Plug-in: SIA 108

This plug-in provides as an example implementation the fee calculation of engineering services in the field of heating, ventilation, refrigeration and sanitation (HVAC) according to SIA Standard 108.

Product line




Operating mode





Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 31.10.2023
Updated: 07.03.2024 | In the text 2x SIA 112 was noted. Corrected to SIA 108

The Swiss Association of Engineers and Architects (SIA) creates up standards and regulations applicable to construction and planning in Switzerland. One of these regulations is published in Standard 108 and describes recommendations for service agreements and calculation aids for the remuneration of planning services. The SIA service model regulates the life cycle of a building in six phases and twelve sub-phases and defines the services and fees to be provided by the engineers for each phase.

This plug-in provides an example implementation of SIA Standard 108 based on this order:

Based on certain input parameters, budgets are calculated for SIA phases and the fee for HVAC engineering services is calculated.

Download and install

Download the plug-in with the following download link and install it in your Vertec. The exact procedure is in the article   Things worth knowing about the plug-ins described.

Version description Download

Includes features from version 6.7.



  • The Expert product line is a prerequisite for this plug-in.
  • The Budget & Phases module must be licensed.



Use of the supplied template

  1. Create a project (or select an existing project) and select from the Actions menu SIA Vorlage wählen , select the desired (supplied) template and confirm the selection with OK.
    The template SIA 108 creates the phases on the project, SIA phases including the percentage for heating, ventilation, cooling and sanitary facilities and a offer. If the information dialogue with Ja is confirmed, a construction object is additionally created directly (see next point).
  2. With one click on Ja directly opens the detail page of the building object. On the building object you can right-click or Menu Actions new object positions can be created manually or it can be defined in the settings Template with predefined object positions:
  3. Enter the amounts of the relevant object lines.
  4. The construction sum of the object is calculated from the sum of the amounts that you have entered on the object lines:
  5. The amounts entered are automatically transferred to the     Subphases (SIA Phases folder) and Phases (folder phases), the fee budget according to Percentages on the sub-stages and the other key Kpi (see next item) and assigned the SIA phases of the offer.
  6. The other key KPI can be found in the SIA information section of the offer. The fields are pre-filled with the template provided and are mostly specified by the SIA itself.
  7. After all the relevant data have been entered, the Fee budget calculated and on the offer under Total. To print the offer, select the option from the Print menu Offerte SIA :

This creates a four-page PDF document with the following information:

  1. An overview of the fee budgets of all SIA phases grouped by phase
  2. All object lines with amounts and the total construction sum
  3. Fee according to construction costs based on key Kpi in section Information SIA
  4. Partial services (partial services) in %, quantity of hours and fees excluding VAT for each sub-phase

In addition, a activity created on which the offer is saved.

Calculation of the budget

On the basis of the amounts on the object lines of the construction object, the budgets for the SIA phases are automatically calculated, from which the final bid amount results.

Since the SIA information on the offer is required for the calculation, only those sub-phases that are on a offer with valid SIA information can be calculated automatically. The sub-phases should always be assigned on the offer, not the upper phases.


The sub-phases represent the sub-phases according to the SIA 108 service model and are located in the SIA Phases folder. The budgets on the sub-phases are calculated on the basis of the following parameters:

  • Height of the construction sum
  • Percentage share of benefits
  • Further SIA information (on the offer)

The percentages can be found both on the page Further information of the individual sub-phases:

as well as in the overview of the SIA phases folder:

The subphases appear in the SIA phases folder due to the activated checkbox SIA Berechnung .


The phases folder contains the upper phases with the codes 1-6 according to the performance model SIA 108. Each phase is assigned subphases with the respective matching two-digit codes such as, for example, upper phase 5 realization with the subphases 51-53.

Create a new project template

  1. Create a new project, set it to inactive (so that it does not appear in the performance report) and select the project type Vorlage . This will make it appear in the Project Templates folder in the settings:
  1. In the Phases folder, create the corresponding phases (upper phases) and set them to Inactive.
  1. Subphases must now be created on the phases, which represent the SIA phases.
  2. Create the subphases via New > Project phase on the upper phase.
  3. Set the subphases to fixed price, activate the checkbox SIA Berechnung on the More Info page and enter the corresponding percentage values if necessary. Activate the checkbox creates the SIA phases folder in which the subphases are saved. For a project template to appear as an SIA template for selection, the project must contain at least one subphase with an activated checkbox.
  4. Create a offer on the project.
  5. Assign the subphases to the quotation via drag & drop or in the list of the folder SIA offer phases:
  6. Due to the activated checkboxes on the sub-phases, the sections Information SIA and Amounts appear on the offer.
  7. Complete the fields in the SIA Information section on the offer.
  8. The new template is now available as SIA template.

Create a new building object template

New building object templates can be created in the folder Settings > Projects > Templates Building Objects. To do this, select New > Building Object. By right-clicking on the object, the corresponding object positions can now be created:

Add object positions

A name and a position type (HLKS) can be specified for each object position:

Technical Information

Importing the plug-in creates the following objects:


The following folder is created in the root folder Settings > Projects:

  • folder Project Templates with the templates SIA 108 DE and SIA 108 FR
  • folder Templates Building objects with the templates Example Building object and Exemple de bâtiment
User groups

Users must comply with the appropriate Assigned user group become.

Reports & Scripts
  • Report Template: Offered SIA
  • Event: Take over values for new offer
  • Event: Update SIA calculation
  • Script: delete_building_positions
  • Script: module_sia
  • Script: Add Object Position
  • Script: select_sia_building_template
  • Script: SIA Select Template
Project types

It will be the   Project type Template created.

Activity types

It will be the Type of activity Offer created.

Link types
  • Building object – object positions
  • Upper phase – sub-phases
  • Project – Construction objects
  • SIA Phase – project
Custom field items

A total of 18 Custom field items created.

Class Settings

Class settings and page customizations  for the class Quote, Project phase, PlugincustomClass03 and PlugincustomClass04.


A total of 51 Translations created.


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