License sales and service agreements

This additional feature complements Vertec with features for selling, managing and charging licenses and service agreements.

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Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

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Business Intelligence

Created: 27.07.2021
Machine translated
Updated: 27.11.2024 | New version published with version requirement

With the additional Additional Feature License Sales and Service Agreements, the sale of software licenses and the administration and billing of service agreements, such as maintenance or hotline contracts, can be mapped.

The corresponding config set can be found here.


By importing this config set, the additional class License products is created. Under Einstellungen> Fremdkosten> Lizenzprodukte name and manufacturer can be entered as free text.

In order to sell licenses or conclude service contracts, expense types must be created, on which the deposited license products can be selected. In this way, different types of contracts and licenses can be created for a license product, for example, in order to display scaled prices.

On display types, in addition to the licensed products, a Art are selected. The two types License Sale and Service Agreement are relevant to this config set and are imported automatically. For all other types of expenses, or those that have nothing to do with licenses or service agreements, the field remains Art Auslagentyp empty.

Expense types Service contract

The following fields can be filled in for the type Service contract:

  • Termination period: free text field for information only (terminations must be entered manually)
  • Billing interval : monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually
  • % of the license amount : This can be used to calculate the price of the service contract, e.g. 5 % of the license amount. However, the value can later be added to the service contracts.
    • Example: 5% of a license sale of 10,000 CHF results in a price of 500 CHF.
  • Consider discounts : When calculating the price from a license sale, it must be decided whether to use the discounted price or the original price as the basis.
    • Example: 5% of a license sale of 10,000 CHF minus a 10% discount, i.e. 9,000 CHF, results in a price of 450 CHF.

Expense types License sales

When selling licenses, the fields Product and Supplier can be filled in in addition to the code and text fields. Prices can be entered via the Internal and external unit price.

Entering license sales and service contracts

In order to sell or conclude a license or a service contract, a project must be created (and, if desired, an Offer). Therefore, the user must be assigned to the User Group Project Leader . A phase must also be created for the project, on which the Phase can be selected: Lizenzverkauf or Servicevertrag. All other phases have the type Dienstleistungen and cannot be used for license sales or service contracts.

Note: Existing list settings for the project phases and offer phases link types will be overwritten and cannot be restored. If necessary, back up your list settings using the Vertec excel file for copying lists.

Depending on the type of phase, on the phase in the New menu there are the entries Lizenzverkauf or Servicevertrag.

In the root folder Sales, annual overviews of sold licenses and service contracts are also available.

License sales

When selling a license, an individual designation can be entered in addition to the offer text.

The rates are applied from the expense type and can be overwritten if necessary. A percentage discount or discount amount can be applied to the sale price. After entering the quantity , the total amount is calculated.

Service contract

There are two ways to calculate the price of a service contract:

Calculation of quantity and price

In this calculation, the total amount is calculated from the quantity and the sale price. The price may be discounted.

Calculation of royalty amount

In this calculation, the checkbox must: Preis berechnen activated. You can then select the licenses from which the price should be calculated.

Depending on the type of expense, discounts on license sales are taken into account or not.

With one click on OK the field Calculation appears and the Total is entered.

Create an offer

This config set includes a report template with which offers for licenses and service agreements can be created and printed or sent. Create an offer on the project, assign the corresponding phases and select the option via Print Offerte für Lizenzen und Serviceverträge:

The offer is generated and opened as a PDF file. In addition, an Activity created is attached document which saves the offer as an attached document.


There are two scripts for invoicing licenses and service contracts:

  • Lizenzen verrechnen(creates a license invoice for a project)
  • Serviceverträge verrechnen(creates an invoice for all service contracts of a project)

These can be executed on the project, the phase or the corresponding license sale or service agreement.

Charge licenses

With the Charge licenses only those license sales that have not yet been charged are taken into account. An invoice will be generated on which the report Invoice licenses and service contracts can be printed. This will generate the invoice including the Qr code as a PDF document:

All generated invoices are also saved in the root folder invoicing under license invoices.

Charge service contracts

With the service contracts it is checked whether an invoice has to be created according to the billing interval (e.g. monthly or quarterly) and whether there has already been a charging for this billing period. If the start date falls in the billing interval, instead of a start date, the next full billing interval will be invoiced. If the end date falls in the middle of a billing interval instead of an end date, the complete billing period will still be invoiced.

Example: If the billing period is from 15.01. to 15.02. and billed monthly, only the entire month of February will be invoiced.

It is only invoiced in advance:

  • Monthly contracts are billed monthly for the following month.
  • Quarterly contracts are invoiced only once every three months. If the start date is July 1, the contract is invoiced only when the billing script is called with an invoice date in June, September, December and March.
  • Semi-annual contracts are only invoiced every six months. With a start date of July 1, invoicing is only invoiced when the billing script is called with an invoice date in June and December.
  • Annual contracts are invoiced only once every 12 months. With a start date of July 1, invoicing is only invoiced when the billing script is called with an invoice date in June.

