Neue Services für unsere Kunden: Vertec Kundenportal und Vertec Forum
Ab März 2021 bieten wir unseren Kunden zwei neue Services an: das Vertec Kundenportal und das Vertec Forum.
Das Kundenportal wird die digitale Schnittstelle zwischen Vertec Kunden und Vertec. Zu Beginn ermöglichen wir das Verwalten von Cloud Abo Lizenzen und das Freischalten von Zugängen für das Vertec Forum. Es werden weitere Funktionen folgen, wie zum Beispiel das Bereitstellen von Rechnungen und das Erstellen von Backups (für Cloud Abo Kunden).
Das Vertec Forum ist eine Plattform für den Austausch zwischen Vertec Kunden, der Vertec Gruppe und den Vertec Vertriebspartnern. Wir wollen damit einen Ort für angeregte Diskussionen zu Anwendungsfällen, Customizing und diversen Fragen rund um Vertec bereitstellen. Mitdiskutieren können alle Personen, die einen aktiven Account im Kundenportal haben. Lesen können alle Besucher, auch ohne Login.
Um Ihnen den Start in die neuen Services zu erleichtern, haben wir die wichtigsten Fragen und Antworten zusammengestellt.
FAQ Vertec Kundenportal
The functionality differs depending on whether you use Vertec as a Cloud Suite or On-Premises.
Cloud Suite
- Buy Cloud Suite Subscription
- Reduce licenses, e.g. from 15 to 14 users
- Manage Cloud Suite subscriptions, e.g. switch from Standard to Expert, purchase more modules
- Cancel Cloud Suite
- Add more Customer Portal users
- Buy licenses
- Order services (only for initial order)
- Order additional users and modules
- Add more Customer Portal users
For more information on the different options and detailed instructions on how to proceed, please visit our Knowledge Base.
Please go to and click on the link provided to reset your password.
Yes, basically all Vertec customers can use these services.
The number of active Forum users is managed right in the Vertec Customer Portal. This means at least one active user of the Vertec Customer Portal is required to be able to access the Vertec Forum. This can be, for example, the Vertec contact person of your company (administrative contact). Additional Users in the Vertec Customer Portal can then be added via the administrative contact. All active users in the Vertec Customer Portal can automatically log in to the Vertec Forum.
FAQ Vertec Forum
Employees of all Vertec customers, this of course includes customers of Vertec sales partners, can participate actively.
All visitors can read along, even without a login. Persons with an active 30-day trial period have access to the Vertec Customer Portal, however no access to the Vertec Forum. The latter is only available for Vertec customers.
The number of active Forum users is managed right in the Vertec Customer Portal. This means at least one active user of the Vertec Customer Portal is required to be able to access the Vertec Forum. This can be, for example, the Vertec contact person of your company (administrative contact). Additional Users in the Vertec Customer Portal can then be added via the administrative contact. All active users in the Vertec Customer Portal can automatically log in to the Vertec Forum.
Logging in to the Vertec Forum requires at least one active user in the Vertec Customer Portal. If you have one, you can log in at Click on “Login” in the upper right corner, then hit Vertec customer login.
You will then be redirected to the login page of the Vertec Customer Portal. Once you have entered your login credentials to the Customer Portal, you are logged in to the Vertec Forum.
If you are already logged in to the Customer Portal in the same browser, registration works without being redirected to the login page.
Your username in the Vertec Forum uses information from the Customer Portal and follows the structure First Name, Last Name (Company name). If you change your first or last name in the Customer Portal, your username in the Forum will also be updated. However, you must first log out of the Forum and then log in again for the changes to take effect.
To edit your profile content, click the avatar icon in the top right corner, then click "Edit Profile".

Editing cover image and avatar
Use the features highlighted in the screenshot to edit the cover image and avatar. The avatar will be shown wherever you are active in the Forum.

Editing the "About me" section
Below the cover image and avatar, you will find several fields available for editing the "About me" section. Here, you may make optional amendments.
The Vertec Forum offers various options for notifications. You can open them by clicking on the avatar icon in the top right corner and then clicking on Notifications.

The green and red bells indicate notifications within the Forum. Likewise, you can be notified immediately or summarized daily by email for certain events.