SelectLine receivable interface

Vertec Interface Description SelectLine receivables

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Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 30.07.2004
Machine translated
Updated: 07.05.2024 | Cloud-ready from Vertec

The extension from Vertec to SelectLine FAR allows invoices from Vertec to be posted as receivables in the SelectLine FAR. The extension uses the ActiveX server of the FAR software on the SelectLine page.

A prerequisite for the functioning of the extension is a SelectLine installation with a functional ActiveX server on the computer on which the extension is to be used.

As of SelectLine 2016, the COM interface must be licensed with SelectLine. See the section COM interface subject to licensing.


Selectline activex server

The SelectLine programs contain an ActiveX server, which is included in the respective program file. For the Vertec extension to work, this ActiveX server must be installed correctly in Windows on the corresponding computer.

In the SelectLine, the registration is done via settings > COM Server > Register COM Server.

Installing the extension in vertec

In Vertec, in the folder Settings > Interfaces, open the list of Extensions. Open the SelectLine receivables interface and press Installieren.

Settings in vertec

Some system settings are installed for all receivables. These are listed in System settings > Accounting.

The special system settings for the SelectLine receivable interface are:

FARU client: Enter your SelectLine client here. Click on the button with the three dots and select the desired client from the list.

PropertyName: DatenbankFibu. StringProperty.

FAR login: Enter the login for your SelectLine client here.

PropertyName: LoginFibu. StringProperty.

FARU Password: Enter the corresponding password here.

PropertyName: PasswordFibu. StringProperty.

Accounting period: When selecting the FARU client (see above), you can also select an accounting period. Vertec automatically enters the corresponding value in this field.

PropertyName: PeriodeFibu. StringProperty.

SelectLine Invoice number for posting: Causes the invoice number to be used as the FAR posting number instead of the posting number generated by SelectLine using the number range.

PropertyName: SelectLineRechNummerBeleg. BooleanProperty.

Use invoice date as posting date (SelectLine): Causes the invoice date to be used for both OI and FRO posting, regardless of whether the value date is different.

PropertyName: SelectLineUseRechDatum. BooleanProperty.

Com interface subject to license

From SelectLine FAR version 16.1, the COM interface must be licensed with SelectLine.

It is possible to activate the COM interface directly by the third-party program of the interface provider without the customer having to purchase a license. Since each new SelectLine major version requires a new COM activation code, the customer must enter this code in Vertec in the system settings > Accounting:

SelectLine COM activation code: From Vertec 6.2. Enter the COM activation code you will receive from your SelectLine administrator.

PropertyName: ComFreischaltcodeFibu. StringProperty.

From Vertec onwards, the COM activation code is only transmitted to SelectLine if it is entered. This makes it possible to run both new and old Selectline versions. The behavior is as follows:

  • From Selectline version 16: If a correct COM activation code is entered in Vertec, the actions are executed. If no COM activation code is entered, an error message is thrown.
  • Up to Selectline 16: If no COM unlock code is entered in Vertec, the actions are executed. If a COM unlock code is present, an error message is thrown because Selectline does not yet know the field.

Customization of the selectline configuration file

If SelectLine is provided with a password and the corresponding information is provided in the system settings (Fibu Login, Passwort), the following value should be set in the SelectLine configuration file Daten.ini (in the data folder of the SelectLine installation):


This setting prevents the SelectLine login dialog from always appearing automatically. Vertec can establish the connection in the background.

Payment Import

With SelectLine, a payment reconciliation can be performed.

For each relevant payment, Vertec enters a payment on the invoice and reads the following values from SelectLine:

Date: Date of payment
Account: Receiving account
Bankid: Bank ID of receipt of payment
Amount: Amount paid in
Document No: Document number of the payment posted in the accounting
Text: Text on payment

Only payments, instalments and advances shall be taken into account.