System settings - General

Explanation of the system settings in the General tab

Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 24.09.2002
Updated: 11.11.2024 | New system setting document saving from Vertec 6.7.

Change letters to uppercase

If this option is activated, lowercase letters entered in the code field of project, phase, service type, or expense type are automatically changed to uppercase letters. This ensures that all codes entered appear in uppercase letters.

PropertyName: CodeUpperCase. BooleanProperty. Default: Yes.

Consider deactivated entries in search dialogs (default value)

This controls the default value of the “Consider deactivated entries in search dialogs (default value)” checkbox on add-in dialogs and all other SQL search dialogs in which this checkbox is shown. (Exception: The SQL search dialog for address references does not display this checkbox, so this system setting has no impact there.)

PropertyName: SearchInactiveEntries. BooleanProperty. Default: No.

Document path

Appears only if the system setting Document storage (see below) is set to Filesystem or DMS.

All the documents created from Vertec are stored in this directory. The document path specified here can be extended by adding subdirectories to the path for individual classes in the class settings.

PropertyName: GlobalDocPath. StringProperty. Default: Vertec installation path + Documents.

Document storage

In this setting, you can choose between Internal or Filesystem or DMS:

  • With the internal option, documents are saved directly in Vertec. This provides operating modes without access to a file system an easy way to manage documents. Documents are found quickly and are always available, even in the Web App.
  • The file system or DMS option saves the documents on the file system or in an external DMS.

Comprehensive information on this can be found in Document management with Vertec.

PropertyName: DocumentStorage. SelectionProperty. Default setting for new installations from Vertec 6.7: internal.


Contains the address of your account. This is required in various places within the program: on reports, for automatic mails, for VESR/BESR, etc. If you want to use VESR/BESR, make sure that you have defined the address required by the post office or bank as the default address for your address.
From Vertec 6.3, Account can be overridden on the payment type.

PropertyName: Account. ObjectProperty.

Company logo

From Vertec Here, you can save your company logo to use in reports as the default . By right-clicking in the field, the image can be loaded, opened, saved and deleted again.

PropertyName: CompanyLogo. BlobProperty.

Program jargon

Select the program jargon that suits you. You can choose between projects and cases. If you select the program jargon cases, terms such as project and customer are replaced in Vertec by case and client. See also Glossary.

PropertyName: Jargon. Selectionproperty. Default: projects.

Save session settings on exit

This saves your current screen views when you exit Vertec. The next time you log in, Vertec appears in the same size and with the same tabs that you currently have open. See also Vertec user interface.

PropertyName: AutoSaveSessionSettings. BooleanProperty.Custom. Default: no.

Show language selection

Available as of Vertec Causes the Change language... menu item to be shown in the Settings menu and the Vertec program language can be adjusted by the user.

PropertyName: AllowLanguageSelection. BooleanProperty. Default: yes.

SQL folder for Vertec search

Here, you can specify the SQL folder that is used for the general search field in Vertec. By default, a search folder is already predefined. It is called Vertec search, which is automatically created by Vertec and entered as a search folder. You can find it in Vertec under Public folders.

By default, this search folder searches in address.alias and project.code, description and regarding.

PropertyName: GlobalSearchFolder. Objectproperty. Default: Public folders > Vertec search.

Template path for Word reports

Vertec versions prior to only. Specify the directory where your Vertec report templates are located. By default, Vertec report templates are located in the Reports subdirectory of the Vertec installation directory on the server.

For security reasons, write access to this path is blocked for cloud clients (Web App, Cloud App) from version, with the implementation of the upload/download mechanism for reports.

PropertyName: GlobalWordTemplatePath. StringProperty. Default: Vertec installation path + Reports.

Older Vertec versions

Check the existence of document files

Only versions prior to Here, you can set whether to check if the linked file exists in the file system when validating file documents. With large document lists, this can lead to performance problems. If set to No, no check takes place and file documents without an affiliated file in the file system are still valid.

This system setting does not work with the SharePoint Online DMS extension and should be deactivated to prevent invalid activities.

PropertyName: DoCheckFileDocExists . BooleanProperty. Default: yes.