R: Derived Attributes

Derived Attributes of Classes with “R”

Product line




Operating mode





Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 24.11.2006
Updated: 04.10.2023 | VESR-relevant values removed with version 6.7

For a list of all Derived Attributes, see Derived Attributes.


  • If the invoice is open: Sum of Totalexpenses.Valueext
  • If the invoice has been charged: verrAuslagenExt
ExpensesExtWith VAT
VtcCurrency ExpendituresExt + ExpendituresVAT
VtcCurrency Sum of all totalexpenditures.ValueInt
Expenditure VAT
VtcCurrency Sum VAT Amount from all Total Expenses.
VtcCurrency Total of all payments.Amount
VtcCurrency BenefitsExpensesExtWith VAT + Advance Amount + Advance VAT
Amount of VAT
VtcCurrency AmountGross – AmountNet
VtcCurrency Net amount before deduction of advances
VtcCurrency Total – AmountPaid
Booking address

From version This always returns the address to be used when posting. The Property rechnung.personenkonto then always provides the Personalaccnum of rechnung.buchungsadresse . This corresponds to rechnung.rechnungsadresse , unless this is a contact. Then the contact’s company is used instead. If blank, a new address is written and the personal account number is entered on rechnung.buchungsadresse registered.

Posting document
ObjectReference Method that creates a posting document (post) with attached postings (transient) based on invoice and invoice totals.

verrCompanyAddress, if available, otherwise: payment type.companyAddress.standardaddress

CompanyAddress text
VtcString verrCompanyAddress text, if available, otherwise: payment type.companyAddress.address text
VtcString verrCompanyCountry, if any, otherwise: payment type.companyAddress.standardcountry
CompanyVat No.
VtcString verrCompanyVAT number, if any, otherwise: payment type.companyAddress.VAT number
VtcString verrCompanyName, if any, otherwise: payment type.companyAddress.fullname
VtcString verrCompanyPlace, if any, otherwise: payment type.companyAddress.standardplace
VtcString verrCompanyPLZ, if any, otherwise: payment type.companyAddress.standardplz
  • If xDebiKondition is set (a payment term has been explicitly assigned on the invoice), this value is taken.
  • If xDebiKondition is empty, the value inherits from Project.debiKondition (see PO: Derive Attributes).
float Calculates the course for the invoice relative to the client currency (instead of the key currency). The debtor interfaces use this course for posting invoices. Deviate clients in Vertec are usually configured via project type. If the project type of the invoice project has a separate client and its own currency under Accounting > FAR Connection, Debicourse is calculated based on this currency. Otherwise, Debicourse has the value of the existing course attribute.
VtcString Project.Docpath
Epcqr code
VtcBlob Outputs PNG image for QR code.
Income accountExpenditures
  • If invoice 'posted’: bhEKontoAuslagen.AsString
  • Other:
    • If project exists: Take revenue account from project:
      = project.Income Accountexpenses.Asstring
    • Other: Empty
Income accountBenefits
  • If invoice 'posted’: bhEKontoLeistungen.Asstring
  • Other:
    • If project exists: Take revenue account from project:
      = project.Income Accountservices.Asstring
    • Other: Empty
Income accountExpenses
  • If invoice 'posted’: bhEKontoSpesen.AsString
  • Other:
    • If project exists: Take revenue account from project:
      = project.Income Accountexpenses.Asstring
    • Otherwise: empty string
  • When invoice charged: verrEsrPkStellen.asstring
  • Other: If payment type is available: zahlungstyp.esrPkStellen.asstring
  • Otherwise: empty string

The due date of the invoice is calculated based on debiKondition (see above). If debiKondition is empty, a payment term of 30 days is assumed.

  • If invoiced: verrIBAN.AsString
  • Other: If payment type is available: zahlungstyp.IBAN.AsString ,
  • Otherwise: empty string
Boolean Existing for historical reasons. Instead use only invoice.booked.
  • The exchange course of the currency to the leading currency. The Currencydate is taken into account for the calculation.
  • If no currency is available (actually not allowed), course = 1
integer Sum of minutesExt to TInvoiceTotal(Totals.List), not rounded.
  • Sum of all services.MinutsExt that can be adjustable.
  • If no services are available: 0.
integer Sums MinutesInt of all TotalsPerformance.
VAT on services

Total amount of VAT on services.

