Manage external services in Vertec
With the Purchases feature, you can manage all your external services in Vertec. Receive third-party invoices only need to be entered once. Vertec offers you an automatic transfer to accounts payable. If necessary, you can also divide items from an external invoice into different projects.
With the Purchases module, you can plan the Purchases incurred in a project and control the budget. With the daily updated data, project leaders can easily manage their project costs. Two different process variants for Purchase can be found in the Knowledge Base Article Procurement described.
Creditors posting with vertec, Procurement
Product line “Expert”
Modules “Services & CRM,” “Purchase”
Yes, you can decide whether the invoice is either charged or forwarded directly.
You can either budget these as an overall line or allocate individual lines to several projects.
Vertec does not have its own accounting system, but interfaces for all common financial accounting programs. The interfaces can be installed at the push of a button and activated in the system settings. This allows for a smooth transfer of data.
Imports/exports can be done via ActiveX/COM (see Knowledge Base article), XML and Excel. Should you choose to cancel your Cloud Suite subscription, you may receive the raw data in a Firebird database, if required.
Invoice data is transferred using extensions. Many of these F&A interfaces are already cloud-ready. For more information, see the Knowledge Base article on all Vertec extensions at a glance.
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