This feature imports a sample project template that can be used by project leaders after creating a new project
This feature helps you save time. First of all, when creating projects, because it imports an example of a project template that you can easily select after creating a project and customize to your needs.
The highlight: You can create individual project templates for different project requirements and then adapt them to an industry or a specific project. Depending on the project template selected, the project structure is then transferred to the new project.
The use of “project templates” is particularly useful if you work with recurring project structures. Since the phases and services you have entered are automatically applied and assigned to the template, you do not have to manually re-enter content for each project. This saves you valuable time, not only when creating a project, but also in the medium term in terms of optimizing your internal processes.
To use this additional feature, the Vertec product line “Expert” is a prerequisite. In addition, users who want to apply project templates must have at least the right project leader.
Loading the configuration does not create a new root folder, instead the following objects are created:
A detailed description and download can be found in the Knowledge Base article Additional Feature: Project Templates