Converts an existing folder to a root folder
Product line
Operating mode
Services & CRM
Budget & Phases
Resource Planning
Business Intelligence
Converts an existing folder to a root folder and appends it to the current user group for viewing.
The folder is moved to the root and is only visible to the current user group. It is removed from its original location.
The script must be executed on the user group that you want the root folder to be visible to.
The folder must be specified by the ID. You can view the ID by selecting Properties
on the folder with the right mouse button.
# coding: windows-1252 # #---Description: Make from a folder a root folder # Class: User Group # CondExpression: # ObjectScript: Y # ContainerScript: N # EventType: None # EventClass: # EventMembers: # ExtendedRights: N #---Converts an existing folder to a root folder and # appends it to the current user group. # The corresponding folder must be specified via the ID. #---07.03.2017, Vertec AG: created. def main(group): if not groupe.istypeof('UserGroup’): vtcapp.msgbox('This script must be executed on a user group’) else: ordnerid = vtcapp.inputbox('Vertec’,'Specify the ID of the folder you want to make a root folder’,'') try: folder = vtcapp.getobjectbyid(folderid) gruppe.persrooteintraege.append(folder) folder.parentfolder = None except: vtcapp.msgbox('No folder found with this ID’) main(argobject)