The rate system in Vertec
Product line
Operating mode
Cloud Suite
Services & CRM
Budget & Phases
Resource Planning
Business Intelligence
Each user is assigned a user level and each project is assigned a rate level. This combination results in the rates table matrix. Consequently, the relevant hourly rate can be applied automatically when services are entered.
You can find the user levels in the folder Settings > Rate system. In principle, any number of levels can be entered. You should enter as many levels as you will need later in the rates table.
We recommend you give the user levels meaningful names so that it is easier for the users to make allocations (e.g. administration team, support team etc.).
The rate levels are entered in the same way under Settings > Rate system.
The rates table is made up of the user levels and the rates levels. You can access this via Settings > Rate system.
Enter the applicable rates in the matrix for the combination of currency (Expert line), service type and rate:
Currencies |
Only available with the Expert line. Select the currency you want to include in the rates table. When entering, the relevant table is used for each project currency. All currencies appear in the list that have been defined in the folder Settings > Rate system > Currencies. |
Service types |
To create the rates table, which generally applies to all service types, select "all service types" and fill in the table. If you want to create a separate rates table for a specific service type, click on the service type field and select "Add service type". If you select such a single service type, you can create the rates table for it. Note: If a service type is included in the list, under no circumstances does the normal rates table for all service types apply to that service type. Therefore, if a service type is included in the list by mistake, it is not enough to leave it empty in the rates table, you must remove the service type from the list. To remove a service type from the list, right click on it and select Remove service type. |
Rate displayed | Here, you can define a rates table for each of the rates. The external rate is primarily important for entering and charging services with Vertec. |
The following four rates exist in Vertec:
External rate | The hourly rate that you charge your customers. This hourly rate is used both as an internal rate (planned) and as an external rate (actually chargeable) for services. |
Cost rate | Hourly rate, which indicates how much the productive hour costs (standard cost rate). During invoicing, it is checked whether you have reached the sum of the standard cost rates. The difference is shown on the invoice view. This value is important for intercompany cost accounting and can also be evaluated via the Business Intelligence module. |
User rate | The hourly rate of the user. Relevant only for hourly workers. |
Flat fee per day | Specifies the fixed amount for a flat-fee service (daily or half-day). Is used in connection with service types. For a service type, specify whether the services entered for it should be charged as a flat fee (checkbox: Flat fee per day). Such a service then adopts the flat fee value set in the rates table, enters it as an external value in the service, locks the value, and highlights the service as a flat fee. |
You can overwrite the rates in the rates table at various different levels. The system is designed in such a way that, at a lower level, the settings of the higher level can be overwritten. Usually, it is advisable to work with the rates table and to only overwrite the hourly rates at the lower levels in special cases.
The rates are considered in the following hierarchy:
Note: An empty field does not equal 0.00! If you leave a field blank, the rate of the next hierarchy level is used, in the order above.
If you do not know at which level a rate is calculated, use the script: show hourly rate level.
You can use an event script to react to the recalculation of a rate used for services. The business logic event CalculateRate exists for this. For more information, see scripts for events.
If the saved rate is changed, this has no effect on services that have already been entered. If you want the new rate to be applied to services that have already been entered, you must access the recalculate hourly rate function.