SharePoint Online DMS extension

SharePoint Online DMS Extension

Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 17.01.2019
Machine translated
Updated: 26.02.2025 | Added handling of special characters.

The SharePoint Online DMS extension allows integration with SharePoint Online.

The following operations are not possible:

  • Saving Office-generated legacy reports in SharePoint
  • Use report templates from SharePoint

For the operation of the extension a SharePoint Online is required. There must be at least one main user / administrator with login.

The following steps are required for commissioning the extension:

Installing the extension in Vertec

To install the interface, open the SharePoint Online DMS extension in the Settings > Extensions folder and click Installieren.

The extension creates the following CRM/activities system settings:

DMS SharePoint Application ID

Application ID of the Vertec application in Microsoft 365, see Register vertec application in microsoft 365.

PropertyName: DmsSharePointApplicationId. Stringproperty.

DMS SharePoint Application Secret

Vertec application registration key in Microsoft 365, see Register Vertec application in Microsoft 365.

PropertyName: DmsSharePointApplicationSecret. Stringproperty.

DMS SharePoint Library URL

Path to the SharePoint document library in which the documents from Vertec should be stored. See Mapping in vertec document paths.

The value entered here will be entered in the Vertec document paths with SharePoint:\ represented.

PropertyName: DmsSharePointLibraryUrl. Stringproperty.

Use DMS SharePoint OAuth individual login

Activates individual authentication, see Define and accept user rights

Starting with version If you had already installed the SharePoint Online DMS extension before this version, it must be uninstalled and reinstalled in order for this system setting to become visible.

PropertyName: DmsSharePointUseIndividualLogin. Booleanproperty. Default: No.

If changes are made to the SharePoint system settings, the interface must be reloaded: Under Settings > Interfaces > Extensions, open the SharePoint Online DMS Extension and click on the Reload button.

Register Vertec application in Microsoft 365

In order for the Vertec application to access SharePoint, it must be registered in Microsoft 365:

  • Open and click on Microsoft Entra ID verwalten
  • Left click on App-Registrierungen
  • Click on + Neue Registrierung
  • Enter name, e.g. Vertec
  • Click on the Registrieren button
  • After that, Home > Customer AG | App registration > Vertec should be open, with Vertec = name of the app just created
  • Enter the Application ID (Client) (not the Object ID) in the Vertec system settings under Dms sharepoint application id.

Create a key

  1. Links to Zertifikate und Geheimnisse click
  2. Under Secret Client Keys, click Neuer geheimer Clientschlüssel
  3. In the Description field, enter a name for the key, e.g. VertecSharePointKey
  4. Select the validity period of the key (maximum is 24 months) and remember the expiration date to create a new key before it expires.
  5. Click on Hinzufügen
  6. The key in the column Wert appears, must be entered in the Vertec system settings under Dms sharepoint application secret. The key is no longer retrievable later.

Define and accept user rights

Mode “As Vertec app”

This mode is used when the system setting on    deaktiviert is (default setting).

In this case, Vertec stores the documents for all users under the same user account, with the name configured in the app registration as “Vertec App”. By means of rights, it is not possible to distinguish who has uploaded the document.

  • This configuration requires administrator privileges. This step must succeed, otherwise the connection will not work later.
  • Click on API-Berechtigungen > Berechtigung hinzufügen
  • Select Microsoft Graph from the list
  • Add the following user rights, select Anwendung as type:
    API/authorization name description
    Read and write files in all site collections
    Have full control of all site collections
    Create, edit, and delete items and lists in all site collections
    Read and write items in all site collections
Mode “Individual registration”

This mode is used when the system setting Use dms sharepoint oauth individual loginon    aktiviert is.

In this case, Vertec also logs in to SharePoint as “Vertec app,” but the files are stored with the individual user’s SharePoint account.

