Sales root folder

Additional feature that creates a set of folders for sales

Product line




Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 02.07.2019
Machine translated
Updated: 30.07.2024 | New version with higher version requirement published.

This application is an Additional Feature. The corresponding config set can be found here.


This additional feature creates the root folder Sales with the following subfolders:

Search for offers

Sql folder for filtering offers Offered to the following criteria:

All open offers

Sql folder with a list of all offers with StatusAngebot.

Offers accepted

Sql folder with a list of all offers with StatusErteilt in the selected period.

Completed offers

Sql folder with a list of all offers with StatusAbgeschlossen in the selected period.

Rejected offers

Sql folder with a list of all offers with StatusAbgelehnt in the selected period.

Offered phases

Sql folder with a list of all offers with the Status activated by ComboBox. The list can be filtered by customer and project.

The list also shows the probability of the respective project phase, which can be entered on the phase in the Field Probability.

By specifying the probability, the value in the column Budget Honorare gewichtet calculated accordingly.

Sales activities

Sql folder with a list of activities of Type sales, with the following criteria:

Annual overview Fee budget Phases

List that can be filtered by year, in which all active phases are listed with the up-to-date status and probability.


Note: This folder will no longer be created. In existing installations, it can be deleted manually if necessary.

Contains all phases of the project with Status Offer, Granted or Completed with an end date in the specified interval. Thus, represents the expected average revenue over the period.


Next to the root folder Sales, a field is displayed by the config set on the project phases, in which the probability can be entered:

  • If the state changes to Erteilt or Abgeschlossen, the probability automatically becomes 100.
  • If the state changes to Abgelehnt, the probability automatically becomes 0.

In the folder Offered Phases, the project budgets are weighted accordingly.

Since this only makes sense on phases with status offer, the config set sets the system setting Status for new project phasesAngebot. If you do not want to use it this way, you can reset the system settings manually.

Requirements and Download

  • The Expert product line is a prerequisite for this feature.
  • The Budget & Phases module must be licensed.

Important information before importing can be found in the article Interesting facts about the additional features. Please note that Config Sets change data in Vertec, which may result in existing data being overwritten.

The exact import process can be found in the Articles about the config sets.

Download the additional feature with the following link:

Version Requirement Download Configset_rootsell.xml

The following objects are created by importing the config set:


Root folder Sales with the following subfolders:

  • Search for offers
  • All open offers
  • Offers accepted
  • Completed offers
  • Rejected offers
  • Offered phases
  • Sales activities
  • Evaluations
User groups
  •  User group : Controls the visibility of the sales folder.

The editors must be assigned to the appropriate user group.

Reports & Scripts
  • Event: Set probability on phase depending on status
Activity types
  • Activity type Offer
  • Activity type Sales
Additional fields and additional classes

  Class settings and page customizations for the ProjectPhase and Offer classes.

Translations A total of 3 translations are being created.