Project types

How to create and use project types

Product line




Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 03.12.2007
Updated: 07.11.2024 | Screenshots updated.

Each project is assigned to a project type and assumes the properties of the project type.

You can find the project types in the folder Settings > Projects > Project types. The purpose of the project type is to predefine the properties of project groups. For example, you can specify whether the assigned projects are productive, you can predefine the currency and VAT type, or you can predefine allocations of payment types, users, service types, expense types or outlay types. For example, a project type can be used to summarize projects of individual branches.

To create new project types, right-click on the Project types folder and select  New > Project type.

Description of the project type. Under this description, the project type is later assigned to the project

If a language is set for the project type, projects apply the language of the project type. However, it is only useful to define a fixed language for the project types if the project types are used, for example, to represent country subsidiaries.

The project types do not have a language assigned by default. The procedure is as follows:

  • New project types have no language assigned.
  • A new project is correctly defined via the interface language if nothing was set for the project type.
Default currency for assigned projects. Can be overwritten at individual project level.
VAT type
Defaults to the default VAT type from the System settings, but can be overridden at this level. Defines the default for the assigned projects, on which the VAT type can be overridden. If the VAT type appears in green, it has been overwritten at this level. If it appears in black, it corresponds to the saved default VAT type.
Projects can only be assigned to active project types.
This setting controls whether the projects of this type are productive or unproductive. Can be used in evaluations, e.g. in Business Intelligence module.
Users must be assigned to a project type
Affects the projects available for entering per user (bearbeiter.erfprojekte).
A distinction is made for each project type as to whether or not the user allocation is compulsory. If yes, the projects of this project type only appear in the drop-down list when the user is allocated directly to the project type or a project.
If under System settings > Project > you activate the setting Users must be allocated to projects, this applies to all project types, regardless of whether or not this option is set on the project types.
Defaults for services
At this level, the information about external rate, cost rate, user rate and per diem can be explicitly defined for projects of this type. If set, these values overwrite the values in the rate table.

Accounting page

Properties for the accounting extensions can be defined on the project type, which overwrite the information from the system controls and apply to all assigned projects. These settings appear in the hierarchy immediately after the System settings.

In addition, a payment type (for VESR data) can be assigned. This is used as a setting for the payment type on the project and is activated when the customer has not defined any payment type on the project.

Calculation of exchange rate for debtor postings

Starting from version 5.8, the invoice has a derived attribute called DebiKurs. This calculates the exchange rate for the invoice relative to the client currency (instead of Vertec key currency).

If a separate client and a proprietory currency is set on the relevant project type under the FAR connection, the DebiKurs is calculated based on this currency. Otherwise, the posting takes the exchange rate of the Vertec key currency.

Users folder

Here, you can allocate users to the project type. This happens for the following reasons:

  1. The setting Users must be allocated to projects is set as compulsory on the project type or in the system settings. Either here or on the individual project you can allocate the users who can enter services on the relevant projects.
  2. When allocating the user to project types you can specify whether the user has project manager rights to projects of this type.
    • N: The allocated user has no project manager rights (default).
    • Y: The allocated user has project manager rights.

Folder for service types, expense types and outlay types

You can limit service types, expense types and outlay types on specific project types.

Service types, expense types and outlay types that are explicitly allocated to one or more project types only appear on the projects of the project types to which they are assigned. For all others, they no longer appear unless they are reallocated at the lower level via phase allocation. Service types, expense types and outlay types that are not allocated to any project types appear everywhere.

Access via OCL

Expression Result Class
<Projekt>.typ Assigned project type Project type
projekttyp->select(produktiv) List of all productive project types Projectt type (list)

For backwards compatibility. As of version 5.3, no longer used.
0: productive, according to project type setting
1: unproductive, according to project type setting
2: if it concerns the product project type (created by conversion to version 5.3 and explicitly assigned if projects of the type productprojectwere assigned in an older version.
Integer, calculated (only read access)