  • This configuration requires administrator privileges. This step must succeed, otherwise the connection will not work later.
  • Click on API-Berechtigungen > Berechtigung hinzufügen
  • Select Microsoft Graph from the list
  • Add the following user rights as type Delegiert select:

    API/authorization name

    Has full access to all site collections
    Create, edit, and delete items and lists in all site collections
    Edit or delete items in all site collections
    Log in and read user profile

In addition, a redirection URI must be set up for this mode:

  1. Links to Authentifizierung click
  2. + Plattform hinzufügen click and select Web
  3. Enter the URL where the Vertec instance can be reached as the redirection URI, followed by callback. Example:
  4. Click on Konfigurieren.

For this to work, each user must first log in to SharePoint via the Vertec cloud app or the Vertec web app. The login data will then be sent back to Vertec. After that, all Vertec apps can be used.

After registering in Microsoft 365, the interface must be reloaded in Vertec: Under Settings > Interfaces > Extensions open the SharePoint Online DMS Extension and click on the button Reload.

Structure of the SharePoint Document Storage

In order for the documents that are stored from Vertec in SharePoint to arrive at the correct location, the page structure of SharePoint must be known and mapped accordingly in the Vertec document paths.

In SharePoint, there are sites (websites), within sites there are libraries (document libraries), and within libraries there are folders (folders). Documents from Vertec are always stored in a library (document library) or one of its subfolders.

The structure of the structure depends on the requirements for file storage and access permissions. Permissions can be assigned at the site and library level. Permissions cannot be assigned at the folder or subfolder level.

This results in the following scenarios:

  Site Library folder Rights of users
1 One site A library Folder structure from Vertec, e.g. by customer, by project, etc. Rights equal for all users
2 One site Several libraries, e.g. by project type, by industry, etc. Appropriate folder structure, e.g. according to projects, customers, etc. Rights can be assigned per library
3 Multiple sites, e.g. by project type One or more libraries each Matching folder structure Rights can be assigned per site and per library

Note: In Vertec versions before, the maximum quantity of libraries is 200.

Mapping in Vertec Document Paths

For the connection to Sharepoint the DMS SharePoint Library URL is specified in the CRM/activities system settings. Here the SharePoint base path is entered. This path is selected in such a way that it represents the top common level in SharePoint, depending on the Structure of the sharepoint document storage (it may also be that no “library” is entered there, but e.g. a site).

In the Vertec document paths, this DMS SharePoint Library URL is prefixed with SharePoint:\ otherwise the paths are structured in the same way as described in the article Document management with vertec.

For the above scenarios, this means:

  DMS SharePoint Library URL System settings Document path Class settings
1 Path to the library, e.g. Dokumente SharePoint:\ Matching the selected folder structure, e.g. Projekte\%code% in the Class Settings project.
2 Path to the site, e.g. SharePoint:\

In the class settings of the class according to which the libraries are divided, e.g. %bezeichnung% in the Class Settings Project type.

The folder structure therein must refer to it, e.g. %typ.dokpfad%\%code% on project etc.

3 SharePoint base path, e.g. Standard path, e.g.
SharePoint:\Projekttyp1\Freigegebene Dokumente
Used for all objects that do not have a different path defined.

For all classes whose documents are to be stored in a directory other than the default path, the Class Settings are set to SharePoint:\ The remainder is adapted accordingly, e.g. SharePoint:\%bezeichnung%\Freigegebene Dokumente by project type.

The directory or folder structure in it must refer to it, see above.

The folders or subfolders are created automatically by Vertec if they are part of the document path and do not yet exist. Sites and libraries must be created in advance in SharePoint.

The system is designed in such a way that the SharePoint: Prefix can also be used only for individual Classes. It is therefore also possible to save only specific documents in SharePoint without changing the general document path to SharePoint.

Handling special characters

Certain symbols are reserved in SharePoint and cannot be used for file or folder names.

These are (' &',' ~',” '“,' #',' %',' *',' :',' <',' >',' ?',' {',' }',' |').

If your data (customer names, projects, phases, documents, etc.) contain one of these symbols, they will be carried by a hyphen ' -' replaced. If you do not want this, you can rename your data.  

Instead of the mathematical quotation mark (“'“) you can use a typographic (““) use (ALT+ 0146 on the numeric block).