of-address / salutation and only first name name is given without further form-of-address.
Address Layout | %if personA->notempty then personA.anrede+' '+personA.vorname+' ' else vornameA+' '+nameA endif% %if personB->notempty then personB.anrede+' '+personB.vorname+' ' else vornameB+' '+nameB endif% %zusatz% %adresse% %plz% %ort% %land% So the result for person assignment is: Ms. Judith Feller (or formOfaddress in the language/formOfaddress) and for direct input: Judith Feller |
form of address | The form-of-address for couples belongs to the respective person and is either applied by the person or omitted altogether. This means that the form-of-address for couples remains blank and is incorporated directly into the address layout. |
salutation | If persons are assigned, the salutation can be applied from the person objects. Without the person objects (i.e. if only names have been entered on the couple), the gender of the addressee remains unknown and the correct salutation must be inserted manually, at least for the salutation in DE/FR/IT. For the English salutation “Dear” first name can be used. The salutation for couples is 2-line. |
From Vertec version 6.6: %if personA.notNull then personA.briefanrede else if sprache.asstring='DE' then 'Guten Tag ' else if sprache.asstring='FR' then 'Bonjour ' else if sprache.asstring='IT' then 'Buon giorno ' else 'Dear ' endif endif endif + vornameA + ' ' + nameA endif% %if personB.notNull then personB.briefanrede else if sprache.asstring='DE' then 'Guten Tag ' else if sprache.asstring='FR' then 'Bonjour ' else if sprache.asstring='IT' then 'Buon giorno ' else 'Dear ' endif endif endif + vornameB + ' ' + nameB endif% |
Before Vertec version 6.6: %if personA->notempty then personA.briefanrede else if sprache.asstring='EN' then 'Dear ' + vornameA+' '+nameA else vornameA+' '+nameA endif endif% %if personB->notempty then personB.briefanrede else if sprache.asstring='EN' then 'Dear ' + vornameB+' '+nameB else vornameB+' '+nameB endif endif% |
Address Layout | %vorname% %name% %zuHanden% %zusatz% %adresse% %plz% %ort% |
form of address | From Vertec version 6.6: %if sprache.asstring='DE' then if gender = 'male' then 'Herr' else if gender = 'female' then 'Frau' else vorname endif endif else if sprache.asstring='FR' then if gender = 'male' then 'Monsieur' else if gender = 'female' then 'Madame' else vorname endif endif else if sprache.asstring='IT' then if gender = 'male' then 'Signore' else if gender = 'female' then 'Signora' else vorname endif endif else if gender = 'male' then 'Mr' else if gender = 'female' then 'Ms' else vorname endif endif endif endif endif% |
Before Vertec version 6.6: %if sprache.asstring='DE' then if ismale then 'Herr' else 'Frau' endif else if sprache.asstring='FR' then if ismale then 'Monsieur' else 'Madame' endif else if sprache.asstring='IT' then if ismale then 'Signore' else 'Signora' endif else if ismale then 'Mr' else 'Ms' endif endif endif endif% |
salutation | From Vertec version 6.6: %if sprache.asstring='DE' then if gender = 'male' then 'Sehr geehrter' else if gender = 'female' then 'Sehr geehrte' else 'Guten Tag' endif endif else if sprache.asstring='FR' then if gender = 'male' then 'Cher' else if gender = 'female' then 'Chère' else 'Bonjour' endif endif else if sprache.asstring='IT' then if gender = 'male' then 'Egregio' else if gender = 'female' then 'Egregia' else 'Buon giorno' endif endif else 'Dear' endif endif endif% %anrede% %name% |
Before Vertec version 6.6: %if sprache.asstring='DE' then if ismale then 'Sehr geehrter' else 'Sehr geehrte' endif else if sprache.asstring='EN' then 'Dear' else ''endif endif% %anrede% %name% |
The Post Office recommends that the country of destination be indicated in French or English on the last line of the address. The ISO country code should only be indicated on the consignment note for URGENT and parcel consignments. Example:
1035 SE Amsterdam
To delete an address layout template, select it in the Template Editor and click Delete:
In doing so, you should consider the following:
The processing of address information can be controlled via user rights on the corresponding attributes.
Selecting address layout templates and editing the layout can be controlled separately via the user rights. The user right for this is linked to the member AdressLayout.adresslayout.
For example, if you want address administrators not to be able to select a different address pattern or change the layout information themselves, you can revoke the write permission on this member.
If you want to output the layouted address, for example in a Word report, the corresponding OCL expression is adresstext