Introduction to Python Programming
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Vertec Python Functions |
Function | description |
type(x) |
Displays the type of the x value |
dir(x) |
Displays possible functions of the x type |
help(x) |
Displays help for the x type. (Attention: case-sensitive) help(vtcapp) help(vtcapp.getwithsql) |
print 'text’ |
Prints the text in the debug window. |
int(x) | Conversion to Integer |
float(x) | Conversion to Float |
str(x) | Conversion to String |
In Python, blocks are formed by indentation. This means that all rows belonging to the same level must be indented equally (watch for tabs):
if x ==1:
y = 2
If a block does not (yet) contain a code, a “pass” must be set as a wildcard.
if x == 1: Pass
< | less than |
<= | less than or equal to |
> | greater than |
>= | greater than or equal to |
== | Equal |
!= | not equal |
< > | not equal |
inf | Identical |
INFs not | not identical |
x in s | x present in list s |
x not in s | x not present in list s |
There are three ways to define strings in Python:
The string must be closed with the same symbol with which it is opened. Triple strings (“"”) can be any number of rows (e.g. form definitions or , while single and double strings can be one row each:
Single-line | 'string1' or “string1” |
Multi-line | ”"”line1 row2 line3”"” |
In the string, the placeholders are defined with curly brackets and with the method .format()
passed in a tuple:
”Hi, my name is {} and I’m {} years old.”.format(“Tobias”, 18)
This variant in Python is very neat, since all variables are specified at the end. The string is displayed in its entirety and is not separated by special characters like [+, &].
If you want to output multiple lines of text, for example an address, you can insert a line break with \n.
A string is treated like a list in Python. The individual symbols can be iterated.
a[0:] | substring of a: from 1st symbol... all symbols |
a[0:2] | Substring of a: from 1st symbol... 2 symbols |
a[3:len(a)-1] | substring of a: from 4th symbol... to penultimate symbol |
a[:5] | Substring of a: the first 5 symbols |
a[-1] | Last entry in the list |
a + “test” | Attach String |
Function | description |
len(a) |
The length of a string. |
a.strip() |
Removes all spaces to the left and right of the string. |
a.lower() |
Convert symbols to lowercase |
a.upper() |
Convert symbols to uppercase |
a.isdigit() |
Checks if the string is a number. If True, then conversion is possible. |
a.replace('1', '2') |
Find, Replace. Return value is the changed string. |
a.split(',') |
Separates the string with the specified separator and returns a list. |
a.find('hurry’) |
Finds the substring in the string. Returns the index if found. Otherwise -1 |
a.index('hurry’) |
Finds the substring in the string. Returns the index if found. Otherwise ValueError. Useful in a Try...except. |
str.join(list) |
The join method returns a string containing all the elements of the passed list, separated by str. Example: receiverStr = '; '.join(receiver) |
You can get all the available string functions with the command:
If you want to pass a path in Python, you have to be careful because backslashes in Python are used to encode control characters in strings. For example, the path C:\Documentation\temporary documents\.. becomes C:\Documentation emporary documents\.. and is invalid because \t is interpreted as a tab character. There are two ways to solve this problem:
Depending on how a value is initialized, it receives a specific data type. For example, the initialization a = 5 is interpreted as an integer. If you want to initialize the number as a float, you must specify a = 5.0 instead.
Initialization | Value data type |
a = 5 | Integer |
a = 5.0 | Float |
a = 4.35 | Float |
For information about the different number formats, use the help function:
Operation | description |
a + 6 | Addition |
a – 2 | Subtract |
a * 10 | Multiplication |
a / 10 | Division |
10.0 // 10 | Division -> integer |
pow(a, 2)a ** 2 | Potency |
5 % 2 | Modular |
For an operation with integer values, the result is an integer value:
10 / 4 = 2 (integer value of 2.5)
The same operation with a float value gives the following result:
10.0 / 4 = 2.5
float(10) / 4 = 2.5
This means: If one of the values is a float, the result is always output as a float:
1.5 * 7 = 10.5
1.5 * 6 = 9.0 (float value of 9)
The number representation is formatted as follows:
Result: 555.30
There are 3 different collection types in Python.
List | The usual list. A collection of items of different types. list = [] list = [1,2,3] list = [“a,” 2, obj] |
Tuple | A tuple is a variable of several values. The tuple is not changeable. It is a constant list, so to speak. Tuples are used for coordinate numbers, for example, where a tuple corresponds to a data point. Data point1 = (5.1) Data points = [(1,1),(2,2),(3,3)] # List of Tuple’s Months = (“Jan,” “Feb,” “Mar,” “Apr,” “Empi,” “Jun,” ...) |
Dictionary | A dictionary is a collection of data that saves the value and a unique key. State = {“ZH”: “Zurich,” “ZG”: “Zug”} Weekdays = {1: “Mon,” 2: “Tue,” 3: “Wed,” 4: “Thursday,” 5: “Fri”} The first part is the key and must be clear. |
Function | description |
append(x) |
Add element [x] |
insert(idx, x) |
Add element [x] at position [idx] |
remove(x) |
Remove item [x] |
reverse() |
Reverse the order of items in the list. |
pop([x]) |
Returns the x-th element from the list and removes it immediately. Can be used well together with a While loop to iterate in a list. pop() with no parameters returns the last item in the list. while Len(list)>0: print pop() is equal to for entry in list: print entry del entry |
index(x) |
Returns the index of element [x], if present. Otherwise, a ValueError is returned. This function can also be used for strings.
Result: 2 |
count(x) |
Specifies the quantity of times item [x] occurs in the list. This function can also be used for strings. 'Hi, my name is Hans and I’m learning Python.'.count(' ') Result: 8 |
str.join(list) |
Returns the list as a string. Is a string function. |
xrange returns a list of numbers used primarily in for loops.
xrange(from, to, [step])
Examples of number lists:
In Python, there is the if query, the for loop, and the while loop.
if <query>: <do> elif <query>: <do> else: <do>
numbers = [1,2,3] if 1 in numbers: print '1 available.' else: print 'not available.'
for <variable> in <liste>: <do>
The For loop in Python knows the beginning and end by indentation and therefore does not need a Next.
user = vtcapp.currentlogin() projectList = editor.evalocl(“myProjects->orderby(code)”) for project in projectList: print projekt.code # Members are addressed with periods.
for i in xrange(1,11): print str(i) # numbers from 1-10
while <query>:
i = 1 while i <= 10: print 'The number is {}'.format(i) i += 1
In Python, functions are started with the def keyword. The return value is returned with the return keyword. In Python, there is no distinction between function and procedure. Both are called def. The function returns something and the procedure does not.
Function | Code (disambiguation) |
Product of two numbers | Def product(a, b): return a*b |
Active projects from a list | def getActive(projectlist): resList = [] for project in projectList: if resList.append(project) return resList |
Create an activity on a specific project |
def firstelleActivitaet(project): newAkt = vtcapp.createobject(“Activity”) newAkt.projekt = project newAkt.bearbeiter = project.projectleiter # Activities vtcapp.showdetailform(newfile) |
Make a list of projects two active and inactive lists |
def activeSplit(projectlist): for project in projectList: if aktive.append(project) else: inactive.append(project) return (active, inactive) # Tuple of Lists The call would then look like this:
active, inactive = activeSeparate(projectList)