Set up QR Invoice in Vertec

Instructions for operating Vertec invoices with Swiss QR code and EPC QR code

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Created: 06.03.2018
Machine translated
Updated: 20.02.2025 | Swiss QR Codes use structured address fields as of version

QR invoice (Switzerland)

The payment part called the QR invoice will simplify payment transactions for consumers and businesses from mid-2020. The QR invoice replaces all previous payment slips and is the new standard document in Swiss payment transactions. Detailed information can be found at

The main component of the QR invoice is the QR code, which contains all relevant invoice information. Vertec supports the so-called QR invoice with QR reference.

For the correct creation of the QR code, the following information must be available in Vertec:

The invoice must be in the currency CHF or EUR.

Information on the payment type

A payment type must be created for each payment link. This type must contain the following information:

  • IBAN: Your QR-IBAN number as the payee. This consists of 21 alphanumeric symbols. Only QR-IBAN numbers with CH or LI country codes are allowed.
  • QR reference number: If your bank requires a 6-digit customer identification number (first six digits of the QR reference number), the Field Customer Number must be filled in on the payment type:

How to assign payment links for invoicing in Vertec is explained in detail in the article on payment types.

Address details

  • Payment recipient: The payment recipient defined as company is used as the payment recipient. This is either entered in System Settings > General > Company or, if you work with several companies, it is overwritten on the Payment Type.
  • Payer: The invoice address of the invoice is used as the payer.

The addresses must include the following information:

  • Name: Max. 70 symbols. Corresponds to the account holder.
  • Address: Only the first row of the address is considered.
  • ZIP code: Without prefixed country code.
  • Location: Max. 35 symbols.
  • Country: ISO 3166-1 two-digit code. If LI or Liechtenstein is specified, LI is used, in any other case (or if nothing is specified) CH. Other country codes are not allowed and will be ignored.

Structured address fields are used for the Swiss QR Code as of version (“S“). This is mandatory from November 2025 (see Swiss Payment Standards). In previous versions, the address fields were combined (“K“).  

Report templates

Vertec’s standard Financial Reports all have a QR code page at the back. The QR code page must have an IBAN number on the payment type (see above).

Since the QR invoice is printed on plain paper, you usually do not need to customize the template.

EPC QR Invoice (SEPA)

From version onwards, the EPC QR code can be used for transfers within the euro area. An EPC QR code is a QR code standardized by the European Payments Council that contains all data for a SEPA transfer.

In order to use the EPC QR code, the currency on the project of the invoice must be EUR to be placed.

Information on the payment type

A payment type must be created for each payment link. This type must contain the following information:

  • IBAN: Your QR-IBAN number as the payee. This consists of a maximum of 34 alphanumeric symbols (before Vertec version only a maximum of 21 symbols).
  • Company: The name of the address stored as a company is used as the name of the payee. This is either entered in system settings > General > Company or, if you work with several companies, overwritten on the payment type.
    The name of the payee may have a maximum of 70 symbols.

RF Reference Number

An optional RF reference number can be entered in the EPC QR code. This is up to 25 symbols long and is automatically generated by Vertec from the following information:

  1. A prefix with the letters RF and two check digits
  2. The personal account number of the payee of the invoice (rechnung.personenkonto) Only used if the setting Anzahl Stellen für Personenkonto on the payment type > 0 and it does not exceed the specified length.
  3. The invoice number. If the invoice number is longer than the available positions, no RF reference number will be generated.

The RF reference number is thus composed as follows:
RFXX (+ filling 0) + personal account number + invoice number.

Note: Before version only numbers are allowed, no letters and special characters.


The personal account number is 5296, the invoice number is 2021000123 and the quantity for personal account is 8. With prefix and filling zeros, this results in the RF reference number: RF86000000052962021000123.

Report templates

The member epcqrcode can be used on the invoice report.

In addition, the member rfreference is optionally available on the invoice, which contains the reference number according to RF Standard (see above).