Plug-in: Sale Probabilities in Resource Planning

This plug-in provides utilization graphs taking into account sales probabilities

Product line




Operating mode





Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 01.02.2023
Updated: 04.05.2023 | Technical information added.

Download and install

Download the plug-in with the following download link and install it in your Vertec. The exact procedure is in the article   Things worth knowing about the plug-ins described.

Version description Download

Uses Resource Planning from version




This plug-in provides three Utilization graphs ready for phased Resource Planning:

  • Phases weighted
  • Offer/Sell
  • Offer/Sell Weighted

Weighted means that the probability is taken into account at the project phase.

With this plug-in, the Probability field is displayed on the project phase and the system setting Status for new project phases on Angebot provided.

We recommend the use together with the Plug-in: Root folder sale , which this Field Probability on the project phase and the associated workflow.

Utilization graphs

Phases weighted

This plot takes into account the probabilities specified on the phase (planned values are multiplied by the probability/100).


In this presentation, the phases of productive projects in Angebot and Verkauft structured and all internal projects as Intern summarized.

  • Under Angebot all phases appear with the Status Offer.
  • Under Verkauft all phases appear with the Status Accepted or completed.

Phases with the Status Rejected will not be taken into account.

Offer/Sell Weighted

In contrast to Offer/Sell, this plot takes into account the probabilities indicated on the phase (the planned values are multiplied by the probability/100).

  • Under Angebot all phases appear with the Status Offer.
  • Under Verkauft all phases appear with the Status Accepted or completed.

Phases with the Status Rejected will not be taken into account.


Technical information

Importing the plug-in creates the following objects:

Utilization dimensions

Usage dimensions in the Settings folder > Resource Scheduling folder:

  • Offered/Sold
  • Offered/Sold Weighted
  • Phases weighted
Reports & Scripts
  • Script: module_resource_planning_sales
Class Settings

Class settings and page customizations  for the class Project phase.


A total of 6 Translations created.


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