  1. Non-fixed-price invoice: sum of all VAT amounts of all services.
    This is calculated from the invoice totals
  2. fixed-price invoice or invoice with discount: VAT
    rate * Valueextdiscount.
  • VAT code for services. ATTENTION: use this rate only if fixed price invoice flat rate. Other services use VAT code Vatcode each individual service.
  • If the invoice is charged: verrLeistMWSTCode.Asstring
  • Is the invoice open: project.Mwstcodeperformance.Asstring
VAT rate on services
  • VAT rate for services. ATTENTION: use this rate only if invoice is fixed price rate. Otherwise use VAT rate for each individual service. 'Fixed price’ is an invoice either if 1. The invoice is fixed price rate or 2. A discount has been given. With the discount it is no longer possible to charge VAT per service.
  • Invoice is charged: VAT rate
  • Invoice is open: project.Vatrateservice
BenefitsExpensesExtWith VAT
VtcCurrency PerformanceValueExtWith VAT + ExpensesExtWith VAT + ExpensesExtWith VAT
  • Total value (currency) of services.
  • If invoice fixed price sum: fixed amount.
  • Normal invoice:
    • If charged: verrPerformanceValueExt.
    • If open: Calculation based on services and flat-rate phases:
      Sum of services.Valueext + Sum of all flat-rate phases.PlanvalueExt that are fixed price.
VtcCurrency Sum of all services.Vertext that can be adjustable.
PowerValueExtWith VAT
VtcCurrency PerformanceValueExtAfterDiscount + PerformanceVAT
VtcCurrency PowerValueExt.AsCurrency – TotalDiscountAmount.AsCurrency
  • Total services.Vertext, whether fixed price sum or not.
  • For historical reasons. Obsolete, since service.Valueext derived is calculated for fixed-price invoices.
  • Total external value of hidden services. Always calculated, even for invoices cleared.
  • Total of all services that are hidden.
  • If no services are available: 0.
  • Settled invoice, summed valueInt of all total services. Round to 5 cents.
  • Open invoice, add valueInt of all services. Add valueInt of all phases that are fixed price rate, valueInt of all open services. Round to 5 cents.

Total internal standard cost value: Sum of total services.Value Cost

Object Reference Returns depending on the inherited or custom VAT type, if available.
  • If lump sum expenses:
    • Flat-rate expensesAmount, if any.
    • Otherwise: FlatExpensesPercentage * PerformanceVertExt / 100, if flatExpensesPercentage is available.
    • Otherwise: 0.
  • If not flat rateExpenses: 0
Personal account
  • If posted: bhPersonal account.
  • If not posted:
    • xBilling address.Personalaccnum, if available.
    • Otherwise: project.Personalaccnum, if available.
    • Otherwise: Empty.

For BW compatibility only. Accessing Phases to Phasetotal should be avoided because it cannot be ensured that the Phasetotal corresponds to the correct invoice. Accessing Phases to invoice should always be via phase totals (see below) and not vice versa.

  • phase count must not be used as a column expression on a list, otherwise the phase totals will be mixed up completely, resulting in unexplained numbers.
  • List of all phase totals (Phasetotal) that belong to this invoice.
  • Access to the phases is via phase on the individual phase totals, access to all phases that are attached to the invoice via phase->asSet on the list.
  • The class Phasetotal has the following attributes:
    • phase: The project phase to which the Phasetotal belongs.
    • invoice: invoice to which the Phasetotal belongs.
    • Services: List of services which belong to this phase and appear on this invoice.
    • expenses: List of expenses that belong to this phase and appear on this invoice.
    • outlays: List of outlays that belong to this phase and appear on this invoice.
    • totalValueIntLeist: Performance total of the combination phase – invoice, internal value.
    • totalValueExtLeist: Performance total of the combination phase – invoice, external (chargeable) value.
    • totalValueIntExpense: Expense total of the combination phase – invoice, internal value.
    • totalValueExtexpenses: Expense total of the combination phase – invoice, external (chargeable) value.
    • totalValueIntExpenses: Expense total of the combination phase – invoice, internal value.
    • totalValueExtexpenses: Total expenses of the combination phase – invoice, external (chargeable) value.
VtcBlob Calculates the QR code based on the payment information. If this is not possible, the following QRCodeError will show why.
VtcString If the calculation of the QR code is not possible due to missing payment information, the error message is output in this Qrcodeerror (in English language).
QRAaddress text

From Vertec Format the invoice address (see below) as follows:

  • 70 symbols of the first row of the name
  • 70 symbols of the first row of the address
  • 70 symbols of “ZIP code location” incl. blank
  • If name, ZIP code and location are present, this is returned as qrAdress text, each separated by carriage return line feed.
  • If not, an empty string is returned, resulting in a QRCodeError message because the address is incomplete.
QRCompanyAddress text

