Commercial law firm
«Vertec offers an efficient software solution that can be optimally adapted to our requirements.»
Moreno Bellido, Head of Operations Walder Wyss AG
Field of activity: Commercial law firm, specialized in selected sectors (financial services, trade and industry, etc.) and selected product groups (labour law, corporate finance, etc.)
Found: 1972
Employee: lawyers and tax experts, other employees in specialist or support functions
Vertec Services & CRM incl. all apps,
Budget & Phases, Business Intelligence
Over the past 40 years, Walder Wyss has become one of the leading Swiss commercial law firms. The implementation of Vertec was a business milestone.
«The evaluations with Vertec provide us with valuable insights for strategic planning.»
Walder Wyss combines tradition and dynamism. The law firm was founded in Zurich in 1972 and has grown steadily ever since. Today, with 260 legal experts, it is one of the largest law firms in the Zurich area. The firm owes its success also to its ability to respond quickly and professionally to the constant developments in the economic and legal environment. Walder Wyss’ customers include numerous national and international companies and organizations. Today, they focus on very different issues than they did 40 years ago.
Since the company was founded, the organization of its own workflows has also undergone radical change. Instead of typewriters and accurately sharpened pencils, accounting has shifted to computers, and the informal distribution of cases in the law firm has given way to complex coordination of personnel resources. An important milestone in this development was the year 2000, when Walder Wyss decided to renew and standardize the then inconsistent hardware and software.
Walder Wyss evaluated several business software solutions and ultimately chose Vertec as a software for law firms. Moreno Bellido, who was responsible for the implementation of the new IT solution, cites several reasons for this: “On the one hand, our employees can use the program easily and efficiently, and on the other hand, it is a comprehensive controlling tool”. Thanks to Vertec, the Management Team can carry out a detailed evaluation of the progress of the business at any time and thus has a good basis for strategic planning.
Many processes are based on tailor-made workflow solutions that are integrated into Vertec. In 2012, Walder Wyss reached another milestone with the implementation of the integrated Vertec CRM. Using Vertec, Walder Wyss has a seamless integration of marketing and sales in their client business.
Office Manager Moreno Bellido also praises the good personal contact that characterizes the collaboration with Vertec. He also appreciates the fact that Vertec adapts the software to the firm’s specific needs and, if necessary, integrates additional features. Vertec, for example, can check with the data of all ongoing projects whether a new assignment could lead to conflicts of interest with existing cases.
«We greatly appreciate Vertec’s great commitment and quick response times.»