If charging is carried out on a project or a phase, the contracts to be charged can be manually selected again: With a click on Serviceverträge verrechnen a dialog appears in which an invoice date can be entered and then the due contracts to be invoiced can be selected via the checkbox. For project lists and phase lists, all entries are charged without selection.

An invoice is then created on which the report Invoice licenses and service contracts can be executed via printing (see above). All generated invoices are also saved in the root folder invoicing under Invoices service contracts .

Service contracts for VAT changes

If the value-added tax changes as in Switzerland as of 01.01.2024, it must be divided in the case of service contracts that exceed the annual limit.

With Vertec version 6.7 and the use of the up-to-date config set, this is done automatically.

Customers who used the config set before 6.7 must update to the latest version of the config set after updating to Vertec 6.7.

On-premises customers Switzerland with Vertec versions before 6.7 still need to use the following additional config set (only runs with the older version of the Config Set License Sales and Service Agreements):

Additional config set for older config set versions for VAT change in Switzerland as of 01.01.2024

As a supplement to older versions of the Config Set License Sales and Service Agreements, this additional config set ensures that VAT is correctly allocated for contracts beyond the end of the year.

You can download it here: ConfigSet_VATChangesForServiceContracts.xml and import it.

A folder MwSt-Änderungen Serviceverträge appears under Einstellungen > Fremdkosten.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Under Einstellungen > Projekte > MwSt-Typen, enter a new VAT type with rate 8.1, which applies from 01.01.2024:
  2. In the folder Einstellungen > Fremdkosten > MwSt-Änderung Serviceverträge, enter under From VAT type the current VAT type, under To VAT type the new VAT type created under point 1, which applies from 2024 and as the date of 01.01.2024:

On the invoice, the amounts are then divided proportionally:

Report Invoice Licenses and Service Agreements

If you have been using the License Sales and Service Agreements additional feature for some time, you must change a row in the report definition so that the quantity can be displayed in decimal numbers on the report.

Under Einstellungen > Berichte & Scripts > Berichtsvorlagen in the license and service agreement invoice template, replace the row:

OclTextField("anzahl", "if ((anzahl > 0) and (not (rabattbetrag > 0))) then anzahl->round else anzahl.asnull endif"),

through the row:

OclCurrencyField("anzahl", "if ((anzahl > 0) and (not (rabattbetrag > 0))) then anzahl*100->round/100 else anzahl.asnull endif"),

There is no need to change the Word template itself.

Requirements and Download

  • The Expert product line is a prerequisite for this feature.
  • The Purchases module must be licensed.
  • The additional class28 may not yet be in use.

Important information before importing can be found in the article Interesting facts about the additional features. Please note that Config Sets change data in Vertec, which may result in existing data being overwritten.

The exact import process can be found in the Articles about the config sets.

Download the additional feature with the following link:

Version Requirement Download Configset_license sales and service contracts.xml

The following objects are created by importing the config set:


Root folder Sales with the folder License Sales and Service Agreements and the following subfolders:

  • Licensing and Service Agreements
    • Projects License Sales and Service Agreements: Includes all projects that include licenses or service agreements.
    • License Sales: Contains a search folder for license sales. (No new license sales are created here, they are created over the phase.)
    • Service contracts: Contains a search folder for service contracts. (No new service contracts are created here, they are created over the phase.)
    • Annual overview of sold licenses and service contracts : Here you can look up the turnover generated by the respective service contracts and license sales.

Root folder invoicing with the subfolders license invoices and invoices service contracts.

Folder Purchases in the root folder settings with the following subfolders:

  • Types of expenses
  • Licensed products

Folder license invoices and invoices service contracts in the root folder invoicing.

User groups
  • User group Folder access Sales
  • User group Folder access Invoicing

The editors must be Assigned user groups to the corresponding Project Manager. In addition, the assignment to the group project leader is mandatory in order for projects to be created.

Reports & Scripts
  • Report Volage: Offered licenses and service contracts
  • Report Volage: Invoice licenses and service contracts
  • Script: calculate_price_from_licences
  • Script: Charge licenses
  • Script: module_licences
  • Script: New purchasetypephaselink
  • Script: Charge service contracts
  • Script: tmp_tag_new_purchasetypephaselink
  • Event: Delete licence invoice
  • Event: Purchasetype changes on purchasetypephaselink
  • Event: Value changes on purchasetypephaselink
Link types
  • Outlays – sales
  • License sale – phase
  • Project – Phases
  • Offer – Phases
  • Phases – Expense types
  • Phase – Service contracts
Custom fields

A total of 19 custom items are created.

Class Settings

Class settings and page adjustments for the supplementary class28, project phase, expense type and expense type assignment.