Starting with Vertec

  • 70 symbols of the first row of the Companyname
  • 70 symbols of the first row of the Companyaddress
  • 70 symbols of “Companyplz Companylocation” incl. blank
  • If name, ZIP code and location are present, this is returned as qrCompanyAdress text, each separated by carriage return line feed.
  • If not, an empty string is returned, resulting in a QRCodeError message because the address is incomplete.
invoice address
  • If a invoice address has been explicitly assigned on the invoice, it is taken,
  • otherwise the invoice address is used by the project (also derived).
Invoice AddressText

When invoice 'charged’:

  • verrInvoiceAddressText if set.
  • Otherwise: If xBilling Address is assigned: xBilling Address.Addresstext.Asstring.
  • Otherwise: project.Invoice Address Text.Asstring.
Invoice letter address
  • If charged and invoicingAddressTextavailable: invoicingCorrespondence
  • Other:
    • If xInvoice Address exists: xInvoice Address.
    • Other: project.Invoice letter address
Invoice greeting
  • If charged and invoicingAddressTextavailable: invoicingGreeting formula
  • Other:
    • If xBillingAddress exists: xBillingAddress.Complimentary Close
    • Other: project.Invoicesalutation
VtcString Includes the reference number according to RF standard.
  • If the invoice is open: Sum of Totalexpenses.valueExt
  • If the invoice has been charged: verrSpesenExt
VtcCurrency ExpenditureExt + ExpenditureVAT
VtcCurrency Sum of all InvoiceTotal(TotalExpenses.List[i]).ValueInt.AsCurrency, rounded.
Expenses VAT
VtcCurrency Sum of alltotalexpenses.VAT Amount
  • Invoice is settled:= verrExpensesVATCode.asstring.
  • Invoice is open: get the code from the project:= project.MwstcodeExpenses.Asstring. If no project exists: empty string.
ExpensesVAT rate
  • VAT rate for expenses. ATTENTION: use this rate only if expense invoice is fixed price rate. Otherwise use the VAT rate of each individual expense.
  • If the invoice has been charged: VAT rate
  • If the invoice is open: project.Vatrateexpenses
VtcCurrency PowerValueInt.AsCurrency / (PowerMinutesInt.AsInteger / 60)
  • If PowerMinutesInt > 0: PowerValueExt.AsCurrency / (PowerMinutesInt.AsInteger / 60)
  • Otherwise: 0.
  • If PowerMinutesExt > 0, then: PowerValueExt / (PowerMinutesExt / 60)
  • Other: 0
VtcCurrency BenefitsExpenditureExtWith VAT + Advance Amount + Advance VAT – AdvanceEffectiveWith VAT
Total expenditure

Calculated only if the invoice is not yet charged. The result is a list of objects of type Invoicetotal.

