How to operate and use the Vertec Phone App
Product line
Operating mode
Cloud Suite
Services & CRM
Budget & Phases
Resource Planning
Business Intelligence
You can find out how to install the Vertec Phone App in the article Vertec Phone App: installation and configuration.
Click on the Vertec icon to start the application.
The weekly overview opens. Today is highlighted:
The dot next to the day of the week shows today. The green line below shows the selected day. By clicking on the icon at the top right, you can navigate back to today in the list at any time.
The menu bar at the bottom allows you to navigate between services, expenses, activities and absences of the day selected above.
The Phone App starts with the services list by default.
Click on the small arrow beside details for the day to expand the following information:
When you click on the pencil icon behind the attendance times in the details for the day, the attendance time entry screen opens:
To create a new service, click on the green +
icon. Next, the project list appears, where you can select the project.
In the list you can see all the projects for which the logged-in user has entered services within the last month and for which they are allowed to enter services.
Using the magnifying glass, you can search for additional projects.
Once the project is selected, the detail view of the service appears. You can either start the timer or enter the hours and other information.
If a value is entered directly under hours or the timer is started, the values from, to and pause are set to zero.
A service with a timer started appears in the list with the green timer icon:
Click on the icon to stop the timer.
Expenses are entered in the same way as services.
Buttons are available for gross entry and the reimburse option:
You can also change the entry currency (Expert line) and the VAT type (available from Vertec
You can enter a document image in the lower part of the expense screen.
Take a photo directly or select one from the gallery:
PDFs can also be saved directly with the “Send to” function in Vertec. The Phone App creates an expense entry and opens directly in the expense view with the attached PDF.
With the licensed Purchases module from Vertec version onwards, the information from the expense receipts can be scanned in and entered automatically.
To enable this, you must activate in Vertec the system setting Project > Use receipt recognition (additional contract terms).
As soon as you have selected or photographed the document, automatic receipt recognition is triggered, which is why loading takes a little bit longer than usual.
PDFs can also be sent to Vertec using the “Send to” function, as described above. In this case, too, automatic receipt recognition is triggered.
When it is completed, the document image/receipt appears and the values are entered on the expense.
If different VAT rates are calculated on an expense receipt, an additional expense is created for each VAT rate. The receipt shown is displayed only on the original expense entry. Subsequent receipts can be found in the list of the corresponding day (see Sorting in the expense listbelow).
If not all data could be reliably detected, a relevant message appears. In this case, you must check the expense entry and enter the missing values manually or else restart the receipt recognition in a full-featured app.
After loading in the Phone App, the expense entry with the receipt also appears directly in the full-featured apps since a push from the Phone App to the full-featured apps takes place.
The expenses are dated by receipt recognition to the day that is noted on the posting. This would remove expense documents loaded today from the expense list directly because they are sorted on the day they are dated. Therefore, the expense list has been modified to show not only expenses with the selected date, but also expenses loaded on that day.
You can enter the activities via the Activity menu item.
In the upper part of the screen, you can enter the details of the activity. In the lower part, you can enter a responsible person and a date. The activity is thus given a pending status and is shown to the responsible person under Activities pending.
Clicking on the green +
icon creates a new absence.
If you click on the type, a list of absence types saved in Vertec appears.
Absences entered for the day are shown in Details for the day.
You can find all other options in the Phone App main menu, which is expandable via the menu icon:
Clicking on this menu item opens the weekly overview, which is shown by default when the Phone App is launched.
You cannot use the Phone App to add new addresses to the CRM, but you can view existing addresses. Clicking on the Addresses (Search) menu item opens the address management search screen. Enter the term you are looking for here and click on the magnifying glass.
Clicking on an address in the list opens the detail view.
From here you can make direct calls, send an email, visit the website or open the address in the maps app on your smartphone.
The list of activities pending shows all the unfinished activities the logged-in user has to do:
Once completed, an activity can be set to Finished
in the detail view. It then automatically disappears from the list of pending activities.
Clicking on this menu item opens the settings. These are explained in more detail in the article Phone App: installation and configuration.
In the detail view, you can click on the button with the three dots to access the context menu. To delete the entry, click Delete entry. The entry is deleted without a further query.