Additional feature for the procurement process with the Purchases module. Enables you to define procurement processes.
Operating mode
Cloud Suite
Services & CRM
Budget & Phases
Resource Planning
Business Intelligence
This application is an Additional Feature. The corresponding config set can be found here.
When importing this config set, the root folder Procurement including the folder structure for the procurement process is created. The following objects are created:
folder | description |
Open outlays |
Contains all unpaid outlays with appropriate filters. |
Outlays for approval |
Contains all open outlays that have not been approved. Settled outlays are not considered here. The outlay can be approved by activating the checkbox Approval. |
Approved outlays |
Contains all open outlays, as well as the indication of who approved the outlays when. Settled outlays are not taken into account here. |
Accounts payable in progress |
Contains all accounts payable without status Booked or Forwarded to the appropriate filters. |
Outlays excluding accounts payable |
Contains all outlays for which no creditor is assigned or entered outlays for which there is no receipt yet. |
Charged outlays |
Contains all settled outlays with date in the specified interval. Note: In order for the billed outlays to be visible on the project, the Show billed services and expenses setting must be activated in the project system settings. |
Gross margin Total projects |
Folder in the root folder Project Controlling under Evaluations, which contains not only the contribution margin for services, but also expenses and outlays. |
The purchasing process can be mapped in different ways. For example, the following variants are available:
Create an open outlays on the corresponding project. Select a Typ
, enter into the field Text
what is to be charged, a corresponding Betrag
, the Status
and a Lieferanten
on the Addresses page. The outlay is automatically stored in the subfolder Open outlays of the root folder Procurement, where, among other things, the StatusGeplant
, Bestellt
or Eingegangen
is shown.
In the subfolder Outlays for approval, the outlay can finally be approved by activating the “Approval” checkbox.
It will then appear in the Shared outlays folder. The status can be Bestellt
be amended.
As soon as the order arrives, a creditor can be Creditor entered in the User Rights folder (for entering accounts payable addresses, the user needs appropriate User Group Address Administrators, i.e. must be assigned to the user group Address Administrators). With the button Auslagen zuordnen
the corresponding outlay(s) can be assigned by checkbox:
After that, an invoice can be created on the project, on which the outlay can be charged. After charging, it appears in the Charged outlays folder.
Accounts payable without outlays, suppliers and outlays in projects can be viewed in the Evaluations folder.
In contrast to variant 1, the ordering user is placed and executed outside. Thus, the creditor is the first object in Vertec. After an approval process, the outlays are entered on the project. The goods receipt and the charging are ultimately the same in both variants.
Important information before importing the config set can be found in the article What to Interesting facts about the additional features. Config sets change data in Vertec, which can overwrite existing data.
The exact import process can be found in the Articles about the config sets.
Download the additional feature with the following download link:
Version Requirement | Download |
---|---| | Configset_purchase.xml |
The following objects are created by importing the config set:
folder | Procurement root folder with the following subfolders:
Folder Contribution Margin Project Total in the root folder Project Controlling under Evaluations. |
User group |
The editors must be assigned to the user group. |
Scripts |
Link types |
Translations | A total of 15 Translations will be created. |