The Vertec user interface

This is how Vertec is built

Product line




Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 08.07.2002
Updated: 06.11.2024 | Screenshots updated.


Navigation Views

Search via the address bar

Menu buttons

Screen scaling (ZOOM)

Save session settings


The individual screen views are arranged in tabs. In these tabs, entries can be opened and navigated independently.

For example, you can click on the plus + and open new tabs. In the example above, you have “three Vertecs” side by side. If you navigate in one tab, nothing changes in the other tabs. This enables you to switch between different views at any time.

The order of the tabs can be changed by drag and drop. Click the tab with the left mouse button and drag it to the desired location.

As soon as the arrow lights up where you want to move the tab, release the mouse button and the tab will be placed in the new location.

Keyboard shortcuts for managing tabs

Keyboard shortcutsFunction
Ctrl+TOpen a new tab
Ctrl+W, Ctrl+F4Close the current tab
Ctrl+TabSelect the next tab
Ctrl+Shift+TabSelect the previous tab
Ctrl+9Select the last tab

A list of all keyboard shortcuts in Vertec can be found here.

Tabs in the Web App

In the Web App, the Vertec views are shown in individual browser tabs. Managing the tabs refers to the browser, which basically does not know anything about Vertec. Therefore, opening Vertec in a new window cannot be done using a keyboard shortcut, but by dragging a new tab.

To show a new tab with the Vertec start view in the browser, in the Web App’s Settings menu, click on the menu item Open new tab...

Navigation views

Above the tree, you see a navigation area with symbols.

These control the navigation area on the left as follows:

Standard view (F7)

If this symbol is activated, the tree is shown on the left for navigation. This is the default view when opening Vertec or a new tab.

This list can also be called up with the function key F7.

You can find all the information about navigation in the tree, including back buttons, breadcrumbs and URLs, in the article navigation in Vertec.

Resource Planning (F8)

If the Resource Planning module is licensed, the Resource Planning button appears in the navigation view.

This is active if the focus in Vertec is on an object or a list of objects for which resource planning is possible and the logged-in user has sufficient user rights.

Detailed information can be found in the article

Resource Planning.


BI view (F9)

If the Business Intelligence module is licensed and the focus in Vertec is on an object or on a list of objects for which suitable BI displays are defined, the BI button appears at the top of the navigation view.

Clicking on this button or using the function key F9 opens the BI view of the selected object or the selected list.

Favorites (F10)

In this list, you have the option of saving entries that you frequently use as favorites for quick access.

The favorites list can also be accessed by pressing the function key F10.

To add an entry, navigate to the place you want to register as a favorite, and click Add favorite in the favorites list:

By default, the favorite is given the name of the selected entry. You can also rename the favorite (without changing the entry below it). To do this, right-click and select Rename favorite.

To remove an entry from the favorites list, right-click on it and select Delete favorite.

You can change the order of the list with drag and drop.

No outdated lists

If an entry in the favorites list is no longer valid – for example, because it has been deleted in the meantime – Vertec automatically removes it from the list. This ensures that the favorites are always up to date.

History (F11)

The history of the current session is shown here. It remains in place until Vertec is exited. Click on an entry in the history list to open it.

The history is the same across tabs. Entries are shown in the order in which they were accessed, regardless of which tab.

This list can also be called up with the function key F11.

With the Delete history button, you can also clear the list during the current session.

Global search (F6/F12)

Global search enables you to look for any entries in Vertec. The search history is particularly useful: It lists all the searches made during the session. Clicking on a search in the history will run the search again.

Global search can also be called up with the function keys F6 and F12.

The search is based on a SQL search folder, which can be configured. For more information, see Vertec search.

Search via the address bar

You can also enter any search term in the address bar.

Press ENTER to open the global search with the search result:

Menu buttons

The menus are shown as buttons on the top right and can vary depending on the entry.

There are the following buttons:

New entry

Corresponds to the previous toolbar. Possible new entries are created here, depending on the context.

The top part shows the entries which also appear via the right mouse button > New.

The lower part shows the context-independent entries that can be created new.


Here, you can call up the scripts registered for this entry., view the entry properties or delete the entry. In the Actions menu, the same menu items appear as when you right-click on the relevant entry.


Shows the registered reports for this entry that are available for print.    

Export to Excel

This button is shown when you are on a list. It exports the content to an Excel file.

List settings

This button is shown when you are on a list. It opens the list settings.

Open document folder

This button is shown when you are on a single entry. It opens the file storage of the entry (More Info > Document storage path) directly in Windows Explorer.


The Settings menu contains the following items (there may be fewer items depending on the app and user rights):

  • Customer area and support: Opens the Vertec website with more information.
  • About Vertec: Opens the Vertec Splash screen with license and version information.
  • Modify license: Here, you can enter a new license code (see Vertec licensing )
  • System info: Opens the system information.
  • Change language: Here, you can select the program language. This menu item can be shown or hidden with  System Settings General > Show language selection.
  • Save session settings: Enables you to save the current screen view. The next time you log in, Vertec appears in the same size and with the same tabs that you have open at the moment.
  • Reset session settings restarts Vertec in the default view. This can also be controlled with a system setting. If this is the case, this menu item does not appear.
    See Save session settings below.
  • Script Editor: Opens the Python Script Editor.
  • Toggle Python console (F3): Shows or hides the Python Console.
  • Config Sets: Opens the config sets.
  • Log out: This logs out the current user from Vertec, but does not end the session. The login dialog is shown again, enabling users to easily switch from one user to another.
  • Exit: Ends Vertec and closes the application.

Log out

Only available in the Web App. Works in the same way as the log out menu item in the Settings menu (see above).

Again, the session does not end. This only happens when you close the browser or the last tab on which Vertec is shown.

Screen scaling

In Vertec, you can set a global scale factor. This makes the display smaller or larger. The scale is global and is applied to all tabs.

You can find this setting in the Desktop App and the Cloud App on the top right:

You can enter the factor manually by clicking on the percentage and entering the desired factor:

Or you can open the slider by clicking on the down arrow:

Here, you can adjust the scaling factor by moving the slide button or by clicking on a percentage. Double clicking on the slide button returns it to 100%.

Scaling the screen is also possible with CTRL + mouse wheel.

In the Web App, scaling occurs via the browser.

Save session settings

The Save session feature saves the current settings per user and makes them automatically available the next time Vertec starts.

The following properties are saved:

A restart restores the saved session settings. This ensures that all the windows are completely in the visible area. If the window is found to be truncated when you start the app, it will appear as its starting size. If several tabs are displayed, the first tab is active.

You can call up the function in two ways:

  • Under System settings General > Save session settings on exit. Checks whether the current settings should be saved automatically. This menu item can also be overridden per user.
  • If this system setting is not set, the current properties can be saved using the Settings menu button > Save session settings... (and, if necessary, deleted using the Reset session settings... menu item).