  • Take all outlays that are directly attached to the invoice, as well as those from the lump sum phases that have set lump sum expenses.
  • A total is created generated for each combination of Vatcode, VAT rate, revenue account and cost unit.
  • Determine revenue account:
    • in the case of flat-rate outlays:
      • phase.Income accountExpenses.Asstring, if set.
      • Other: project.Income accountExpenses.Asstring.
    • for each outlay:
      • Outlays.Revenue account.Asstring
  • Determine cost unit:
    • in the case of flat-rate outlays:
      • phase.Cost Centerexpenses.Asstring, if set.
      • Other: project.Cost itemExpenses.Asstring.
    • for each outlay:
      • Outlays.cost unit.Asstring
  • Find out if there is already an invoice total for this VAT code, cost unit and account. If none exists, a new one will be created. The corresponding outlays will then be added.
  • Calculated only if the invoice is not yet charged. The result is a list of objects of type Invoicetotal.
  • Take all services that are directly attached to the invoice, as well as those from the flat-rate phases that have set fixed prices.
  • A total is created generated for each combination of Vatcode, VAT rate, revenue account and cost unit.
  • Determine revenue account:
    • in the case of flat-rate services:
      • phase.Income Accountservices.Asstring, if set.
      • Other: project.Income Accountservices.Asstring.
    • for each service:
      • Service.Revenue account.Asstring
  • Determine cost unit:
    • in the case of flat-rate services:
      • phase.Cost Centerservices.Asstring, if set.
      • Else: project.Cost Officeservices.Asstring.
    • for each service:
      • Service.Cost unit.Asstring
  • Check if there is already an invoice total for this combination of VAT code, cost unit and account. If there is none yet, a new one will be createdcreated The matching servicesServiceVertext will then be added.
  • Fixed-price invoice without services: If it is a fixed-price invoice without services, the flat-rate amount is added to the corresponding invoiceTotal.Vertext.
  • Calculated only if the invoice is not yet charged. The result is a list of objects of type Invoicetotal.
  • If Useexpenses is set: Take all expenses that are directly attached to the invoice, as well as those from the flat-rate phases that have set flat-rateexpenses.
  • A total is created generated for each combination of Vatcode, VAT rate, revenue account and cost unit.
    • Determine revenue account:
      • in the case of flat-rate expenses:
        • phase.Income Accountexpenses.Asstring, if set.
        • Other: project.Income accountExpenses.Asstring.
      • for each item of expense:
        • Expenses.Revenue account.Asstring
    • Determine cost unit:
      • in the case of flat-rate expenses:
        • phase.Cost Centerexpenses.Asstring, if set.
        • Other: project.Cost itemExpenses.Asstring.
      • for each item of expense:
        • Expenses.Cost unit.Asstring
    • Check if there is already an invoice total for this VAT code, cost unit and account. If none exists, a new one will be created. The corresponding expenses will then be added.
Total revenue
VtcCurrency TotalYield = PowerValueExtAfterDiscount
  • if discount:
    • Discount amount, if available.
    • Other: (DiscountPercent / 100) * PowerValueExt, if DiscountPercent is available.
    • Otherwise: 0.
  • if not discount: 0
PowerValueExtAfterDiscount.AsCurrency +
ExpensesExt.AsCurrency + ExpensesExt.AsCurrency.

The value date calculates its value in the following order:

  • xCurrency Date
  • By (if system settings Consider To date for invoice Value Date to Yes).
  • Date
  • CreationDateTime
Amount of advance
VtcCurrency Amount of downpayments invoiced. Total net amount of advance invoice.
  • Invoice has been cleared: charge pre-advanceEffective
  • Invoice is open: Sum of all downpayments.Amountnet
VtcCurrency Differences in rounding when downpayments are deducted. No longer used.
AdvancesEffectiveWith VAT
  • If charged, take vrAdvanceEffectiveIncl.VAT. If vrAdvanceEffectiveIncl.Vatiszero (possible with converted data), add Gross Amount – Net Amount of all downpayment links.
  • If not charged, add Amountgross from all AdvancesLinks.
Advances Effective VAT
  • If charged, take vrAdvanceEffectiveIncl.VAT. If vrAdvanceEffectiveIncl.Vatiszero (possible with converted data), add Gross Amount – Net Amount of all downpayment links.
  • if not charged, sum amountGross from all advancesLinks.
  • For historical reasons. Total amount of possible downpayments for comparison with invoice total. Should no longer be used.
  • Total 'AmountOpen’ of all advances.
Advance VAT

Amount of VAT on downpayments invoiced: sum of advances invoiced. VAT amount

Invoice Total

An invoice total consists of Vatcode, VAT rate, revenue account and cost unit. A total is created for each combination. There are total benefits, total expenses and total expenses.    

VAT amount

This derived attribute is no longer used, instead Vatamountdiscount (incl. discount, persistent) should be used.

  • xMWSTamount, if set.
  • other:
    RoundCurrency(ValueExt.AsCurrency *
    AsCurrency / 100)
    **ValueExtWithVAT**: VtcCurrency.



Invoice is charged:

  • If: xBetragNetto set: Calculate gross amount from net amount:
    If downpayment.Netamount <> 0: xamountNet.Ascurrency / downpayment.Netamount.Ascurrency * downpayment.Grossamount.Ascurrency
    Otherwise: 0.
  • If: xBetragNetto not set:
    If advance.isNet: amount, but first a helper function determines whether it is the last, balancing advanceLink.
    Otherwise: amount.AsCurrency

Invoice is not charged: Calculation is done via the auxiliary function CalcVorschussBetragForLink .


Invoice is charged:

  • xBetragNetto if set.
  • Other: Calculation by Vorschuss :
    If downpayment.Isnet: amount.
    Otherwise: if downpayment.Grossamount <> 0: amount.Ascurrency / downpayment.Grossamount.Ascurrency * downpayment.Netamount.Ascurrency
    Otherwise: 0.

Invoice is not charged: Calculate the advance via the auxiliary function CalcVorschussBetragForLink .

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