Config sets

Config sets for importing additional features

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Created: 02.03.2018
Machine translated
Updated: 30.05.2024 | Articles and terminology updated.

Additional features are imported into Vertec as an XML file in the form of config sets. An overview of the available additional features can be found here. Since config sets affect the entire Vertec, they can only be imported by an administrator.

Article overview:

Import config sets

In the Articles in question, the additional features can be downloaded via link and then imported into Vertec via the settings menu using the config set dialog:

With the button Importieren the downloaded config set can finally be selected and imported:

Note: In the Web App, the buttons are Neu and Bearbeiten not present, as it is a non-modal dialog that allows clicks into the Vertec tree, which cannot be mapped in the web app.

Plausibility Check

When importing, the config set is first checked for plausibility. The following conditions must be met:

  • Preconditions explicitly formulated in the config set are met
  • All listed external references are available
  • All internal aliases are unique
  • Members with references refer to defined aliases
  • Additional classes included in the config set are not yet available in the system
  • Custom items included in the config set are not yet available in the system

If errors occur, an error message is output and the config set is not applied. If there are no errors, the additional feature is imported and the corresponding objects are created in Vertec.

After importing a config set, it appears in the list of the config set dialog:

Apply config set via python

In Python, there is a method importconfigset() which accepts a config set as a string (or as a file).

Create config sets

To create config sets, the Config Set Builder is available in the cloud and desktop app. This allows the interactive compilation of additional features and exports the config set in the form of an XML file. To create a new config set, click on the button Neu in the Config Set dialog.

The config set builder opens:

It has the following fields:

Name of the config set. Since the config sets can be referenced to each other, make sure that they are unique names.
Author of the config set.
Free comment text for a more detailed description of the config set.
In this field you can enter requirements, references, settings and Updates. This text must be written in valid XML.

The following elements are supported:

  • ocl-requirement
  • version-requirement
  • ocl-reference
  • entryid-reference
  • system setting
  • before import
  • after-import

The individual elements are specified directly in the field:


The detailed structure of the XML for config set can be found in the article Config set xml.

Selected Objects

Vertec objects can be added or removed in this field. All objects included in the config set are listed here.

In order to include a specific object in the list, it is selected in the active Vertec window and then dragged into the field in the Config Set Builder via the + button or directly by drag&drop. In the case of hierarchical objects, the subobjects are automatically included. In the case of a folder structure, for example, only the parent folder has to be inserted. By multiple selection in a Vertec list and drag&drop several objects can be dragged into a config set at the same time.

To remove an object from the config set list, select it and click the - button.

List settings and object aliases

To include only the list settings of an object in the config set, right-click the option Listeneinstellungen anstelle von Ordner verwenden are selected. Only the list settings are exported, not the folder. In this case, however, the corresponding folder must already be present in the target system via the ID entry.

In addition, objects are given an alias and can be explicitly referenced within the config set or from another config set. Within a config set, an alias must be unique. The alias can be renamed by right-clicking on the object:

Existing objects

In certain situations, no new object is created for an object element in a config set, but the properties of an existing object are written.

  • If the object has an entry ID, the existing object is first searched for in the corresponding class and updated.
  • Special Class Settings: Normally, the existing object is searched based on the class name. However, this special handling does not apply to the class settings of Supplementary Classes – an error will be reported if the class settings of an existing additional class are changed. See also Handling Special Cases below.
  • Setting properties to their default value (e.g. string to empty string) on existing objects is not supported.
Use of entry ID

The Entry Id of Vertec objects is central to the handling of config sets. The Id entry identifies whether the object already exists in the target database or not.

Objects that are passed without an ID reference entry are created anew in the target system.

When creating a config set, when inserting an object, attention is paid to whether the parent folder (parent folder) has an ID entry. In this case, it is assumed that the parent folder already exists in the target system and the object can be created in it.

If an object, which is referenced with an entry ID, is not found in the target system, the import throws an error.

It is therefore important that all structural data (folders, link types) supplied by Vertec have an entry ID in Vertec or that an Entry id is set on each object.

Treatment of special cases

Supplementary Classes

If a specific additional class is to be configured as part of a config set, it must be ensured that it is not yet used in the target system. For this purpose, an appropriate Ocl requirement can be formulated.

Custom Fields

If an object with custom fields is added to a config set, the field values and the corresponding custom field definitions are automatically added. These do not have to have an entry ID, but are uniquely identified via class and name.

If the custom fields are located on a custom class, the reference is also entered directly. Here it must be ensured that there is not already another custom class with the same number in the target system, because the class is simply entered accordingly on the custom fields and would therefore be incorrectly linked.

If you want to transfer the class settings of the additional class as well, these must be added to the config set separately.

User Rights

Permissions cannot be transferred individually via config set, otherwise an error message appears like

Die Eigenschaft "Benutzer" von "ObjektRecht" verweist auf ein Objekt welches nicht im Config Set enthalten ist

Instead, the parent user group must be added to the config set. This will also export all their rights. Care must be taken that each right has an entry ID, otherwise it will be created several times during repeated import.


When passing MLStrings, not only the text in the up-to-date language is transmitted, but all specified languages including the native language introduced with this version.

This means:

  • If only one term is specified in the up-to-date language, the attribute is passed as a normal string. In this case, the import will continue to work with all versions.
  • In any other case (even if only a native term is specified), the specified languages are passed as mltext attributes. This element only exists from version 6.4, which means:
    • Previously created config sets can also be imported with newer Vertec versions
    • Config sets created from Vertec 6.4 onwards cannot be imported with older Vertec versions if more than one term is specified in the MLString attributes in the up-to-date language.

System Settings

If you want to write existing system settings or create new system settings, this must be done manually. The exact procedure is described in the article Config Set XML.

Custom links

From Vertec onwards, custom links can be created via Config Set.

For this purpose, both linked objects and the Custom Link Type must be present in the config set or must already be present on the target system with the correct Entry Id

Export config sets

By clicking on the button Export the config set builder creates an XML file that can be saved on the file system.

Edit config sets

To edit an existing config set, select it in the list and click on the button Bearbeiten (only desktop app and cloud app). This will bring you back to the config set builder where you can customize the config set as described and then export it again.

Advanced users can of course also customize the config set directly in the XML file, taking into account the described config set XML validity conditions.

This config set can then be imported into the target installation.

Remove/delete config sets

Config sets can either be removed or deleted in the config set dialog:

  • When removed, the objects remain in the system.
  • Deleting deletes all objects associated with the config set.

Select the appropriate config set in the list and click Entfernen.

The config set is removed from the list, but the objects remain in the system. The main purpose of removing config sets is to protect them from being deleted.
The config set cannot be reimported, otherwise the objects are duplicated. There is no way to add a config set to the list without creating the objects anew.


Right-click on the corresponding config set and select Löschen:

Attention! This operation deletes all objects created by the config set. If you have already worked with them, all changes made will also be lost. Adjustments to previously existing objects initiated by the config set will not be undone. To protect a config set from being deleted, it can be removed from the list (remove).