Software development
«An integrated system with standardized processes for all our national subsidiaries not only makes work easier, but also increases efficiency.»
Amadeo Vergés, Head of Application Management and Partner (until end of August 2024)
Field of activity: Product and software engineering, management consulting, start-up financing
Headquartered in Switzerland with subsidiaries in Germany, Great Britain, Austria, Serbia, Bulgaria, Portugal, Singapore, Hong Kong and Vietnam
Founded: 1968
Vertec Services & CRM incl. all apps,
Budget & Phases, Business Intelligence, Purchases, Resource Planning
Zühlke Engineering AG, deputized in various countries, develops software solutions and product innovations for the most diverse needs: electronic payment transactions, machine controls, embedded systems. Many projects are internationally linked, which means complex and volatile.
«An integrated system with standardized processes for all our national subsidiaries not only makes work easier, but also increases efficiency.»
When projects have to be managed in several countries, the coordination effort increases rapidly. Efficient ERP systems are essential, especially since these projects run quickly and therefore require fast and accurate reporting.
Entering, billing, and posting services internationally is no easy task: It requires consistent solutions so that employees from different departments in different countries can enter and file the same services in the same location. In addition, the country-specific financial accounting systems must be adapted and linked – for example, to allow automated cost accounting for all countries. A high demand!
“Uniform processes and strategic controlling are essential at Zühlke,” says Amadeo Vergés, Head of Application Management and Partner at Zühlke. “An integrated system with standardized processes for all our national subsidiaries not only facilitates work, but also increases efficiency and enables the strategic growth of our group of companies.” Vertec is the answer to Zühlke’s ERP and CRM problem: All the company’s heterogeneous applications in companies at home and abroad have been replaced by Vertec.
Closely linking ERP and CRM brings huge benefits: Thanks to centralized data entering and storage, project teams and sales teams not only have the same information immediately and continuously, but also the most up-to-date information. A real advantage for complex and volatile projects.
«We value Vertec as an equal partner – not only for the service, but also for the customer benefit.»
Benchmarking as the key to proactive management: The integration of service entry, CRM, project management, invoicing, Business Intelligence and financial accounting allows all business processes to be presented transparently, allowing managers to analyze them at any time. Amadeo Vergés: “Today, with Vertec, we are implementing requirements that would never have occurred to us when we first introduced Vertec more than 11 years ago.”